Here is a little reminder of the different time units ;) soon it is time for the Earth to make an appearance! Oh! And don't hate Sunny to much in this chapter. No one was hurt in the making of it.
klik = 1,2 min
breem = 8 kliks/8.27 minutes;
mega – cycle= ~1hour
groon = 9 breem/1.24 hours;
joor = 6 groon/7.44 hours;
solar cycle= ~Day
Luna Cycle=~ Night
orbital cycle = ~1 month
deca – cycle= ~1 year
Finally, he had time for himself, no others around, only him and his thoughts. He needed it right now, the silence to think over the whole situation, and to finally start the painting that he had wanted to work on for some time now. With everything that had happened this last deca–cycle, with the sparkling, his brother and everything he had not had any time for himself and he was on a breaking point right now. So now he was taking his time now before he completely lost it all; he wanted to be alone for the rest of the orn. Sunstreker looked down at his pencil as he sat down on the floor in his corner; he let his helm rest on the wall for a klik so that he could feel the cold from the wall on his back structure. He could hear the ships low rumbling in its hull, and somewhere someone was laughing, Sunny turned down his audio receptors, and suddenly the room was tranquil. Precisely as he needed it right now and he looked down at the blank space in front of him ready to start. He had already turned out his brother from his side of the bond, he needed to process things over for himself and not have his joyful brother listening in or trying to explain things. Right now he was feeling too damn vulnerable right now, and that infuriated Sunstreaker. If there was one thing he wasn't, it was vulnerable; he did not do vulnerable.
Sunstreaker took up his pencil and let the tip rest against the blank space a klik before he started to paint, allowing the action to fill his processor as thoughts were being processed.
The feelings that were all around him and then filled his spark and processor was irritating; he could not handle it. Of course, the object of his now offensive feelings was evident in his mind all along. The line on the paint board was now thin and delicate as he started with the shape, and soon, the line was becoming a whole crystal cluster. Soon some more crystals were added in as the picture in his helm started to fill up all his concentration, and he let all the other thoughts go. Sunstreaker added in a little bit of purple and blue in his colure and was utterly engrossed in what he was doing. He needed this; he needed to unplug the reality around him and everything that happened in it for a while. So when he felt his brother come closer to his position, he did not register it fully or cared.
"There you are!"Sideswipe said as he walked into the room, but he did not get any answer from his brother, and he looked at him as several other bots were coming inside. But when Sides did not get any response from his brother, and he could felt over the bond, or the lack of it, that Sunny was in full concentrations mood and had turned out everything.
"Huh, he has turned me out," Sides said, as he looked at his yellow twin on the floor again and studied him for a klik. It had been long ago since he had seen him paint and he did know that his brother needed this because he was close to explode or do something drastic. It almost made him rethink his plan, almost. Luna walked in after First Aid and the other bots, she looked around with big bright optics at the new room, the music room the bigger bots had called it, and she wanted to see what it all was. As Luna walked passed all the bigger legs and then suddenly saw the yellow twin on the floor, she brightened. Sunny was here too!
"Sunny!" Luna cheered as she runs against him but stopped as she looked at him curiously when he did not notice her or said anything at all. This was often the time Sunstreaker should have growled at her or be irritated over his nickname, that fitted him so right, but he did nothing of the sort. But he did nothing and was instead doing something on a big board that he had in his knee.
"What´s he doing?" Luna asked and looked up at Sides that smiled down at her
"He is painting."
"Really?" Luna asked as her interest perked up, she did not know that he or any of the others painted.
"Yes, he is outstanding too" Sides boosted proudly "He is one of the best artists I know and when he paints you can´t almost see what is real and what he has created."
"waaa? I wanna see" Luna cheered in an awe inspirited voice, she had never seen something that amazing.
"Unni?" Luna asked as she walked closer, but she did not get an answer or a reaction from the yellow one. With a big grin on her faceplate, she runs forward, and before any of them had even reacted on what she was doing, she had begun to climb up on Sunstreaker leg to see better what he was doing. Sunstreaker had not noticed the sparkling come closer to him, but soon she was touched his frame and started to climb on him. Sunny stopped what he was doing when he felt something not quite right on his arm and went ridged; he slowly looked down. He could feel his spark sing in delight over the contact, but his processor almost shut down in defense over the emotion that hit him hard.
