Chapter 33 - Shopping with Daku

Kiyoshi's pov

Later after we packed up our picnic items, me and Daku went back to my uncle's house to drop those items before going out again to a mall to buy some stationery items using the money I had been saving up for the past month prior to our summer vacation. Later at the department store of the mall, me and Daku are at the Stationery section browsing for some stationery items like pens, pencils, and notebooks. Recently, I ran out black and blue-inked pens and red highlighter, so it's the perfect time for me to restock my collection. Daku was silent and neutral at this. Looking at him with concern, I asked him if he likes stationery too.

"Not really, Kiyoshi-kun," Daku replied back with a monotone voice. "I'm not into these things."

"I see," I responded back. I then smiled and continued, "Well, I'll give you some pens and notebooks so you could start writing about your days."

"Is that okay?" Daku asked back with doubt.

"Of course," I replied back, "with pen and paper and as long as it is private, no one will find out your secrets."

"I see. Well, I'll give it a try, I guess."

"Great! I'll give you some recommendations shortly after I choose mine."


Not long after, I picked up 2 set of colored gel pens in red, black, and red, 2 highlighters in red, 2 A5-sized, plastic-covered, spiral-bound, blue notebooks with an elastic band, and a set of colorful washi tapes, and tossed them into the shopping cart. After that, I gave Daku some recommendations in what pen and notebook he should get. Daku seems to agree with me without any questions, and he picked up the stationery items with the brands I recommended to him. And it seems that Daku was slightly happier than ever, which makes me happy as well.

Later after that, we went to the cashiers to pay for our purchases. While walking, I mentally calculated the possible total price of our purchases because I will pay for it using my money. Not long after, the cashier scanned our purchases for their prices while we waited. 1 minute later, the cashier said to us, "That'll be 10,700 yen, please."

In response to that, I get my wallet from my bag, get some money, and gave it to the cashier.

Receiving the money, the cashier put it into the cash register, print the receipt, and placed all of our purchases into a paper bag. She then teared the receipt clean, stapled it on the paper bag, and gave it to me, saying, "Thank you for shopping."

Receiving the paper bag, I responded back nicely and politely, "Thank you so much."

I then looked at Daku, who was scrolling in his phone, and said, "Let's go, Daku-san."

Daku then looked at me, and replied back, "Okay."

Me and Daku then left the department store.