Chapter 37 – Camping Trip with Kiyoshi and his Friends

Third person pov

A week had passed, and it's camping time for Kiyoshi and his friends. Daku wants to come with them, so he packed up his backpack and walked to a nearby bus stop where Kiyoshi and his friends are waiting.

At that bus stop, Atsushi commented how long they have to wait for Daku to arrive.

"Don't worry, Atsushi-kun," Kiyoshi reassured to him in response. "He'll come."

"But the bus will arrive at 10:20 a.m.," Sachio responded. "It's five minutes from now."

But, before Kiyoshi would respond, Daku arrived at the bus stop, greeting, "Hello, everyone.

They then looked at him, and Kiyoshi's friends are stunned to see his appearance being a bit too 'gothic'.

"Woah, is that the Daku you're talking about, Kiyoshi-kun?" Senichi asked Kiyoshi.

"Yes, that's him," Kiyoshi replied back. Then to Daku, "Hey, Daku-san! Morning! You made it."

"Yeah, you said we're going camping, right?" Daku replied back positively. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a dark grey hoodie, black pants, and brown leather shoes with shoelaces.

"Yes, we are," Kiyoshi responded back while glancing at his red digital wristwatch for a few seconds.

Then, Atsushi responded, "Wow, Daku-san, you look dark and scary."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," Daku replied back.

Just then, a city-style bus came to the bus stop and opened its doors.

Upon noticing it, Kiyoshi said to them, "Oh, there's the bus. Let's go."

His group did so, and they and Kiyoshi hopped in while swiping their bus cards, before taking some empty seats for themselves. The bus was barely filled though. After 2 minutes, the doors were closed, and the bus left the stop and towards its next stop.

Along the way, Senichi and Atsushi looked at the brochure one of them had while Sachio is sketching a landscape in her A5-sized sketchbook. Kiyoshi and Daku are next to each other and are way at the back of the bus. They are having a chat about the camping trip.

"So how long we will be in the woods outside of Hiroshima?" Daku raised a question.

"For only 3 days," answered Kiyoshi back. "We will be back at Saturday afternoon."

"I see. Well, I hoped this summer vacation would be memorable."

Kiyoshi then smiled at him, and responded, "Yes, it will be, so you would forget all that trauma you have."

Later, at 11:44 a.m., the bus had arrived at a bus stop at the mountain forests, and the doors are open. Seeing the stop, Kiyoshi and his group grabbed their belongings, stand up, swiped their bus cards once more, and get off the bus, before the bus would close its doors and left.

Once the bus had left, they looked at the forest away from the bus stop.

"We're here, guys," Kiyoshi said to them. "This is it. This is where we will make our camp."

"Over there?" Daku asked while pointing at the trees.

"No, Daku-san, we will walk for about 3-4 minutes more deep into the forest to a nearby river from here," Senichi responded.

"I see."

They then all started walking through the forest and away from the bus stop as their chats about the possibilities deteriorate with distance.