"Ooh wow!" Luna said and looked down at the painting with bright optics "so pretty, you so good Unni."
"What are you doing?" Sunstreaker asked, still not over his surprise that she was on him and was arguing within himself when his spark wanted one thing, and his processor said another. It started to make his processor go blank, and an unpleasant feeling began to grow inside of him. He did not want the sparkling close; he did not want to enjoy her closeness and the pure happiness she was radiated. Sunstreaker did not want to feel this comfortable feeling that was growing inside of him because it meant that he cared. And he DID.NOT.CARE. About the sparkling, he would not allow himself to do that.
"Looking at your picture, Ah tried to call you many times; you do not answer," Luna looked up at her yellow sun and smiled and placed herself comfortably in his knees. She sat right in front of his drawing so that she could see well. Sunstreaker could feel his whole frame twitching at her contact, and that damn EM field was going crazy again with happiness, could this sparkling not be anything ells than happy? And what the frag was she doing?. He was so in shock over the sparklings behavior that he did not even try and throw her away or yell at her. It was also the shock that dropped all the walls he had built all around him.
~ooh that so cute!~ Sides Cooed over their bond as he had access to his brother again, and the yellow twin's helm snapped up fast, and his optics glared daggers at his brother. He should have known.
The problem was that there were not only Sides that was in the room, but Bumblebee, Blaster, Inferno, Bluestreak, and First Aid also was there, and it felt like all of them grinned at him. Sunny could feel his face plating get hotter and his fans kicked in trying to cool him down. Sunny could feel his processor going blank more and more by the small contact of the sparkling, and he could not keep this up. The fear that sipped in was overwhelming and made him act rash. Sunstreaker growled low as his pen was dropped to the floor and he picked up the sparkling in one hand.
~Catch~ Sunstreaker said and completely ignoring Luna's astonishing cry as he throws her away from him and into his brother waiting for hands that quickly and smoothly caught the howling sparkling. Soul mate or not, he did not want to be near the sparkling, not now, not ever! When was she going to understand that? She should keep the pit away from him.
"Sunstreaker!" First Aid gasped in horror over the action as the sparkling stared to whine sorrowfully in Sides grip as lubricants in her optics started to fall and she began to cry. All of the others had come closer as they all had been surprised by the yellow twin's reaction.
"Aaah! Don't leek Princess, he just got surprised, and he was playing with you" Sideswipe tried to calm her down but looked desperate at the other bots around him when Luna kept on crying.
Sunstreeker looked a little shocked over what had happened; it had been a purely defensive reaction, he vented out; the sparkling had it coming. He could feel the warm feeling ebbed out and was drawing back more inside himself; now may be the sparkling would get it and stay away from him. Sunny did not care about what Ratchet had told them; Sides could handle the sparkling. He was not made to feel anything soft and brittle as one little sparkling. This was proof of that, he was a warrior, and he took life with his servos, he did not hold life in them. Not when it was something that his brother had started to cherish
"What is going on here?" a new voice asked and Sunstreaker gave away a low whining sound as another bot came in. He only wanted to be alone not to have half of the crew there.
"Please, no more bots in here! Can't you go somewhere ells? "Sunstreaker growled irritated as Jazz looked over at him and then back to the crying sparkling and picked her up from the panicking red twin without asking.
"Do I even want to know?" Jazz asked as he held Luna close to his spark as he hummed lowly to her and then brought her up to his faceplate with both of his arms, she was so big now. He let his forehead rest on hers as his field blended with hers and soothed her into a sobbing stage, then her crying and wailing were entirely ceased as she calmed down by the affection. Luna looked up at Jazz with big glossy optics and sobbed again but did not leak anymore.
"There you go," Jazz smiled and lowered her down again to spark level again as he looked over the group in front of him. "What are you younglings doing anyway?"
"Sides were going to show us a new game, and he had found some new music from the last space station," Bluestreak said in a low voice and looked at Inferno and Blaster that nodded in agreement.
