Chapter 27 - Celebration

Meanwhile, Kiyoshi was anxiously waiting for Daku to come out of the office when Daku came to him and told him of the good news of being given a job.

Overjoyed by this, Kiyoshi stand up and congratulated him, suggesting to him that they should go to a ramen restaurant to celebrate this new phase in Daku's life.

"Okay, you will pay?" Daku responded back.

Kiyoshi then nodded. "Yes, I will."

Later after that, Kiyoshi and Daku are having an early lunch at a ramen restaurant in the city, a few blocks away from the nearest train station. Once the ramen chef gave them their orders, Kiyoshi grabbed a pair of chopsticks, split them apart, and started eating, telling Daku to dig in and eat up. Daku obliged, grabbing a pair of chopsticks, split them apart, and started digging in, tasting the delicious and flavorful ramen. The atmosphere around them was not that busy.

"So, Kiyoshi-kun," Daku asked breaking the silence, "how's your childhood?"

"Oh," Kiyoshi answered back, "it's good...until my parents died in a plane crash."

"Oh, I didn't know that, sorry," Daku replied back in a little bit of concern.

"You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault."

"Sorry about that."

Kiyoshi's aura turned sad and dark during that conversation.

"But," Kiyoshi responded back, "your childhood was worse than mine. I can't believe people like that exist."

"Yes, and I did those atrocities because I am so lonely," Daku admitted with confession.

Luckily none of the customers nor the staff heard their private conversation.

"I see then," Kiyoshi replied back. "Well, luckily you got out of it thanks to me. Right?"

"Yes," Daku responded back with a slight smile, "thanks for everything."

And so, their friendship grew more and more.

After lunch, they went to their homes, with Kiyoshi resting for his shift at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

The next day, while Kiyoshi was at work, Daku started working at the construction site by lifting up sacks of construction material. The labor was hard, but Daku was fit physically for the job. He worked from morning to night just to earn for a living. Their lives are getting better and better.