Chapter 18: A Glimpse & Her Mate


I was totally inspired after getting laid with the person made only for me and now that we suddenly had a daughter, it was making me want to do more. I mean, I want to be the best version of myself not just for me but for them. As I was in the middle of my rough sketch, I could already smell the delicious aroma of the snack that they were preparing which made me jealous because my mate was having a nice quality time with our daughter. But I kept my focus on finishing my sketches before making them alive with colors. I was in the middle of artwork when I sensed something making my family at the edge, I know my mate can handle it and I wanted to leave it to her but the thought of Kimberlyn getting hurt made me growled. I stopped what I am doing again before heading to where they are and when I got there, it was already being settled down.