"I'm here because Luna wanted to come and we didn't have anything ells to do, " Aid said and looked at the sobbing sparkling and then back to their TIC, fascinated that he could calm down the sparkling so easy.
"Oh? Music, you say?" Jazz asked and then grinned as he bounced Luna in his arm until she gave off a giggling sound and hugged Jazz arm. "Mind if I stay with ya all?"
"No, not at all" Sides said and grinned sheepishly as Sunny at the same time growled a "yes."
"Aww come on Sunny, you could just turn off your audios just like you did before and you won't even notice that we are here" The red twin grinned and went to the big board game he had found on a trip not long ago wanting to play it. Both Blaster and Jazz went over to a music station, and Luna had no other choice than follow both of them. Luna has now turned around in Jazz arms so that she was facing forward and was now looking at the big music facility. It was terrific, and the big thing absorbed her attention.
Sunstreaker looked at them all with perplexed facial expression, what on Cybertron did happen? He just wanted a quiet place to paint and be by himself, but that stupid brother of his would not even let him be by himself for one day. Sunny looked at the sparkling that now was on the music facility and looking over it all. He lowered his optics down to the paintings and clenched his fist in on his knee. It had not been his intention to make her cry, not really, and her warm field had blended into his own and dragged out a feeling that he did not know what to do.
Luna looked up at herself proclaimed brother "Bee!" she cheered "me too!" she laughed as Bumblebee was dancing on the floor to the tune and bet of the music. Bee looked at the little sparkling and grinned, he did know of her new programs, so this time, for the first time, he could now talk to her. Without chirping noise or playbacks that was hard to control all of the time.
:: Off curse little sis:: the yellow scout said as he grinned down to her and she gasped in pure surprise and looked around her at the new voice. Bee was now pointing at himself as the sparkling looked up at him with huge optics.
"You talk Bee? I heard you talk!?!" Luna exclaimed enthusiastically
:: Yes, through the com. Link, you got it installed right today? And now you can hear me talk::
" Really?"
Bee laughed:: Really!::
"Really and truly?" The sparkling asked as she looked at him from her place on Jazz shoulders. She could not believe it!
:: Yes, Really and truly!::
Luna laughed overjoyed and jumped from Jazz shoulder into the waiting arms of the scout that quickly caught her.
"Love ya, Bee!" Luna cheered and hugged him as good as she could with her small frame around his neck. The previous situations were forgotten entirely for her.
:: Love you too, little sister:: Bee answered and hugged her back before they started to have fun with the dancing game it all had developed into. The game keeps on going for a time before it turns into a full party with some high grade and a lot of other bots that came to relax. The whole time everything happens, Sunny sat in his corner and had been able to paint some more. The other bots let him be by himself, and he now rested his back structure at the wall behind him as he was looked over the group in front of him.
Sunstreaker had now calmed down a lot from before, and he was more relaxed, but he did not join the others, but at some point, he had one cube of excellent high grade in his servo. It was more than enough for him to sit there as the time went on into the late hour. Sunstreaker looked down at the pink liquor and swilled it around in the cube. He could feel a presence near him and look up at Jazz that suddenly sat down beside Sunstreaker. Sunny looked over him; he had not even heard Jazz come over before the other one was close.
Sunny tried to ignore the other one's closeness beside him and looked at the other Autobots that were still dancing to the music. Sunny could see the saboteur beside him drinking his cube, and they both sat there for a while, neither of them broke the silence that was laid around them or even made an effort to do so. For a second, Sunny thought that Jazz was there to lecture him and give him some punishment for his action. But even if it was quiet, there was no tension in the air; Jazz was not there to yell at him or something like that for his behavior earlier.
"You know, it would not be so bad if you join them for just a breem or so," Jazz then suddenly said and smiled at the yellow twin that just sent him a glare.
