Scrap, there is no way!

"Sit still sparkling" Ratchet grumbled when Luna for the twentieth time started to move on the bench as he was working on her, the sparkling did not want to sit still anymore.

"But Carrier," the sparkling complained in an energetic voice once more, and Ratchet looked down at her with a stern gaze, muting any more complaining for the time being.

Luna crossed her arms in an irritated manner, something she, without any doubt, had had to pick up from him. Luna did not like to sit still even if it was for getting new programs, why did it take so long? She had been there like a bream already. She began to kick lightly with her legs, which with soft strokes hit the bench under her. Ratchet felt Luna's irritation throw the bond and the underlying energy that resulted from it all; he sends a tender feeling back to her with amusement over her temper. Luna would not get what she wanted, no matter how much she tried and she knows this, Ratchet just pointed it out for her. Again.

Ratchet needed to get this last program installed and done, but the sparkling was making it much harder than it had to be as she always was moving. If it had been someone else, Ratchet would have already hit his complaining patient with one of his wenches, femme or not, and ordered her to sit still, but he would not use a wrench on his creation. Not yet at least, she was a few vorns young for that. But as Luna now was quiet and was putting all her energy in kicking her legs over the edge of the bench in soft motions. As Luna had grown some more now, her frame and processor was more adept and acceptable to have new programs installed in her system. Ratchet was right now activated the EM field and the comm. Links program, also some program that let her take in more data transfer from another bot would be in this update. Ratchet also took the opportunity to update her antivirus program to the best that he had, and with help from Jazz, it was the newest software so that she could not get any strange bugs or virus in her systems. But she was not getting anything that she could send out, only to be able to take in information from different sources.

Luna had now dropped her irritation and started to hum softly on a tune that she had heard with Jazz some cycles ago. It was an old nursing song, and she loved that soft tunes and with a beautiful ring to the words. For an astro-second she looked up at her carrier, afraid that he would not let her hum but when he just concentrated on the update, she took it as a permission to continue. She had to try to make the time go faster so she could get out and play with the other bots that were off duty, she knew that both bee and Sides were free for the rest of the cycle.

As he worked, Ratchet could easily recognize the song as one of the most popular nursing songs that had been played in the golden days on Cybertron. He would soon be done with this last update, so he let her hum along. After some kliks, Ratchet stopped in his work and looked down at the sparkling and smiled as he now was finished. He closed the plantings in the sparklings neck and pulled out his transfer cable from her port and let that one back in place.

"there you go, good femmling" he praised her and Luna looked up at him with a big grin, she loved to make her creators happy with her. Then her optics dimmed as she started to look at the new programs that her carrier had put in her processor and she could see the progress on her main screen that the programs had started the installation on its own accord. The configuring process would take some time for her processor to adapt too, and for the newest applications to come online, she would get into a force recharge for a short time. This for her processor to reboot and adapt the new programs into her systems and to update the ones that were already functional.

Luna smiled up at Ratchet, where she now stood on the bench and looked up at him; she had to bend her helm back a long way to look up at his face from her place. The small sparkling looked at him with a scrutiny glace. Both her Carrier and Sire was so big! But the biggest one in her family was definitive Optimus. She loved all the Autobots in her family, they were all one big family in her opinion, they all were so lovely to her, and she liked playing with them all, and of late she had started to climb their frames. Luna was so delighted the first time she successfully climbed up her creator's more prominent structure, all the way to their shoulders where she had seen so far away! When she was a big bot, she wanted to be as tall as they were, but now she only went to most of the bots ankles. She had started to get more blue highlighted plantings on her shoulders, wrist and knees joints there it was now more sensitive cables as she was growing from. Luna would at least grow up to 6 feet in the next six orn, and after that, the growth would slow down and take much longer between the growth spurts, to her disappointment.

"Carrier?" Luna suddenly asked to get her creators, successfully gaining his attention "When I'm I gonna be a big bot?" she asked him.

Ratchet huffed slightly "Not any time soon sparkling, sorry," he said and looked over at her where she stood and looked at him "Why do you ask?"

When the sparkling had something on her processor, it was always something different from what others may have thought and something that was very amusing to see her point of view and this time did not disappoint him at all.

"Wanna see far away."

Ratchet gave away a low chuckling; she never did disappoint him with her explanations of her view on things. Never.

"You can do that anyway," Ratchet told her as he brought down a hand and brought her up to his facial structure and Luna giggled joyously when he did. Her carrier was right; she could sit on every bots shoulder and look far away, maybe not the twins, or Bumblebee, or Jazz. Luna stopped her thoughts and cocked her helm to the side, huh they had a lot of small bots in their family, poor them.

"Carrier, why Bee, Jazz, Sides, and Unni small?" Luna asked him as she was held in his arms "They grow some more?"

Ratchet chuckled at the innocent question, and he was once again astonishing of her way of processing different things.

"No sparkle, they will not" He answer her

"Why?" she asked as she put a hand on his cheek plate "Why not grow?"

Ratchet nuzzled her small hand against his nose and smiled, how to explain the difference in models to the sparkling?

"They were built like that, small and more agile to move around, build for speed, not for power" Ratchet tried to break down what different models could be like. He looked down at Luna with a soft gaze as she was processing the answer.

"Why you and sire big?"

