Chapter 31- Deja Vu

(Daku's pov)

I do remember someone with a green hair.

(Flashback to 11 years ago)

I was playing in the playground after school when a bunch of mean kids came to me and beatbox me up. They then called me with mean, harsh words that hurt me mentally and emotionally.

But, someone with that green hair shouted at them for bullying me, and gave them a good scolding. Although he was younger than me, he was mentally stronger than me.

And then, the mean kids got tired of his scolding and eventually left the playground. After that, that kid ran towards me and give me a hand while asking, "Are you okay?"

I then accepted his offer of a hand and answered back, "Yes, I'm fine."

We then sat on the turntable and had a conversation.

"What's your name?" the boy asked me.

"Oh, Daku Kamada," I answered back.

"My name is Kiyoshi Ishizaki," the boy, turned out to be none other than Kiyoshi Ishizaki, responded back happily. "Nice to meeting you."

After that, Kiyoshi asked me, "So, how are you today, Daku-senpai."

"How did you know I am older than you?" I asked back in response.

"I can tell by their height. You seemed to be taller than me."

"Yes, that's true. I'm 9 years old. And you?"

"7 years old."

"I see."

And then, my older sister came to me and gave me a bad scolding for being late.

But then, Kiyoshi became sensitive and defensive of me and gave my sister a good scolding for saying such things towards me.

But, my older sister disregarded his scolding and pulled my hand and walked away with me. As we were walking away, I looked back at Kiyoshi, who are waving his hand towards me in saying goodbye. Looking at that brave, younger boy, I turned my head back.

(Flashback ended)

(Third person pov)

When they reach the highest point of the Ferris Wheel, Daku asked Kiyoshi again, "Do I know you before?"

Kiyoshi then looked at him and responded back, "Excuse me?"

Daku then asked for the third time.

"I'm not sure," answered Kiyoshi back while thinking, "but I did saved someone with magenta eyes."

Then, Kiyoshi realized something, and he asked Daku, "Wait a minute, is that you with magenta eyes who got bullied by some mean kids?"

"Yes, that's me," answered Daku back. "Are you the one? The one with green hair?"

"Yes, that's me and…"

Kiyoshi then gasped in realization and he said to Daku, "Wait! It's actually you!"


"You're that kid who was quiet and shy to other kids!"

"Wait a minute, you're that kid with the green hair who saved me back then!"

With those in mind, both men looked at each other positively, before smiling to each other and said to each other simultaneously, "Welcome back."