Jazz smiled but did not say anything for a while as he looked at what's happening in front of them as Blaster now we're doing a light show to the beat of the base. Everyone was laughing, and the sparkling in the midst of them absolutely loved the light effects and the music. But as it was time pas her recharging hour, her program was sluggish. Luna petted Bees plating as she wanted down and he did as she asked and lifted her down to the ground. The small sparkling walked over to Jazz and Sunstreaker with slow movement, and Jazz smiled as he let her climb up in his knee without another word.
"Why did you come over here?" Sunny looked down at Luna only for a moment before he looked away from the sparkling and then back to the others again. He had been satisfied to sit there all alone.
"I heard that there would be an awesome party here and came over," Jazz tried and grinned as he knew that is was not what the front liner asked.
"I mean, why are you here and not over there with them," Sunny said in a low growling voice as he looked stubbornly at his brother.
Jazz looked down at the small sparkling that had started her recharge program on her own in his knee. Jazz could feel her energy field leaping over his own in soothing waves, and he smiled as he carefully traced her helm affectionate. She was so trusting and naive in all the ways a sparkling could be.
"I can still remember back on Cybertron when sparklings would run freely around in the streets," Jazz said as he traced the blue headlight on the sparkling. He remembered that day clearly as it was that day, everything had changed for him. His whole world was turned upside down
"I was fresh out from musical academy and on my way home when the first bombs dropped on the city. " He remembered the screams of surprise and panic as the bombing did not stop and explosions were set off all around them.
"In one little klik, the whole world was turned upside down. No longer was their sparklings playing on the streets; they laid offline all over the place together with some older bots. Frames laid everywhere, and energon was staining the ground. I was lucky that day," Jazz said lowly as he could remember the event clear as it had happened yesterday. Sunstreaker just said silence and listening, not knowing why the saboteur was telling him this.
" I thank Primus every orn that I survived the attack and that I found Prowl in the midst of it all. To be online and still functional this long and loved, that is something I would never trade for anything. But at first, I resented it; I hated that in a relationship you have to open up, you have to let someone into your life and spark. It is much simpler only to have yourself to care for and not make anyone being to close to your spark. I soon understood that I rather love someone thoroughly once than never once love anyone at all " Jazz looked down at the recharging sparklings in his lap and he smiled and then looked over to Sunstreaker beside him.
"It is a powerful feeling that can scare even the best of us."
Sunny was now staring at the ground, not saying anything as the older one talked. The background noises were tuned out as he is listening to the TIC beside him, even if he was right, it did not mean that he would ever let himself come close to the sparkling. There was so many what if and more scenarios that could turn out wrong. He was not like his brother; his hands had killed so many of their kind. He was made for war and fighting, not to be gentle and caring for something as small and soft as a sparkling.
"I understand you, Sunstreaker" Jazz then said as picked up the little one carefully from his knee. "But I also know that you would never hurt an innocent life, I have known you for too long," he said while he lay down the sparkling against Sunstreakers inner knee where she was now laying in a small cradle of his joints. Sunstreeker whole frame had gone rigid at the contact, and his optics was wide at sight before him, and he did not dare to move.
"Do you not wonder why she is coming back to you no matter what you do to her or how much you are growling and sneers irritated?" Jazz asked as he backed away. Luna now snuggling closer to Sunny's plantings, her recharge programs slightly was disturbed, she looked up for a second before she closed her optics again and breathed contentedly and fell back into recharge.
" I heard from Ratchet what the whole mate thing. "Jazz started and looked intensive at the yellow twin and saw him flinch and then he turned his gaze back to the sparkling "It's a powerful feeling, and I understand that it's a lot for you take in. But Luna knows it fully and has already accepted you both without even knowing it, of course not in an intimate way." Jazz snorted at the horrid look that flashed over Sunstreaker faceplate.
"She has accepted both you and your brother for those you are. Sparklings are simple in that concept. They accept what they see or feel until they start to get more impression or codes that will compel them more," Jazz said as he smiled softly. Sunstreaker did not say anything because Jazz had put his finger on everything that was disturbing him as it was and what made him afraid in this whole situation. Fragg it all! The last thing he wanted was such a big target to be painted on his back.