"Because we are more build for power and strength," Ratchet said as he lowered her down into his arms as he saw that her optics started to dim, her system was slowly beginning to reboot. The small sparkling nodded at the answer, satisfied for the time being. As Lunas system started to go offline slowly, her programming demanded a full reboot process. She curled in a small ball in her carriers arms, and soon she had fallen in a light recharge as the first program started to come to life. The first one was an Electrical field program also known as an EM field, which was transmitting electro pulsing from within. It was a different field for each feeling, mood, or status of the bot in the request that was sent out to others to be felt. It was a program that was made for them to speak in silence without comm link or bonds. All bots had it, but some were better to pick up the EM signals then the others you could look at a bot, read the EM field and act from that. But then it also was a program that most cybetronian had uninstalled to accommodate more war-related applications. Luna's EM field could not be turned off right now and would be extremely raw the first few orns before she could learn how to control it and her emotion center completely. It would take Luna some time and practice to get used to have it and handle how she would send out impulse or receive them, but she was still an sparkling.

But that was normal for their young one's development. Ratchet could still remember all the younglings back on Cybertron that would sit (or lie down) together in a heap much like cyber kittens would do to keep them self warm. It had given them a secure feeling and stronger feelings of friendship. It was the ultimate trust as they would recharge like that, together and in their small world with each other, chairing EM fields, emotions, and flux dreams. By the Allspark as his witness, it had been an adorable sight to see, and Ratchet felt his spark pulse painfully with that thought that it all was lost. All the sparklings and younglings were offline; except for Luna, but there was nothing they could do to change that any time soon.

Sparklings needed the closeness and a stable emotion output to be stable in their framework, and with the EM field that was now started to transmit her emotion all over her frame Ratchet could not help to smile. Ratchet could pick up her feeling over their creation bond but now also from her field as waves of happened and satisfaction was rolling off her smaller frame as she had gone into a flux memory. Luna soon started to come online again and dimmed her optics as she looked up at her Carrier and made a cooing noise as she cuddled closer to his chassis not wanting to go online again right now.

" come on now sparkling, it is not time to recharge more now, it was only for the program to reboot," he said as he started to walk out from his med-bay and Luna gave away a low chirping sound as she did not want to wake up right now. Ratchet had now begun to walk to find his bonded that was currently in the training area with the terror twins. And what he could feel so was Ironhide beating them hard as the twins had been on edge lately and had a lot of energy that needed to come out, but it would only create more work for him.

~Don't give me more work Ironhide!~ Ratchet grumbled to his mate as he felt his satisfaction leaking throw their bond, a good hit then.

~Not more than they are asked for, I promise~

Ratchet huffed then, knowing his mate, only that statement would mean that he had a lot of work already on his plate, especially if it was the terror twins he was training. He could hear the sound of weapon collide in the training room, and as the door opened, Ratchet could see Ironhide in a heated fight with the yellow twin. They were now fighting both with swords and servos. Ratchet could see a lot of dents and small injuries on both of the mechs only by casting an experienced optic scan over them both.

Sunstreaker was holding his sword against Ironhide's gun this time, grinning as he did. He was a lot smaller than the red mech and build for speed. This close contact was a dangerous position for Sunstreaker to be in. But he used his narrow built and agility to escape from the pressing pressure that the more massive mech was lay on his rifle by swinging around his larger frame in a dancing movement. While Ironhide was built for strength and power, someone would think that this match was already set to be on Sunstreakers disadvantage, but it was not, Ironhide was the weapon specialist for a reason, but Sunstreaker was a front line. He was used to this, alone or with Sides by his side. He could be as deadly as any bigger bots in this war. Ironhide hit back and a loud clang.

" Come on! Put a foot in his turbocharger Sunny! Scrap him" Sides cheered energetically from the sidelines, hands tremble in energy that only begged to get out. He wanted to fight Ironhide soon too.

"No, don't do," Ratchet said in a determined voice as he walked inside, at the sound of fighting Luna had online her optics and looked up and over her Carriers arms, she recognized this place as the training area, she loved to see her Sire fight for fun. Her sire was the strongest and best of them all.

The first time Luna had come here, she had been freighting out of her frame. The loud noises and her family hitting on each other and making hard noises had made her scared, and they had to explain to her many time what happened in this room. Now the situation had been transformed into another adult game she could not wait to play!. Luna did not understand why they did not let her play it yet, but Bee had started to play a tag game with her, he chased her, and she had to avoid being caught by him at all cost. Sometimes even Sides had been in the game, and it had been epic! She looked at Sunny and Ironhide fight but then noted something else besides them and squealed delightedly as she saw one of her favorite bots sit on the side.

"Sides!" Luna cheered cheerfully at the red mech.

Ratchet looked to his right as Sideswipe came to them, a cheerfully grin on his mouth plates at the sparklings greeting of him. He loved her enthusiastically cheers; she was as loud as him sometimes.

"Hello there little Princess, how are you this orn?"

"Ah got upgrades!" Luna was smiling up at him and held up her arms for him to pick her up.

"You did? that is so awesome!" Sides asked and looked over to Ratchet as a silent question and held out his hands hesitatingly. He was still a little careful when it came to the Sparkling, not because Ratchet was still angry with them but because he wasn't always sure it was okay to hold her. But he loved to hold the sparkling; her emotions were so contagious that one could not help being happy in her vicinity

Ratchet looked over at Sides hesitantly, and he could feel his sparklings happiness over the red twin, how could he deny her that?. The first meeting was still fresh between them, but after that, the twins had been good with the sparkling. So, Ratchet let Luna jump from his arms into the new ones of the red frontline.

"One wrong move, or word and I will remodel you" Ratchet warned in good humor, but with a serious undertone to the red twin that only nodded and grinned like a fool as he brought Luna close to him so if she would do something he could catch her easily. Not that he needed it, the sparkling could climb up against most of them now and could stay put on their shoulders if required.

