Chapter 13: You’re Safe


When I told her that, I pulled her into my arms out of the blue before I suppress the urging sneeze that was about to get but no. I did not focus on that but instead; I focus on calming Mirna, my beloved mate. So, I closed my eyes and let the warm feeling wrapped around us then the next thing I felt was when she wrapped her arms around my waist as well. I can't help but smile over it but she was still shivering and not because she's nervous but because she was frightened. I released a deep sigh then let my eyes released some energy that my mother taught me on how to persevering. She taught me on locking the magical power that I inherited from her in my sight. Well, not literally on my eyes but the power of the sight, the third eye.

Anyway, I took a couple of three breaths that were slow since I have channeled my energy into one particular point inside my body and let it flow accordingly. When I finally put enough energy into one point in my fingertips, I slowly soothed Mirna's back up and down to make her energy and blood circulation calmed down then I began singing the song entitled At Your Side of The Corrs.

"When the daylight's gone, & you're on your own

And you need a friend, just to be around

I will comfort you, I will take your hand

And I'll pull you through, I will understand

And you know that..." As soon as I started singing that song, Mirna suddenly jolted but then relax in my arms which made me wondered how long she's been longing for someone who'll hold her like this – secure and protected.

"I'll be at your side

There's no need to worry

Together, we'll survive

Through the haste & hurry

I'll be at your side, if you feel like you're alone

And you've nowhere to turn

I'll be at your side…" I sounded like I was reassuring that nothing will happen as long I am with her – together with her.

"If life's standing still, and your soul's confused

And you cannot find what road to choose

If you make mistakes (make mistakes)

You can't let me down (let me down)

I will still believe (still believe)

I will turn around

And you know that…" I encouraged her since she suddenly began shaking as if she was cold but nope, she wasn't. She was just crying as if there was something already built up and she used the fear toward the fallen rogue just an excuse for her to break down into my arms. Clever but strong will.

I stopped singing the song and pulled away from holding her into my arms before I studied her crying face that she kept trying to hide from me. I chuckled before I cupped her cheeks with my both hands and pulled them closer so I could kiss her forehead.

"You won't be able to get rid of me anytime." I honestly confessed to her what I am feeling to her crying and frightened state.

"I'll be at your side, no matter what. All I'm asking in return don't reject me or my feelings for you. I might be good with words but I just hope that you do." I almost sounded like I am pleading for her not to go on rejecting even though I knew that she could do it any time when she felt like doing it.

Then she suddenly burst into her tears which seriously, I am not sure anymore why she was crying. I tried to calm her down but she just pulled me into her arms and cried even more. I just took a deep breath and hugged her back. I don't know what to do but my body did something for her. I took her into my arms and carried her like a bride then we both took a seat over the couch while I let her sat over my lap. I just let her cry over my shoulder while her arms wrapped around my neck and I kept rubbing her back gently in a soothing matter. I don't want her to cry since it's breaking my heart into pieces and also it was irritating me as it bugged me big time since I don't know how to help her.

"Tell me, what's going on in your mind and your heart? Let me help you, my beloved." I sincerely whispered to Mirna's ear while she kept sobbing to her heart.

"You're not just being my beloved, my soulmate, or my mate, Mirna. You're something more to me. It's beyond what past lives we had before. It's something more that made me weak whenever you are broken. So please tell me, Mir." I continued telling her in my soothing voice that I could muster since I really do feel weak when she's like this and it irritates me.

"It irritates and frustrates me whenever I can't something for you. I want to do something for you." I added as my tone began to waver as well. Dammit! It's getting into my heart.

"Stay…" Mirna suddenly spoke yet there was still a couple of tears falling out of her eyes. I could feel them over my shoulder.

"Always." I firmly answered her as I could also feel some tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Just love…just love me…" Mirna sounded as if she was pleading for me to love her and of course, I do.

"I do." I reassured her that she's the only one for me and I can guarantee that in my heart that she'll always be the one in there.

Never in my entire existence had that I would cry in the arms of someone that I barely spent my time with until recently. Mirna might have – well most of the time made me feel irritated due to her scent but I could easily tolerate them since I knew that my Unega Unatsi was helping me not to get overreacted at Mirna's scent. Yet, having such overdrive or being high emotional state, Mirna's scent kept hitting in thousand, no, millions of bolts that not just itched my nostrils but needing to vomit.