"I promise that I will not tell anyone," Jazz said and smiled at the yellow frontline "But sit there and do nothing, feel her, she is innocent and pure. Something that we all desperately need right now" With that word he rises again and walks to the other bots, leaving Sunstreeker with the recharging sparkling in his knee. Sunny stared down at Luna that was nod dead to her soundings. She was so full of trust and love, everything that he was not and would never be.
Sunny did not dare to move, and this time, he did not throw her away from him, he just took in her feelings and started to at least try and relax. Maybe he could at least give her that, slowly Sunny raised one finger and traced the sparklings helm, slowly so that he did not disturb her recharge. One thing he got from Jazz story made him look at the TIC in a new completely light. The bombing Jazz was talking about was from the last days of the golden age; That meant that Jazz was older than most of the bots on the ship!. Now he had to find out Jazz secret of staying so active for that long because if the saboteur had not said anything, he would not even suspect that.
The party lasted for a few more beems before everyone wants to their own home and all the time the sparkling stayed with Sunstreaker before her creators picked her up. She had online once and had clicked softly at him before she just curled up some more and was back into recharge, she had not been afraid of him or scared, just content to be close.
Maybe this orn did turn out pretty good after all.
The orn passed by, and the ship was now on the right path to the coordinates they had been following for some time now. But as the calmness overtook the ship and all its crew, one small sparkling had enough energy for them all and some more.
~CARRIER!CARRIER! Help!~ Luna suddenly screamed laughing throw the creators bond, making Ratchet come out from his thoughts over the event earlier that morning.
At first, Ratchet was at first alarmed when his sparkling called for help over the bond with a scream, but then he could only feel happiness and love from the sparkling as she was laughing over the bond. He soon relaxed that there was no danger for his little one and instead become curious what his family was doing.
~What do you need help with little one?~ he asked as a way of giggling was sent over the bond again, and he could almost see it in front of him as the sparkling tried to collect her thought and ventilation.
~Sire is.... tickling me again! Help Carrier! Help me!~ Luna cried again in a fit of laughter that bubbled throw the bond.
Ratchet gave away a low chuckling over the happiness that she was feeling and sending over to him; it made all his dark emotions and thoughts to vanish away. He almost forgets about Bumblebee that was in front of him as he was fixing the damage that he had got from Evac as they had played a hardball game. Bee loved to have the smaller mech on the base as he had worked together with him in the transportation station before on Cybertron.
"Sit still!" Ratchet ordered and let his wrench in his hand connected with the younger bots helm with a sharp cling and said youngling gave away a beeping sound of an apology and pain, rubbing the new dent in his helm.
~I will come soon, I have some patience to take care of~ Ratchet answered his sparkling as he was now concentrating on Bumblebee again.
~But carrier!~ Luna whined
~No but's! Why don't you tickling him back? Your sire has a sensitive spot behind his right audio receptor~ Ratchet gave his sparkling some help as he kept on with the repairing the younger mech.
Ratchet let his helm fill with a new thought, he had heard about Sunstreaker stunt sometime before and was not happy about that at all. His sparkling and the twins? How could that be? Why him?. Ratchet logical medic processor told him that he could not do anything about the spark call, but it was the fact that it was Luna that had his creators program in all rambling. He had not been able to let this go and had been talking to Ironhide about it a lot. But as another wave of happiness and love went throw the bond, he could not help to let go of some irritation, and a small smile was on his lip plates.
Bumblebee stared at the medic with huge optics as the medic changes face expression, Ratchet smiled? He could not help to stare at the medic that now noticed the staring gaze.
"What?" he grumbled
:: Nothing:: Bumblebee sent throws the comm. Link with an innocent tone in the voice.
"Nothing my aft, out with it youngling" he ordered as he away a snorting noise. Ratchet was now finished with the arm and turned everything back online and activated the programs again, making the scout jump at the sudden electricity in his circuits.
"So you are all done, take it easy on that arm for the rest of the cycle."
Bee jumped down and stretched out and rotated his servo and gave the medic a pleasant beeping sound as he started to walk away, but in the doorway, he stopped and turned around.
:: I was thinking that it is nice to see you smiling:: The young scout sent the other mech with an amused voice before he was out from the med bay.
