Chapter 14: Morning Bickering


In my blissful dream, I was floating in a clear morning sky with not much sun or rain just a fair climate. I even jumped like a happy bunny at each fluffy cloud till I decided to snuggle myself over them. There were totally soft and fluffy to the point of making me moan I even turn and rolled over just to enjoy these fluffy clouds that I am laying on. But due to my rolling, I decided to lay my right hand over the cloud and squeezed it. So fluffy but then, I heard a cough. I was confused or even puzzled since clouds never speak which made me groaned. My eyebrows were knotted and decided to make another squeezed.

"How long you're going to play with my breast?" I heard a very familiar voice that asked directly at me which at first didn't register to my mind who was it or why it was talking to me.

But as my right hand kept the squeezing gesture over the fluffy clouds, it suddenly came into fade as my eyes also began to open from such a fun and relaxing sleep. When my eyes came to its adjustment, my sight became clearer. My right hand was indeed squeezing something soft and fluffy but when I followed what it was indeed touching, my eyes immediately went wide and made me jumped off the bed – well, more on rolled off the bed. But it was indeed a wrong move to do since my face literally hit the floor and made me groaned in pain.

"Jumpy in the morning." Elrisha commented as she released a sweet giggle that made me feel the heat crawling over my neck up to my cheeks. She seriously, not doing any good for my heart.

"I'm not just…sorry." I slowly got up from being an idiot on the floor and looked at Elrisha. She looked like she didn't get any chance to have some good night's sleep.

"Sorry for getting a feel on my breast?" Elrisha began to tease me which she really knew how since I am indeed the best example of human tomato over embarrassment.

I didn't respond but I got up from the floor and get some pillow before hitting her multiple times. Doing that, she was laughing like an innocent child, and it's making me feel so warm over my chest to the point of me smiling as well.

"Okay now, get up. We're going to be late." Elrisha told me which made me automatically looked over my desk clock at my bedside table.

"Oh right!" I agreed since it was only a couple of hours left before our call time at work.

"Wait, did you clean my room while I am sleeping?" I was halted over my trace when I noticed how clean and tidy my room became.

"For a clever mind, you're so lazy." She teased me again which made me hump as I marched toward my bathroom suite.

"Hey! My workload was so tiring and even my day-offs, I'm still working at the hospital as a on call surgeon." I countered before shutting the door behind me. Dammit, if her teasing was just a tease my heart won't react too much like this. I could definitely hear my heartbeat throbbing really hard to the point of its echoing through my ears.

I hurried up on taking some refreshing bath and did not even bother to put on light make-ups. I just dried myself from head to toe and wore my royal yellow sweatshirt, peach t-shirt, black skinny ripped jeans, and black Chuck Taylor shoes. But when I got out of my bathroom, I saw Elrisha was holding a cup of black coffee and wearing the same clothing but she did take a bath as well from the bathroom across the hall.

"Done?" Elrisha asked as I gather my things over my desk beside the window.

"Are you?" I countered which made her grinned and went outside.

I just tailed her and I saw her put her used mug over the sink then she wore her coat. Then we both headed to the elevator to the parking space. But along in our walk to her car, she was already talking to someone and she put the call into a speaker which made me hear their conversation.

"Letty, prepare my set of work suit along with my laptop and let Terek sent it to my office." Elrisha said to the other line as she started the engine of the car.

'Yes, Milady. Do you want your lunch delivered as well?'

"Do you like roast chicken with macaroni vegetable salad?" Elrisha suddenly turned and asked me if I'm okay with her suggested food for my lunch.

"Letty, you heard that right? Make it two. I expect them to be delivered before twelve." She firmly informed her maid at her house and I was speechlessly in awe.

On our way, I noticed that we're not yet leaving the D' Residence instead, we went to the clubhouse to get something to eat for our breakfast. I just hoped that we headed to our workplace since I don't want to be cornered and be embarrassed due to the thing that just happened when I woke up from my sleep.

"Welcome to Dicebergs ladies, I'm Stacy and I'll be your waitress." The same waitress who welcomed us before greet us. She managed to state her name this time since it's morning and there are no more than five people having breakfast here at exactly, 6:30 am.

Anyway, the waitress, Stacy guided us toward the same booth and sat at the same seats as she handed us their menu. But to be honest, she really has those well rounded breasts which made me envious. Well, mine was fair but compare to hers, they were twice or thrice the size of my own breast.

"You know I love them as the way they were." Elrisha's voice snapped me from taking pity and being envious of the breast size that I didn't have.

"Pervert." I mumbled in my low voice since I wanted to hide my embarrassment since she caught me red-handed.

I raised my hands to call Stacy back to our table since we have to place our order and to get rid of this heat over my cheeks already.

"Give me Lasagna tower pancake, a slice of custard egg pie, large potato fries, and hot cocoa milk." I placed my order as I noticed the amused smile written over Elrisha's lips. Damn, those lips.

"Just give me your breakfast platter." Elrisha ordered then Stacy repeated our order before leaving us alone again in the booth.

"You seriously can eat a lot." Elrisha suddenly commented as soon as the waitress left us alone in our booth.

"Well, even I am chubby; I won't let my body hit its limit." I just told her while trying my best to ignore her stare.

"Right. So, about this morning…" she began on opening a conversation that I don't want to talk about.

"Save it." I cut her off. I don't want to open that conversation.

"Why not?" she wondered with her innocent and curious voice.

"Because I say so." I just rolled my eyes away before pretending to check something over my phone.

