Chapter 29 - Kiyoshi's Uncle

Later at 11 in the morning, the train had arrived at Tokyo, and it opened its doors. Kiyoshi and Daku then get off the train and walked on the platform. Once they had exited the station, a car had pulled over and a window was rolled down. It was Kiyoshi's uncle.

"Hello, Kiyoshi-kun," he greeted him positively.

"Hi there, uncle," Kiyoshi greeted him back. Did" "Did you received my text message?"

"Yes, I did," replied his uncle back. "Well, today is my day off, and I'm here to pick you up." He then noticed Daku behind Kiyoshi and asked Kiyoshi, "Um, is that your friend over there?"

Glancing at Daku for a few seconds, Kiyoshi answered back with positive confidence, "Yes, there is this is Daku Kamada, my friend."

"Um, nice to meet you," Daku slowly greeted Kiyoshi's uncle.

"Well, nice to meet you, too, Daku," replied Kiyoshi's uncle back. "Hop in."

And so, Kiyoshi placed his and Daku's belongings at the back of his uncle's car and he and Daku then hopped in and drove off.

Along the way, Daku saw the wonders of Tokyo, and Kiyoshi's uncle asked him he had ever been in Tokyo.

"Um, no actually," answered Daku back honestly. "I'm from Hiroshima."

"Ah, I see," Kiyoshi's uncle responded back. "Well welcome to Tokyo."


Not long after, they had arrived at Kiyoshi's uncle's house. They then parked the car and they all get off the car and Kiyoshi unloaded their belongings. And then, Kiyoshi's aunt came out and greeted them from the front door.

"We're home, honey," Kiyoshi's uncle responded back as he holds a plastic of groceries. "I bought some groceries, and Kiyoshi and and his friend are here as well."

"Kiyoshi is here?" Kiyoshi's aunt responded back in mild shock.

"Yes, and his friend was here as well."

"Oh, nice to meet you, Daku."

"Um, hi," Daku responded back a bit coldly.

Noticing this aura of darkness, Kiyoshi's uncle asked Kiyoshi about Daku's attitude.

"Oh, he's not good at socializing," Kiyoshi gave a reason behind Daku's cold attitude.

"Okay, and why is he wearing those clothes?" Kiyoshi's aunt raised a question.

"Oh, I think he likes it in that way."

"Ah, I see."

Inside the house, in the living room, Kiyoshi asked his uncle, "So, where's Sakura-chan anyway?"

"Oh, she's at her part-time job," his uncle answered back. "But for now, she's working full-time this summer vacation."

"Oh, okay then."

Shortly thereafter, Kiyoshi's aunt served them with hot tea, asking them, "Would like some hot tea?"

"Oh, um, thanks," Daku accepted the offer in response. He then took a sip of it before relaxing on the sofa.

Kiyoshi then get one cup and took a sip of it as well.

And then, Kiyoshi's uncle asked him and Daku, "So, what brings you two here in Tokyo?'"

"We're here to pay you a visit," Kiyoshi positively answered back. "We'll be leaving in two days."

"Why not more? You had an entire summer break to stay here."

"Sorry, but I had work to do. I promised my employer that I'll be back in two days."

"Oh, okay. That's why."

Later at lunch time, the Ishizaki family and Daku are at the dining table eating their delicious meal. Kiyoshi then told his relatives about Daku's background and murder of him. The couple was shocked to hear that, and Daku apologized to them, "I'm sorry for what I did to him. But, he was well and alive."

"It's okay, as long as he was still alive," Kiyoshi's uncle responded back.

"We thought we would never know who was responsible for this," Kiyoshi's aunt added in concern, "but it's actually you?"

"Yes, that's right. I'm sorry again."

"You don't have to apologize again, Daku-san," Kiyoshi told him. "I forgive you for that."

"Well, Kiyoshi-kun is a forgiving person you know," Kiyoshi's uncle told Daku.

"Yes, his mother taught him that," Kiyoshi's aunt added.

"Oh, okay then. Kiyoshi-kun told me that."

This follows with a short silence.

"So, you guys booked a hotel here in Tokyo?" Kiyoshi's uncle asked breaking the silence.

"No, we are here to stay for two days," Kiyoshi positively responded back. "Is it that okay?"

"Yes, that's okay. You may sleep either in the living room or at our guest room."

"I'll be sleeping in the living room," Daku replied boldly.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, you know, to give you some privacy."

"I see. Okay then."

Later in the afternoon, Sakura Ishizaki, Kiyoshi's cousin, came home from work, only to see Kiyoshi and Daku hanging out in the living room. But, she's a tsundere and doesn't like Kiyoshi a lot.

"Welcome back, Sakura-chan," Kiyoshi greeted her back upon seeing her.

"Whatever," Sakura responded back coldly.

But, this pisses Daku off, who considered Kiyoshi as the only person he can talk to, and he eventually cornered Sakura to the wall and pressed his right hand against it.

Sakura was a bit terrified by it then, and Daku asked her with intimidation, "How dare you say that in front of my Kiyoshi?"

Looking at him angrily, Sakura retorted back, "It's none of your business, weirdo."

"Oh, yeah? What do you know about Kiyoshi-kun, huh?"

This scene causes Kiyoshi to intervene and asked them, "Guys, what are you two doing?"

Meanwhile, Sakura's parents are out shopping for some supplies.

"I'm protecting you from this cold beast," answered Daku back to Kiyoshi.

"Will you stop intimidating her?" Kiyoshi begged him in response. "She's just not liking me at all, okay? She doesn't like me and I'm used to it!"

Hearing these words from his friend, Daku eventually stopped intimidating Sakura and apologized to her for his rude actions.

"What is wrong with you?" Sakura rudely asked Daku in response.

"You too as well, Sakura-chan!" Kiyoshi gave her a scolding.


Sakura then grabbed her purse and went upstairs.

After that, Kiyoshi bowed his head towards Daku and said, "I'm very sorry for my cousin's attitude. It's just, she doesn't like me at all, and we don't get along at all."

Kiyoshi then get up from bowing. Understanding his words, Daku responded back, "It's alright. I just overreacted a bit."