Ratchet gave away a huffing sound and could not help to shake his help smiling, well sparkling tend to put a smile on even the hardest bots lip plates.
~, RATCHET YOUR TRAITOR~ Ironhide suddenly said in a high- pitched sound over their bond and Ratchet suddenly laughed now out aloud at it.
~What did I do?~ He asked amused, already knowing what he had done
~You know exacly what you have done! Only you know that I'm ticklish behind my audio receptors~
~oooh, that! ~Ratchet said smug ~and now do our sparkling it to I presume? A sparkling of my spark, I will say ~
Ironhide grumbled and suddenly the new wave of laughter filled the bond at it was their creation bond was wholly opened, that meant that the whole family was speaking on the same frequents.
~Carrier! Carrier! I made Sire scream like me; he was so good at it!~ she giggled
~ Did you now sweet spark, are you sure that he screamed like a little femme? ~ Ratchet teased both his creation and bond mate.
The bond was silence for an Astro second as she was thinking and Ironhide grumbled in the background
~Yes, because he sc..re..me..d like me!" she said and was slowly pronounce the word as she was giggling
~Oh really?~Ratchet teased his bond mate ~wonder what the other bots would have thought of hearing that?~
~You wouldn't dare! ~Ironhide said shocked as Luna giggled at him
~Nooo, ah won tell any spark! ~ She said to innocent to be trusted. Primus, she was spending too much time with the younger bots, she started to learn too much from them.
Ratchet turned left as he has started to walk out from the med-bay and was on his way to their chamber. Soon he was at their quarter and pushed the code in the door, and when it opened swiftly, he could barely keep himself from laugh at the scene that meets him. Ironhide was lying on the floor on his chassis with the white sparkling laying upon his helm completely spread out as she tried to press him down. Before he did anything ells, he took a picture and saved in the memory bank that he could have for later on. This was one of the moments that made him forget about the war, no scratch that; it was only their little family that was in his processor now, no fighting, no other Cybetronians. Luna had a giant grinning smile on her lip plates and giggled as Ironhide stared raise with her on his helm and Ratchet smirked then as his mate stood up and was slightly taller than him. Making the sparkling highest up of them all and she was sitting like a helm on Ironhide giggling.
"Well, that is a lovely new addition to your armor Ironhide, where can I find one too?" Ratchet teased his bonded with a smile and Luna giggled some more as her Sire now stood up.
She loved this family moments and when her creators would tease and joke with each other
"Well my dear medic, this is one of a kind helm, I have the only fully right to this one, there are no one ells than this one, it's one of a kind" Ironhide said and bobbed his head softly as Luna laughed and took a grip on one of his audio receptors. Luna was not afraid to fall because she knows that her creators would catch her; they always did when she was falling someplace. And she loved the height.
"Is that so?" Ratchet asked and walked forward to them and smiled as he reached out and took the sparkling from Ironhides helm and lifted her down in his arms.
"Only one!" Luna cheered and hugged Ratchet, and the medic smiled "Have you been on the rusty sticks again?" he asked the sparkling that looked up at him innocent, and as he was thinking before, to innocent.
"Nooh! " she said, and when she was that her carrier did not believe her she smiled sweetly "maybe a little bit?" she asked as Ratchet looked up at Ironhide
"More like licking on one" Ironhide chuckling low, little nervous
"Can I have a whole stick now?" Luna asked, and Ratchet shook his head
"You know that you can't have it until tree more solar cycles and both you and your Sire knows that," he said and Luna gave away a low 'ooh' sound, disappointed that she would not have any candy soon.
:: All Autobots report to the central command deck immediately:: the voice of the Prime suddenly was heard over the opened comm. Link and both Ratchet and Ironhide looked at each other, not liking that ton at all.
- Command deck, a bream earlier -
~ Hey Prowl, come here I think I have found something of interest~ Jazz said as he looked up from the monitor to look at his mate, now spark mate. He could feel the spark bond nestling close in his spark, and he loved to use it. It was like everything he had gone through, and everything they had done finally was rewarded. As soon as his optics landed on the mech in question, Jazz could feel his possessiveness and love raise over him. This was his mech and no one ells. Prowl gave him a funny look over the feelings he felt from his mate, he did not fully understand what Jazz was thinking, but one thing was for sure. He felt the same, if not worse than Jazz, how that now was possible.