:: Optimus to Ratchet, I need your service in the med-bay, we have an injured bot::

:: Ratchet here, what has happened?::

:: We got three new mechas, one that is wounded, not bad but he needs to be checked up::

:: I'm on my way::

"The new arrivals are on the ship; I must tend to their need, can I trust you to keep an optic on Luna?" Ratchet asked Sideswipe that nodded in an affirmative

"Will do, when Sunny here it finishes we will go and get us some refuel."

"Don't call me that!" Sunny growled at the damn nickname his brother called him in, and his statement was soon to be followed by a shout of surprise and pain as Ironhide had taken that opportunity to hit him over his shoulder joints and cast him into the floor.

"Never take your optics of your opponent, friendly or not" Ironhide grinned, and Sunny got up growling as he throws himself tower the weapon specialist again with more beastly manners this time.

Ratchet looked over them and growled low in irritation at all the injuries they would have after this, why him? But he could not deal with them now; he had another to look after first.

"When you finished I expect you to come to the med-bay," he told the two mechas that did not acknowledge it, but he knows they had heard him.

Ratchet sends a pulse of love to the sparkling that smiled and waved her servos after him as he walked away from them.

"Bye, bye Carrier," Luna said, and as Sides started to caress her helm, she pressed herself into his touch and began to purr in pure blitz and attention.

Sides had lost his interest in the fight the second Ratchet had come in with the smaller sparkling in his arms and as he now was caressing her helm, making her purr and he could not help to think that she was adorable. Sides could feel the warmth electric feeling spread in his spark like that one time Sunny had held her and felt the shock. It made his spark hum and pulse with a hard sense of need and wants to protect and something else that made him shy away in pain? Fear?. He did not even know himself, but Pain in his spark was not a good thing, and it was a new feeling. It suddenly made him feel unease why was he feeling like that tower a sparkling, and why was Sunny feeling it too.

Sides had noticed that his twin in his practice had started to get distracted as soon Ratchet had come in. He could too feel the pain in their spark as the shock went through their system yet again, was it Ironhide that had hit him too hard and done some damage?. And then suddenly a horrible thought struck Sides, what if there was something wrong with their sparks?. As soon as the idea was in his processor Sunny slipped and it was the last mistake that cost him the match as Ironhide now had his gun against his helm.

"Helm in the game Sunstreaker," Ironhide said grinning satisfied "You still fight like one of the unicorns hell hounds was after your aft when you lose your temper" he grunted out and backed away from the irritated, and now growling, mech.

"I survived this long, so I know what I am doing old mech!" Sunstreaker said annoyed and glared at the older mech before he looked down on his frame, he looked like slag.

But for some reason, Sunstreaker was not so angry over his ruined paint, just annoyed, but what shocked him and Sides was more worrying. Maybe there was something seriously wrong with their spark?

~We should talk to Ratchet~ Sides said low over the bond but was only met with silence

"Come on your slaggers; we need to get to Ratchet before he decides to make a garbage can out of us," Ironhide said as he walked to Sides and his sparkling.

"Sire sad a bad word!" Luna said and giggled

"I did, did I?" Ironhide chuckled low "Don't tell your Carrier that alright? Or he never let me live for the end of this cycle," he said as he petted Luna's helm but let Sides continued to hold her when she wanted up to him.

"Look after her. Meanwhile, we are getting our repairs, alright?" Ironhide told the youngling and held the younger red twins gaze, and he did not have to say to him that if anything happens to his sparkling, Sides was a very scraped mech.

Sides nodded "Of course I will," he said and noticed Ironhides harden gaze "Sir" Sides then added with a grin, and Ironhide nodded and started to walk away.

"Sunni!" Luna cheered as the mech came to them and cooed happily as both her suns were there with her. She loved when she was with the twin, even if the yellow one did not like to have her close, or when she talked. Maybe she should paint him something so he could be a little bit nicer? And happier too!

Sunny comes up to them grumbling, he hesitated slightly but then he looked down at the sparkling and gave her helm a light tap, the sparkling purred happily at the movement and looked up at him like she had won a big price.

"Sunni good!" she said smiling "Ah can play too?" she wonders as the yellow twin looked down at her

"Play? do you mean the training?" he asked and looked up at his twin that shrugged

The sparkling nodded ecstatic, "Yes! play with shiny things!"

"Not for some time, no," Sunny said as he walked away from them

Luna sank in disappointed; she wanted to play with the shiny things too.

"Cheer up Princess," Sides said and poked her side and grinned as he felt her pushing him away and ad some of her now active EM field. So that was the programs that Ratchet had given her. He now poked her with his EM field that was entirely all around her now making the sparkling squeal in surprise and looked around for the source of the poking feeling. Sides started to laugh.

"Relax, it just me" he grinned and did it again and her optics widened in wonder, and she tried to do the same to him, and it was working, she could feel the red twins happiness, and that made her even more happy than before. Maybe she could not play that game any time soon, but she had so many more to play together with!

"When you two sparklings are ready, we should go and take in some energon," Sunny said as he stood in the door, waited for his twin to start to walk to him.

"I'm not a sparkling." Sides pouted slightly at his twin's word.

"Could have fooled me."

"I'm not!" he said now started to sulk making his twin raise his optic rim, clearly not so sure of that.

"If you say so."

"Are you going to go into the refueling hall like that?" Sides suddenly asked, smug over the fact that his twin had forgotten of his ruined paint job and small injuries. He looked like slag and knowing his brother; he would never be seen like that in public if he did not have too. Sunny stopped and looked over himself and growled again irritated, slag this! He would not show himself in this imperfect state; he would rather face the hatchets wrath than doing it. As the Red twin had pointed out the flaws in his frame, he started to stomp away from Sides and Luna, to his room and sides grinned as he lost his brother out of sight and gave away a low laugh.

