Chapter 32 - Picnic

Third person pov

Later, at 6:09 p.m., Kiyoshi and Daku went back to Kiyoshi's uncle's house to have dinner with Kiyoshi's uncle and his family. At the dinner table, Kiyoshi told his uncle and his family about his day and trip to Tokyo with Daku, in every detail.

"Wow, it seems that you're having fun with him," Kiyoshi's uncle commented delightfully.

"Yes, and we suddenly remember each other," Kiyoshi replied back.


"We actually meetingd each other since childhood," Daku explained.

"I did not know that."

"Yeah, sorry, our memories didn't work out very well. It's just when that happened was so long time ago."

"It's alright. At least, you two had reunited. You should have celebrated about that."

"Yeah, no thanks. I had limited funds."

"I see."

Later, at the guest bedroom, while Daku was downstairs on the sofa at the living room, Kiyoshi was writing about his trip and day with Daku, in every detail, using his 0.5-millimeter, black gel pen. He was humming happily while listening to music in his smartphone.

"Man, today had a discovery of a lifetime," he thought in his mind. He then opened his blue highlighter and made a diagonal line across the ink-filled page, before capping the said highlighter.

After some time, he closed his journal, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

The next day, while Kiyoshi's uncle was at work, Kiyoshi and Daku are at the park gazing at a lake. The atmosphere around them was so good and calming, with people in the distance doing their own thing.

"Man, this is so relaxing," Daku said to Kiyoshi. "I never felt so relaxed before."

"Yeah, it is," Kiyoshi responded back. "I loved this type of scenery. It's one of my favorite themes in my stories."

Looking at Kiyoshi, Daku asked back, "Stories? Like a nopvelist?"

"Yes, I want to be a novelist," Kiyoshi replied back positively.

"What kind of stories do you write?"

"Mostly classical and psychological thriller."

"I see. That's strange."

"Nah, I just feel like it."

After some time, they both sat down on the picnic blanket and started eating their snacks, which consisted of onigiris, croissants, and a couple of muffins. Their drinks are, of course, mineral water.

"So, Daku-san," Kiyoshi asked Daku, "how's your life being abused?"

"Well, it's hell for me," Daku replied back while eating.

"I see. I understand how you felt. I felt a similar pain within me when my parents died."

"Oh, I think we had something in common now."

"Yeah, you are right. We do have."

Kiyoshi then smiled at Daku in response.