The tactician walked over to Jazz monitor to see what he had found; they both had been working on the deck in silence. Jazz on monitor duty while Prowl was making up new tactical details for the next mission. The saboteur looked down and got a grim expression over his faceplate as his suspicion was right.
"We have tree Decepticon vessel not far from us, and I thought that it was a good Idea to see what they known" Also called hacking the net in Jazz own languish, he had targeted the weakest of the ships and got some information from it. Jazz was good at hacking but not as good as Blaster. Still, he could find the smallest interesting things now he was looking at a lot of strange signs that he had no idea of what languish that was in.
"What is it?"
"I have no idea, but of what I had gathered I think it may be different languish from the galaxies we have been in, the cons were getting it from farther away."
Jazz pointed out as he picked up the holograph picture of the galaxy in question.
"From the spiral galaxy in section HOZ-4583-S?" Prowl asked as he frowned, this was speeding things up and not in the right way.
"Yes, in a young Milky Way galaxy. The information is more likely from one of the planets in its mist, where the Allspark is located. If the information is correct."
:: Prowl to Optimus I need to speak to you right away. It is about the Allspark::
:: Optimus here, I'm on my way::
"Can you find the languish and translate it?" Prowl asked his mate as the white and black mech grinned
"Easy! Already done that" Jazz said cheeky and typed in some commands and the text started to scan and then translated.
"I must say that it is a good thing that some Decepticons are stupid. I could easily backtrack the signal as soon as I was inside their database. They have had some scouts out in this side of the galaxy for some time, even saying that Megatron was on the right track to the Allspark. But he has been silence for some time now. The languish was easily downloaded from something called the Wide World Web, but it will take time for a data transfer for us, but I could translate this" Jazz explained and put up the right document for Prowl to read and at the same time he boosting up his battle computer. And he had been reading the information when Optimus came into the commanding deck.
"Sir, I think you should read this," Prowl said as he stepped back so that the Prime could read what Jazz had found out. His processor had already decided the most accommodating and logical way to handle the new information, so he stepped aside. Optimus hummed lowly as he looked over the report, it was troublesome. Somewhere on that planet that the inhabitant called Earth, were both the Allspark and Megatron. From the information to judge, the Decepticons had successfully narrowed it down to a place called the USA and close to a place called California. Before he could say anything, the alarm went off on the monitors before them as it went up showing red sign of danger and a red blinking spot. The Decepticons was closing in on them.
"On it, Prime," the black and white mech said as he started to quickly type in codes and commands as he soon got up and got a visual image "It is a Decepticons fleet not far from us, Scrap! They must have noticed my hacking as I got the information; it is approximate three ships closing in fast!"
"Bring up the defense system and prepare for battle; we have been spotted," Prowl ordered and jumped to his station.
:: All Autobots report to the main command deck immediately:: Optimus sent out over the open Line, alerting all of the crew. Not soon after the messenger was Red alert inside of the deck and then the rest of the crew started to fall in with Bee, Evac and the terror twins. The alarm still sounding all over the ship alerting everybody that something was up and soon they all were in the commanding deck. Red-alert was on his way to having a nervous breakdown but had also got the focus to start up his security systems, and the twins were staying as far as they could from Ratchet.
"Bumblebee," Optimus said, and the younger mech looked up at him "I will send you to this planet that is called Earth to the nearest clue we have upon finding the Allspark. I want you to scout the area, and guard whoever has the information on the Allspark is that understood?"
Bee nodded in acknowledge, even if he did not like to leave the rest of the crew to fight off all of the Decepticons, but he understood that it was something he must do.
"If I may, Sir?" Prowl asked for permission to speak, and Optimus nodded "I would strongly suggest that the sparkling Lunastorm would accompany Bumblebee to this planet" and before either Ratchet or Ironhide could say something he continued. "It would be the safest place if the Decepticons are attacking and boarding our ship, and if she is with either Ratchet or Ironhide, they would logically keep themselves away from the fight. If the sparkling followed with Bumblebee, that also has the strongest guardian program, she would be approximate 78,34 % safer than staying here."