"Sunni no go?" Luna asked, and Sides looked down at her

"Sure, but he must wash up some first."

"Wash? Bath?" Luna asked, now smiling, "Ah to?"

"No, not now sparkling we are going to the refueling hall and get some energon," he said and tickled her side making the sparkling crawl and shrike in laughter under his fingers that was teasing her. Soon she would be too big to just fit in one of his hands only; she was already sitting on his hand with her legs dangling over the edge. Sides grinned as he let the sparkling catch her vent and then let her get up on his shoulder platings and as soon she was close and had a good grip on him he started to walk. Soon enough, they were in the refueling room, and the sight that was greeting him made him unsure how exactly he would react. But he decided to grin a devilish smile; this would be fun.

"Well, well! What have we here?" Sides asked as he walked to the two new mechs inside of the refueling hall, one was mostly white with a red highlight and helm with the other one compliantly dark red.

"Oh, Sideswipe! I did not know that you were here to where do you have Sunny?" the dark red asked as Sides was beside them grinning.

"He will come soon, had to fix himself up some after the training with Ironhide."

The new white mech that had not said anything to Sideswipe as he comes closer was staring up at the wall in front of them with a calculating look in his optics. He could feel the vibration in the ship, and he knew that it had to be some security here that he had to update as soon as he could. The white silent mech was trying to calculate how to fix -all- of this ships lack security as quickly as possible probably. It could be a huge security risk, and he would not recharge before he had the security up to date.

Suddenly the white and red mech tensed when his optics had recognized Sides as one of his bane of existents, the biggest one that would continuously test his security for fun. The new smaller mech had always been one of the Twins favorite bots to prank. Even on their base back on Cybertron, they would often target him or Prowl to see which one of them that would glitch first. Or whose security net that Sides could be crass into before he would get caught and thrown into the brig or on punishment duty. The mere thought of having the twins on this small ship almost made the white mech glitch right there and then and he was close. But then his optics landed on something entirely different, and he jumped up quickly from his position as his processor produced him with what he thought the small thing was.

"Scarplet!" he yelled and activated his guns and pointed it right to Luna on Sides' shoulder.

" Did I not tell you, Inferno! I told you they had scraplets on the ship! I told you!" the white one yelled in a panic as his paranoia program took hold of his processor, and it started to make all the worst case scenario possible.

Sides was quick to cover the sparkling with one of his hands and turn his shoulder away from the white mech and growled low in a protective manner. Inferno tried to calm the white one down and at the same time look around for what could have caused this reaction in his partner. Infernos optics landed on the white helm that was now poking up behind Sides large hand, looking at them with interest in her optics; she had seen the red face sign on their armor. They were friends of her Creators, her carrier had said so. Luna was not so afraid of them as she had been when she meets Sunny and Sides, and the same thing happens, this time she had one to protect her. She looked currishly at the panicking mech before them and the other one that was trying to calm him down.

"I no sc'apel!" she said in an attempt to correct the mech and Sides hushed the sparkling then not to let her speak "but..."

"No, hush it, sparkling," Sides said to her in a low voice again and waited if the white mech would try something or calm down before he lost it completely. For the first time, he did not like to see the security mech in his paranoid state. Maybe it was not such a good idea, not if Luna was in danger to be blasted away.

"But ah, Luna! No sc'apel" she said low why did every new bot call her a scrap? And what was a scraplet anyway? She crossed her arms over her smaller chassis.

Inferno looked at the small whiter sparkling that had trigged the other white mechs paranoia almost into high wire, and Inferno was trying to hold the white one still by his side, mentally calming him down.

"Calm down Red, there are no scraplets here, look," Inferno told him and could feel when the smaller frame in his servo started to stop its trashing and look at the white sparkling in front of them. Now the white mech did not know what to think or do.

"A-a s-sparkling?" he said doubtfully, and Inferno nodded as he slowly let Red alert go, but the white mech was still shaking violently beside him.

"Its look that way, are you alright?" Inferno asked, and Red nodded slowly in the red one's close embrace and turned slowly too Sides. Sideswipe had started to straighten up again and had lifted the sparkling of his shoulder and into his hand to be close to his chassis for her protection. Luna could now get up more and get a better look at the new bots in front of them, and she smiled delightedly at them.

"Hi!" she piped up when no one said anything else; the new ones were staring at her and then up at Sideswipe as they could not progress this information correctly.

"Sideswipe, why don't you introduce your sparkling to us?" Inferno asked after a klik as he looked at the little one with the curiosity of his own. But a question was in his processor, when did Sides and Sunny get bonded and got a sparkling on top of that? Was that even possible? The knowledge he had of split spark twins was that they could never have sparklings.

"wow wow, wait a minute here. Luna isn't mine, or Sunny's," Sides looked at him in chock as he understood what the mech just had asked him. Seriously? He was still too young to be bonded! How could they think something like that? Not that he hadn't been thinking of getting bonded sometime after the war. But there were not many bots that would consider being bonded with both him and Sunny. The twins were a packed deal if someone wanted one of them; the other one would follow. And their sparks had a will of its own, and none of the femmes or mech that they had been seeing was a match for them.

"No? Then who are her creators?" Inferno asked currishly as he bent down slightly and waved a hand at the sparkling in greeting

"Ratchet and Ironhide"

"Hatchet and Hide!" Luna cheered overjoyed as she heard her creators name and beamed happily up at Sides that chuckled low. Yes, that nicknames were stuck on them both. Not soon after Sides had told them that a popping sound was heard and soon to be followed by a crash sound as Red alert glitched, Inferno was still in shock over the news to even try and catch his partner, but what the sparkling then said made him laugh low in amusement and wonder.