"Oh, but your hand still didn't hesitate on squeezing my –" she started talking about it which made me glared at her and cut her off.

"DON'T!" I shouted at her but it wasn't loud enough to make some commotion.

"How times was it? Two or three squeezes." She kept teasing me now.

"Shut up!" I groaned as I kicked her leg under the table.

"Did you just kicked me?" she was a bit surprised over that sudden kick.

"I did." I stuck my tongue out which made her smirked but then she kicked my leg back.

"Oh, you!" I glared at her and as I tried to hit her hand this time.

"Well, hit me with your best shot then, my beloved." She teased again as she hit my hand on the spot.

"Dammit! Let me win." I gritted my teeth since we kept hitting each other's hands or legs and she won't stop.

"No can do." She winked at me while wearing that knowing smirk of hers. It's kinda irritating. She won't let me win with this.

"But you listen to every word I say to you." I whined as hit her leg then her hand at the same time.

"Indeed I am." she smiled at me and hit me as well.

"Then let me win this time." I whined more as if I am pleading which made me almost pouting at this childish game.

"Kiss me then." She dared as she caught my hands and pinned over the table while her face almost reached hers.

"Oh…" I was totally caught off guard by that when our few seconds of staring went to the window when Stacy coughed.

"Here's your order. Every your lovely breakfast." She put down our orders and winked at me before leaving us with our served foods. She just encouraged me over something I don't want to dwell on too much because if I do, my heart won't be able to survive the day.

Anyway, we both ate our breakfast but to me, it was more than an inhale of foods that are in front of me while Elrisha still wearing her amused look over her face which made my cheeks burn again.

"Oh, Mir…" Elrisha suddenly spoke which automatically I did that I think I shouldn't have.

"I win." She continued which made me groaned while she chuckled over my reaction. Even I wanted to strangle her here or there, I just can't since that laugh and those smiles were enough to make me melt in such blush.

As soon as we finished our breakfast, we took a couple of minutes before leaving the diner and went to her car. But inside of her car that's not what I am expecting to happen – well, I am not really expecting something but seriously!


I was totally fascinated by how Mirna eats her food. She's cute which I can't help but to smile but as soon as we both got in the car, the playlist in my car stereo was really good for my ears but Mirna has to ruin it. She changed the station by punching the station tuner button which I can't believe what she just did. No words came out of my mouth but I changed the station back to the previous one yet again, Mirna was not doing the same. She kept searching for some music on my car stereo and I challenged her back by doing the same through the control I have over my car stirring wheel. We kept doing that for over some minutes until a familiar intro began to echo throughout the car which made us both halted. We both went into our silence and let the station stayed there since this particular station suddenly plays the same song that we love to hear. The song I Do by Marie Digby and Jericho Rosales made us stop arguing over petty music that should be playing to our entire drive on the way to our working place.

When the music ends

When the lights go dim

When there's no one else around

I will still be here

Silence filled the entire drive. My eyes glued on the streets and the traffic lights while on my peripheral view, I noticed Mirna was very relaxed over her passenger seat. She was totally slouching already while head leaning over the car seat window.

When the colors fade

When the darkness breaks the light

When hope is out of sight

Love will be our guide

Mirna might be human with the knowledge of my existence and her blood contains the very rare blood that was bounded to be with me for the rest of her life. Yet, there was still something about her intrigues me which led me on teasing and flirting with her. I knew it was the pull of us being mates but at the same time there was something lies beneath those pulls.

'Cause love is strong

Love is never wrong

Love is where we belong

"What you're smiling at?" Mirna out of the blue wondered which made me realized that I am smiling.

"Nothing, it's just the lyrics of the song." I honestly told her what made me smile. She just nods and did not say another word because I knew that she was also lost in the message of the lyrics as well.

I'll make this clear

I will always be here

I love you, I do, I do

So smile, you have me for life

I love you, I do, I do

I do

It really made me hymned the song while I was topping my index fingers alternately over the stirring wheel. I was enjoying and feeling that song to the point of noticing that Mirna was also nodding her head in rhythm.

Love will be our song

Let this love be known

Love is God's finest work of art

Love will shine in the dark

If it feels colder

We can start all over and over and over again

This time I glanced over Mirna which exactly she did the same and she was smiling. Seeing that genuine and lovely smile on her lips, made my heartbeat in such warmness that it could ever beat for.

"I'll make this clear

I will always be here

I love you, I do, I do

So smile you have me for life

I love you, I do, I do…" Mirna suddenly sang while looking at the same heat which I could definitely tell that it came from the bottom of her heart.

"If you feel lost

Let me remind you, my love shines and I will always find you…" I continued singing with the bridge of the song as I did the same for her. I am pouring my feelings through that lines.

"Have no fear, love is here

Love is true, love is me, love is you…" she was blushing as she sang that part before turning her head back on the road which I did the same.

Both of us were indeed smiling from ear to ear and just kept listening to the song till it was finished. As our smiles never left our faces, I knew for sure that the message was indeed being sent. I only hope that she took them seriously since I am.

Anyway, after the song was done, I already hit the hand brake of the car and let everything inside the car float in silence. It was good and meaningful silence in which either of us wanting say something or even dare to open the door of the car. We just took our moment there in silence before I finally decided to get off of the car and open the car door for her. Nothing was being exchanged as from gratitude smiles and even throughout the entire elevator ride, silent mode was indeed on till I opened the door of our work station.

"Let's get this work done." Mirna stated while blushing as if she thought of something that includes me. Well, she glanced at me first before she went on her blushing mode that I actually couldn't argue with.