Optimus nodded slowly "Acknowledged Prowl, but it is still a decision for the Creators to make" He looked over to Ratchet and Ironhide that hesitated as they looked down at Luna, they trusted Prowl and his calculations but they did not want to be separated from her. But if it only was for a little while it would probably be for the best.
Ratchet and Ironhide were standing silent Luna was recharging in Ratchets arms peacefully.
~No~ Ratchet said sternly, he would not be separated from his sparkling, anything could happen, and if she were away from them, they would not be able to protect her.
~But it is the safest place~ Ironhide said low over the bond, looking over to Ratchet that in turn looked at him.
~I know, but what if something happens?~
~Prowls right; Bumblebee have the highest rate of guardian program than any one of us, he would not let anything happen to her. And if the Decepticons got their hands on her, they would not let her survive. ~
~I don't like it~
~and do you think I do? ~ Ironhide grunted low, he hated it, and he did not want to send his creation away, but the Decepticons must have laid a trap for them and if Luna was in the battle. No Ironhide did not even want to think of that. She was too big for their sparkling hold now and would not fit there. Maybe after her first transformation, but she did not have that now. Ratchet snapped up the thoughts and feelings and grumbled low, hugging Luna's frame closer to him.
"Alright," Ratchet said low, He lost the power to argue against it as it is the most logical way now. Ratchet poked his sparkling softly through the bond making Luna coming online slowly in his arms as he stroke her helm; there must be around two more programs that needed to reboot before they all were fully functional. One of them the small weapon systems, or it was more of a protecting protocol.
~Sparkling, time o wake up~ Ratchet told her and Luna sat up and made low chipping noise as she lay back down and cuddled close to his hand, not wanting to online yet.
Ironhide chuckled low and poked her side softly so that the sparkling giggled and tried to bat away his hand. She did not want to online right now; it was so warm.
~Luna, listening to us~Ratchet told her ~You have to go with Bumblebee for some time~
This mad the sparkling to wake up more "Whaaat?" she asked with huge optics "Why?" this was not a good thing, Luna started to become scared because everyone in the room suddenly was so silent and everyone was so severe. Something bad had happened.
"Because bad bots are coming and it will be safer where Bee is going than here, "Ratchet told her and could feel all the sorrow and fear that was over the bond, and he smoothed them over.
"It will only be for a stellar cycle or two, and you will be with Bumblebee all the time," Ironhide said as he stroked the sparklings helm.
"Contact with Decepticons ship, two bream from now," Jazz said from behind them
~Okay sparkling? We must do this so be brave~ Ironhide said as Luna was on her way to cry and protest but if there was something her creators had drilled into her it was that Decepticons was terrible!
:: I will protect her with my Life, I give my word as an Autobot:: Bumblebee came closer and looked up at them.
"We know that you will, and if you don't, well let's say that you will regret it," Ironhide said, glaring at the yellow scout but smiled slightly. Bee chipped and reached out his arms as Ratchet let Luna go over to him, and Bee holds the sparkling close to his spark. The sparkling looked up in purr sorrow at her creators. She did not want to get separated; she wanted to be with them.
~Take care sweet spark, we see you soon~ both of her creators were saying to her before she found herself in Bees protecting embrace. Safe from the outside world as Bee started to run down the corridor and to the launching platform that would take him to this planet earth. The first shoot shocked the ship hull hard, making Bumblebee lose his balance before he started to press in all the commands and coordinates for the planet Earth. He could feel the ship shake again and the time was short as he transformed down into his pod mode, making every piece of protoform into a guarding shell around the sparkling and his spark. The countdown to launch was now starting.
'Finished launching sequence, the countdown to launching is starting' a voice told Bee, and the hatches started to open up into space.
:: Hold still now sparkling it will be a bumpy ride:: The sparkling only whimpered low in the answer and curled up in a tighter ball to protect herself, but she could feel Bumblebees emotions soothing her.
'Launching Pod.'