"Ooh, he thinks too much too? Like Powli?" Luna asked Sides that was now started to laugh out loud at the scene and statement as she recognizes a glitching bot.

"Yes, way too much!" Sides said grinning satisfied, oh, Ratchet would turn him into scrap metal for giving him more work than he already has, but it was so worth it!

"Welcome on board Inferno, Red- Alert."


"Are you sure that she doesn't have any infectious diseases or viruses?"

"I dare you to say that in front of Ratchet or Ironhide! That would make my day!" Sides grinned at the paranoid bot as he ranted on and on about diseases and virus he cracked slightly, and Red looked like he was going to glitch any moment again now.

"But then again, who knows where she had been? Maybe she will do something that will give you a second helm! eat at your cables and suck your energon tanks dry." Sides said and got more serious as he looked at the sparkling that tilted her helm in confusion

Red Alerts optics twitched as he looked down in something that only could be fear, his paranoia glitch still active in the back of his processor. There was no place for them to hide if the sparkling was a danger to them all, either way, his paranoid program running on high alert and it took all of his strengths or at least Infernos strange to keep him down on the chair. The sparkling was sitting on the table with her half-empty cube before her, and she was starting to fall into recharge. But Luna was rebellious fighting the program, but in the process, she had started to sway back and forth in herself proclaimed fight to try to keep her optics online, but she was failing big time.

"Relax Red, there is nothing wrong with the sparkling, and she doesn't have any contagious viruses or diseases," Inferno said again as he kept the white bot down on his chair.

"And please Sideswipe, for Primus sake, mute it!" Inferno asked the grinning bot in front of them

Sides grinned, "But why, Inferno? I just have missed you both so much!"

Luna vented out as she heard their voices over her helm but did not overthink on it as she still tried to keep her optics open, she did not want to go into recharge yet, she did not want to recharge at all. But she vented out again and looked sleepily up at the red bot before her, she was losing, and she wanted to have the warmth of her protector.

"Sides?" Luna said with a small, tired whimpering, and the red mech looked down at her right away as he heard his name be called. Sides saw the little sparkling that now was trying to get up from her place on the table. Luna soon felt into a waiting hand that brought her up from the table, and she was quickly put against warm metal. As soon as Luna felt the warmth and familiar humming of his spark, she could relax more, she laid her head against his shoulder and moved her helm so that it was against his neck cables. In that place, Luna could feel the warmth of his energon lines pulse calmly throw him and against her front plating lulling her. Luna let her arms fold up and around Sides' neck, securing that he could not get away from her before she fell into the recharge that she had tried to fighting off for some time now. Sideswipe felt the sparkling put her arms around his neck and lend her helm against his cables as he could feel the smooth and warm metal on her faceplates against his cords. The motion made his spark skipping a pulse it was almost painful, but strangely enough, it was kind of right pain this time, not like the other times he had felt it. Sides felt the need to cradle the sparkling closer to him and never letting go, protecting her from the outside world.

Only as soon as that thought came to him. his system was put in the alert that something was wrong, his hand was brought up to folded protective over Luna's exposed back structure. Sides could felt the tingling feeling spread throw his spark again and out through his whole frame, successfully making him shiver in the process. It was uncomfortable closes to the feeling he would have if he and Sunny had been apart for a very long time without any contact both over the bond or physically. Then when they were closer, it would feel like this, but his brother was here now, so what were their sparks trying to say?. Slag, he did not like the thought that something could be wrong with their sparks or the bond, and he could feel that Sunny silent agreed with him as he rose up.

Both Inferno and Red alert was openly staring at Sides as he cradles the small white sparkling so gently against him. Neither of them could believe what their processor tried to tell them, One of the terror twins was gentle tower another living creature, a sparkling nonetheless.

"I have to go," Sides said as he had decided to go to Ratchet, Sunny was already on his way.

"Alright, see you around" Inferno murmured, still slightly in shock after the private moment that they had witnessed.

Sides nodded as he started to walk to the med-bay where he knows that Ratchet would be and patching up the new arrival, which he still did not know who it was. He looked up as he was Sunny wait for them and looked over Sides and the sparkling with a bored glance.


"Did you bore the sparkling into recharge?"

"Me? Noo-h, maybe Red and Inferno, but never me! How can you think something like that? Luna adores me!" Sides grinned and tried to talk in a low voice to not disturb the sparkling on his thought cables.

Sunny looked at his cheerful brother strangely before they started to walk together again. The Med-bay was not long from there. As the Med-bays door opened right before them and suddenly a short, blue version of Bumblebee got out from the room. He was not significant at any standards, and he did not have any winglets and a lot shorter in fact; the mini-bot only stood about 14 feet above the ground.

"Don't do anything stupid now youngling; I don't want to see you here again this orn Evac" Ratchet said to the blue bot that was designations Evac. Just like his designation, he was good with space roads and planning best evacuation routes through their journey into space. It was nothing strange with that Evac was working closely together with the security manager on board of the ship they had docked together with.

"I promise Ratchet, see you around," Evac said and suddenly stopped as his way was blocked by the red and yellow frame in front of him.

"No wrenches as he was going? The Hatchet is going soft!"

A grow heard from the med-bay as the white mech come up to them with a red wrench in his left servo and a yellow one in the right.

"You are lucky that you hold my sparkling or else I would throw it so hard that the dent would be permanent!" Ratchet looked them both over with a critical glance.