"Argh, your irritating scent…seriously, if not making me sneeze, it's making me want to throw up." I groaned as I distance myself a little from holding her in my arms. Of course, I earn a light hit over my chest.

"Bear with it. I'm your mate and beloved right? So, there's no turning back." Mirna pinpointed which I can't help but to lean closer to her and wipe the remaining tear over her cheek while smiling.

"Indeed, you can't escape from me as well." I countered which made her smiled and let her forehead meet mine as we both let the moment wrapped around us. We just let it be our escape from whatever that's lurking beneath the shadow of night.

Anyway, as soon as Mirna's crying mode subsided, we both decided to relax over the couch while we're watching a TV series called Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. But after a few episodes of the series, I began to hear some snoring coming from my left shoulder where Mirna was already sound asleep. She fell asleep due to the tiredness from her crying mode. I smiled as I saw her sleeping face since she finally relaxed and sleeping peacefully. Slowly and carefully, I carried her once again like a bride before heading to the room that was next to the living area across the full bathroom and the guest room. Of course, I couldn't open the door with my hands since they were already full. So, I took one small breath before blowing some air and let it do its magic to open the door for me.

As soon as I got inside, Mirna's room was indeed hers since her fruity mint tea scents were lurking all over the place. But as soon my foot took a couple of steps from the door while carrying her in my arms, I suddenly stumbled and lose my balance. Its a good thing that I managed to move my other footing for support as I also used the air that I just blew earlier to open the door to help me not to entirely fall on the ground. Simple to picture my ridiculous stunt like my whole body along with Mirna in my arms was float by twenty-four inches away from the ground and not to mention that my left foot was fully stretched to maintain the remaining balance that I had. So, without the wind that I just used earlier, we both lay on the floor.

I groaned to myself as the wind pulled me back in a standing position and continued on walking toward Mirna's untidy bed. I released a sigh before I looked around her room which wasn't totally what she looked like since everything was all over the place. She's presentable and the way she thinks really remarkable but inside her unit house, things might be neat outside aside from her bedroom. It was totally chaos and messy as if there's some tornado just passed by the looks of her bedroom. Yet, I can't help but chuckle to myself.

"I see how busy she could be to the point of forgetting to clean up her room." I chuckled in humor since her clothes from clean to dirty ones were scattered across the whole bedroom which includes her undergarments.

I seriously wanted to laugh but I know her work might tire her all the time that she could forget to clean her mess in her very room.

"Yet, what have you been doing whenever you're in your day-offs?" I wondered as I caressed her cheeks delicately while smiling.

I shook my head to dismiss that thought and just help her on cleaning her bedroom. I took the liberty to collect her dirty laundry and put them in the laundry baskets then set them aside. Then fold or put into some hangers the clean clothes before putting them neatly in her closet which I am thankful that they were also clean and neat. To be honest, I am wondering how she managed to make her closet, living area, dining, and kitchen really clean and neat compare to her very own bedroom.

"You don't intend on using what's not being used." I thought since I noticed some clothes were still having their tags attached while some were still on the paper bags or being covered neatly with plastics.

I just let that thought be on my mind alone since I don't want to embarrass her if I ever teased her about it. Anyway, when I am done segregating her clothes around her room, I went back over to the bed where she was sleeping peacefully. I really want to savor this very moment until I felt them again. I could feel some heat coming from somewhere which making the air a bit humid then some rotten smell coming from rogues but worse – double dead fish scent. Smelling that scent meant only one thing, fallen rogues were lurking around in the shadow of the night but, there was something different. They were just lurking – to be precise, watching carefully whoever they were setting on ruining. Quietly, with no sound at all, I went to the window's side and took a deep breath before using my witch power of sight to see what's really happening outside. It was totally quiet and this too much silence wasn't good.

"They were on the hunt." I mumbled under my low breath before I head back to Mirna's bed and lay down beside her. I have to cloak her with my scent.

So, I took the liberty to wrap my arms around her but erase that one since instead of me doing that, she's the one who did it. Her right arm suddenly wrapped around my waist as she pulled herself closer to my side and snuggled her face over my chest. I was totally taken by surprise and almost made me frozen once again but when I felt that threat again, I wrapped my left arm in return. But seriously, I really wanted to sneeze and vomit at the same time due to her scent but that wasn't the only thing that I am irritated with right now…

She kept snuggling over my chest and some of her in-between breath was a moan. So tell me who wasn't going to be turned on over their partner who sounding like she's inviting you in?