"Then I think I will keep her!" Sides said as he was starting to back away and Sunny looked at his brother than to the new bot and scanned him closer as he could hear Ratchet taking the sparkling from Sides. The smaller one in front of Sunny was not built for fighting, not at least on the front line as he and Sides was, the blue bot was more build for speed and stealth more than that, a scout maybe?. He did not look so old so that must be the case, he was perhaps not even in his adult frame or also been in this war for so long, but something about him reminded him about a storm gray mech that not could stop talking even if his life was at stake. Not that Sunstreaker cared any less whatever he was if he dared to touch him or even scratch his paint he would send the smaller bot out into oblivion.

Evac felt the gaze of the yellow Autobots in front of him, and he could half hear Ratchet argue with Sides. He had not met any new bots for vorns, so now when he had the time he smiled and nodded his helm in greeting, but he did not even get a movement in response. Not even when a clang could be heard behind them, the only thing the bot was doing was looking at him.

"Don't bother with the slagging terror twins; you will regret it" Ratchet grumbled as he now had his recharging sparkling in his servo.

"Wait! What? Is this the frontline twins? Sideswipe and Sunstreaker?"

"Yeah? Heard of us?" Sides grinned and came up beside his brother, and he had a new dent in his helm.

"Heard of you? Have I heard of YOU? You guys are famous in the academy! The best front liners in Optimus team, the masters of jet judo! No one can stop you in a fight!" Evac said enthusiastically with wide optics in pure wonder.

"Oh Primus, help me" Ratchet growled at the younger one's clearly idolization of the terror twins.

"Well, you know what they are saying about us! We are the best at what we are doing!" Sides grinned happily

"Right you are! The best fighters and pranksters in this side of the galaxy. you have to tell me some of your stories!" Evac nodded still smiling

"Epepep! That is enough, no prank talk outside my Med-bay!" Ratchet growled warningly "Evac, don't you have a report for Optimus?"

"Oh, yeah, right! I forgot" Evac grinned sheepishly and looked at the terror twins "Maybe we can talk later? I would love to hear your best prank stories!"

"Love to!" Sides grinned at the younger mech and waved after him

"Alright! See you later! Bye, Ratchet!" Evac said as he started to run away and to leave the terror twins out in the corridor as Ratchet went in his med-bay without even say something to them.

"Hey!" Sides shouted as the door slammed shut right in front of him and he opened it up again only to yelp and duck for a wrench that was aimed at his helm.

"If you are not hurt or in a dangerous way, get lost!" Ratchet said to them growling; he so did not need they making his day any worse.

Ironhide came down to the med-bay as he heard the shout and clang of a wench banging into the wall, he looked over to the wall behind the twins, the one that had very many dents on it from Ratchet flying wenches had caused.

"You sure that you will not let me make you a bigger wench to use as a weapon?" He teased his mate "I think you would scrap D-con aft with it!"

"Mute it, or you will see how scraped the Decepticons would feel by it!"

"Easy there," Ironhide said and raised his servos in a giving motion still grinning at the medic

~Fraging slagger~


~Don't sound so cheerful or a swear that you will sleep on the couch for the rest of this Stella cycle!~

Ironhide chuckled a little but he did not dare to say anything more and risk to enrage his mate, he went over to him and took their recharging sparkling from his servos. She had amazingly had started to tune out the clangs and loud voices in her recharge, so she did not seem easily awake when her carrier got carried away in an argument or situation.

"We are in our chamber when you are done," Ironhide said as he looked over to the twins that were still standing there and looked a little out of place.

"Don't you have anything better to do scrap heads then standing in my mates Med-bay?" Ironhide asked them

"Don't you have something to blow up? you have a lot of energy this orn" Sides asked as he looked at the red mech grinning in front of them.

"I can think of two targets right now; are you offering? still, have to train you this orn Sideswipe."

"Maybe later, we need to talk to the doc-bot right now," Sunstreaker said before his brother could take him up on that offering. Ironhide huffed and then looked over his shoulder tower Ratchet and then went out from there without any more words, leaving the terror twins with the medic all alone.

"What do you want?"

"We think there is something wrong with our sparks" Sideswipe came right out and told the medic as they were alone in the Med-bay. Sides was in a slightly hunching down position on a pure reaction as Ratchet hold up the red wench again, but this time not to throw it at them as he put it back on its rightful place beside the other colorful tools.

The Twins would never come freely to him if they were not worried, and for them to have spark trouble was nothing good. His job was to ensure the health of this crew was at the top all the time, that included these two terrors in front of him.

"Nice wenches by the way" Sides grinned slightly after the medic had put that one away.

"Out with it, why do you think that there is something wrong with your sparks?" Ratchet huffed slightly as he brought out a special spark scanner from one of his shelves and started to power it up. He walked tower them and shot out the lasers over both of their chassis as he scanned their sparks.

"Well, it is more sorts of a mixed feeling and static twitching kind of thing?" the red twin drew out his answer and tried to sit still as the scanner was right over him. He hated to be examined

"It is hard to explain, it comes and goes as it wants it seems right now, but we both can feel it. It's like a warm and tingling feeling shoots throw our sparks; almost like the feeling, we get when we have been separated for a long time and then suddenly back together again, a longing and complicated feeling at the same time " Sides tried to explain and looked over to his brother that only nodded.

Ratchet nodded, "What more? Have you been separated longer amounts of time? I thought that the last mission was a good distance and would not hurt you in any way."

"No, that is the point it was all right, there is no reason for us to have that feeling, but we get it more often now than ever even without being separated from each other."

Ratchet looked up at them when Sides said that, this was getting interesting "both of your sparks reacted in the same way?" He asked, and they both nodded in an affirmative at the same time.

"Have you merged your sparks regularly?" Ratchet asked intrigued as he got another nod as answer "Do you feel this feeling when you are in physical contact with each other? Does it happen for no reason? In training, maybe? "

That the twins had to think it over. It was a no on the training question and with the contact, and what reason was trigger it?. Now when they were both think about the whole thing they suddenly looked up at each other, both of them had the feeling when they had been away from some time and then suddenly were in contact with the sparkling again.

~do you think we should tell him that?~ Sides asked uncertainly

~I'm... not sure that it is a wise idea~

~Maybe not say to him that it is in contact with Luna then? Only that it is another bot?~

~Works for me~

"Yes, another Cybetronian," They both said in sync and Ratchet nodded, started to write this down so that he could record this. He had a suspicion what it was, but he needed the confirmation from them both.

"Do you both have to be in contact with this bot at the same time, or can you get the feeling when you are separate and in contact? "


Ratchet was now more and more certain about what this was all about and when the scan result come back. Now he was confident that his suspicions were right. But how could this have happened? Perhaps it had been on their last mission an organic form or something?

"What is wrong with us, doc?" Sunny asked as he looked very closely at Ratchets faceplate as he looked over the result of the scan.

Ratchet looked down at the resultant; the twins were feeling something that could be a spark calling, something that would happen when they had found their spark mate. But at the same time it should be impossible, they were split-spark twins, they have bonded already to each other, for both of their sparks to feel the calling it had to be a soul mates calling. Something that had not happened for long before this War. At least not to his knowledge, but this was perhaps a good thing. A soul mate to the terror twins would likely mellow them a lot and make them more focused; he wonders if he should be happy or pity the bot that had been domed to this destiny.

"Nothing is wrong with your sparks. I wonder if I should feel pity over the bot in question or not," Ratchet told them and looked over to the twins that were looking like big question marks before him.

"What you two are feeling is in this time of war, a rare case of something that calls soul calling, it is quite rare and nothing dangerous. But in your case, it is a lot stronger than the usual spark calling."

"Soul mate call?" Sunny asked unbelievingly, "Why is that rare?"

"Yes, because you two are two halves of one spark that is more than logical that both of you would feel this. You have found your spark match; it can take bots eons to create that between two cybetronians. But the easiest way to explain it to you scrap helms is that whoever this cybetronian is, is your bond mate the perfect match for your spark, both of yours. But please, don't get the poor bot sparked right away alright? One sparkling at this time is enough" Not that is something that Ratchet wanted to think about, even the thought of tiny terrors was almost too much for his processor. But as a medic, he had to tell them all the facts, so why not make it to his enjoyment?

The twins were now staring blankly at him even Sunny could not grip on this fact the medic just told them, their spark had chosen a mate? Create a sparkling? They? Was the medic trying to make them glitch? Because they were close to it.

"You do know what a bond mate is right?" Ratchet said as they looked like two complete idiots in front of him and they still did not respond to him, and this was amusing, a little revenge of his own.

"You should see yourself lucky that you had found your bond mate in this war," Ratchet then said to them as the twins still were silent in chock only to have Sides started to move first and not soon after Sunny began to come back into his processor.

"Bond, mate?"

"Yes," ratchet said and looked at them both and in his amusement sending this to Ironhide, they both needed this as a satisfaction over all the pranks the twins liked to pull on them both.

" Have a Sparkling? Us? How is that possible?"

"Well, that is a quite easy explanation; it is true that only a complete spark bonded couple can create a sparkling because their sparks are already in sync with each other. Where yours are the same, your bond can't create a new spark of your own. So when two, or more sparks are merging and connecting a wave of new spark energy is created by the merging and are growing with the feelings the participants. Much like a spark call," Ratchet told them and started up a new device as he could scan Sunstreaker so that there were no other things he had to be worrying over. He just kept on talking without being interrupted as the twins were staring at him in pure shock, and only that was a rarity in this case, and Ratchet loved every klik of it now he could come to the good part.

" The energy in your frames and what the motion creates will travel throw your frames and to your rod equipment that will detach from its crutch plating if the participants at the same time interface with each other, in your case at the same time. Your rods have to be in the receiving valve at the same time. As the energy is building up some lubricate in the said valve that will help the new energy to be directly directed at the same entrance port at the top of the bots valve as an overlord accrue. Not every overload or interfacing session can create the right amount of energy that is needed to create a new spark; it has to be a huge energy output. But let's say that with the right amount of energy the carriers spark will split one small piece and as the overload and the codes are registered in the valve. The codes will be written over in the new spark piece to make new programs, and a new signature with the new components before the nanites will start to repair the crack in the spark." Ratchet looked at the twins and could not help to give them a satisfied grin, oh sweet revenge. He did know that this was not what the twins had been asking him, but he loved it; nonetheless, he got to embarrass the Twins with the talk.

After a few kliks of silent Sunny was the first one to react after his processor had saved the conversational and had to play it up again, and again in his processor and he could feel his spark hum and his plating heating up. Sides was as bad as him; both of the twin's fans were kicking in to cool their heated frames. Did Ratchet do what they think he did?

"THAT! Was way too much information."

"Really? I have a faint memory that you two are experts on the rest of the interfacing process, or you want me to explain how that works?" Ratchet looked at them with an innocent look on his faceplate. He really would do it to keep on teasing them. This whole situation was too good to be true; the terror twins had finally found their spark mate.

"NO!" they brothers shouted in horror; they did not want that conversation ever coming from the medic. Primus. They knew how that thing works.

"Ratchet! that was not what I wanted to know, and you know that!" Sides said complaining as he was holding his head in his hands, hiding his faceplates, he would have to wash his audio receptors after this. Did Ratchet really explain how interferes worked?

~You are horrible sometimes, you know that right?~ Ironhide suddenly asked his mate, and Ratchet could sense the grin on his mate lips as he was listing in on the whole conversation.

~What? The slaggers had it coming, next time you can explain it~ Ratchet said fondly as he looked at the twins.

~Didn't say anything about that; you are doing it good~

"How can we," Sides suddenly said and pointed to both him and Sunstreaker "Have a sparkling? we have been told from the spark that our sparks could never do that," he said in a chocked voice, and Ratchet chuckled again.

"That is because this calling you are feeling is a soul calling; it is your very essence that is calling to each other; it is a lot more complicated than a usual spark calling. In normal cases, you spark would never be stable enough to produce the correct wavelength to create a new spark because that your both are one. But with a soul mate, it is possible because that essence will complete it all and balance both of your sparks."

" This... a bot that our sparks react to in this way are more likely our, soul mate?" Sunstreaker asked in a low doubtful voice, and he had to grip the bench beside him not to fall over. This could not happen; it was not possible. An alarmed feeling started to grow in his spark, and he could feel Sides come close to him and gripped his hand hard, successfully stopping that feeling in Sunstreakers spark for a klik.

"Yes, it is your perfect match, I had never believed that this day would come "the medic answer as he put away all his tools as the twins tried to collect themselves from the explanation. So far Sunny had been the one that had recovered fastest on the outside at least, Sides still looked like an idiot where he was sitting with his mouth half-open.

"Congratulation both of you," Ratchet said "Who is the bot in question?" perhaps he should have to look over the bot that now was the terror twins future sparkmate. Just in case if that bot had experienced something similar. It could not be tower Optimus, he already had a spark mate, Ironhide had him, and Prowl and Jazz were bonded, Inferno and Red alert was bond mates. Evac had not been meeting or touching the twins because he was too new, that left Bumblebee or First Aid from the bots on the ship, First Aid had been in contact with the twins a lot of time and Ratchet had never seen anything different from the usual medic-patient relationship from them so it could not be him. But Bumblebee? No that could not be it, they had known each other for a long time so something would have been bounded to happen under that time it Bee had been their match. Then who was it? But as now both Sides and Sunny was looking everywhere, but at him, he started to get a strange feeling that he had forgotten something, something much important.

Ratchet turned around to the twins, eying them seriously as the feeling of dread suddenly washed over him, this could not be happening! It could not. It could not be correct, but as he thought about it, the fact was all pointing in one direction.


Both of the twins wanted to sink through the floor and disappear; this was not going so well.

"Oh scrap it all to the pit and back" Ratchet vented as he closed his optics, this could not be happening!


"I want to be a spy!" the white sparkling cheered and raised her servos in the air happily "The greatest one in the wool universe! Can I Sire? Can I?" Lunastorm asked her Sire

Ironhide chuckled low, what had brought this on? She just had popped out of recharge and started to rambled about this.

"Well sweetspark, only you can decide that one," he said and rubbed his servos on the back on his helm. He did not want his little sparkling to fight and would do everything he could to keep her safe, but they lived in a time of war, and she did need something to be engaging in.

"Why a spy?" he asked her suddenly and Luna stopped what she did and looked up at him from the desk she was on and smiled happily at his question "They are allowed to play with big swords!" she answered honestly, "and Jazzy said that a spies work is a about silent and sup'rise and I love sup'ises!"

Ironhide looked down at his sparkling and could not keep back a low chuckling sound from her words, she had a hard time still how to say individual letters, but she could speak much better every solar cycle that went by. He has asked this to Ratchet, and he said that was because everyone was spiking with her and she did not have any sparkling friends to speak with. So for her to make them understand her, she had early learned to take in their languished.

"So let me understand this right, you want to be a spy just because they work with swords.."

"Big ones!"

"... and that you like to surprise bots?"

"affi'tive!" she said with a giggling sound, and Ironhide looked down at her again and shook his head, amused by her words of choice.

"You are spending too much time with Jazz and Prowl," he said and did dramatic ventilation "Maybe I have to let you spend more time with someone else instead?" he said and let his optics turn away playfully as he heard her gasp in shock.

"Noooh! Wanna Jazzy and Powli!" she looked up at him with horror in her optics and energon tears threatening to fall over. She absolute adored both Jazz and Prowl, how did it even come to that? Prowl of all mechas, maybe because when Jazz was doing something else, he had to watch over her?

"Shus little one, I was only joking," he said as the tears started to fallen, she had taken him seriously, and he brought down one servo and lifted her tower his chassis. He brought her up to his helm and nuzzling his face against her until he heard the giggling sound of the sparkling instead of the sad clicking sound only sparkling could do.

"Sire! Sire 'top! "she giggled and held her servos up and against his faceplates as he was nuzzling her and she tried to stop him.

"Why?" he asked playfully and looked down at her grinning


"Tickling you say?" he hummed low, and Luna kept on laughing as he started the nuzzling the sparkling again, and the sparkling kept on laughing as he hit the tickling spots of her protoform.

He could feel Ratchet through the bond, and it was a vast amount of emotions, he had heard some of the conversations, and then he turned them out. It was private for the Twins, and he would respect that, but at the last one the bond was opened wide open, and Ironhide lost all focus in front of him and stared in shock down at Luna who giggled in front of him. Innocently unaware of what has just come to light about her future, a very distant future, but her future none the less.

Luna was the terror twins Soul mate. Their future mate.

Oh, scrap! Ironhide had to fight everything he could not to glitch right there and then, now he would never get rid of them.