Chapter 57

The thought of being loved was such a strange thing. You would think that being loved by your family, friends or lover wasn't such a big deal. That was just, natural. Yet Carina was possibly the most love deprived girl of the decade.

Hearing Nathan say those three imperfectly magnificent words almost washed over her heart, like a grand wave in the middle of the night. Yet, she found it hysterical. She laughed.

"You want me to believe that you actually 'love' me? Do you even know what love means?" She sounded broken.

"I don't need to know what it means. I just want you to accept that my love for you is stronger than anything." Nathan's tone wasn't the usual mocking one. This was more, down to the earth. Carina wondered if it was his actual voice and the mocking tone was just a veil.

"If it is as you say, you should let me be happy. Instead, you're going around murdering people."

"You know more than anyone that if Charles lived, your life would be hell. I just saved you from it. I gave you freedom, love."

"Don't call me by absurd pet names!" Carina's voice showed pure anger. He was getting on her nerves.

"Did something happen? You were crying and now you're having outbursts... Did that bastard say something to hurt you?"

The fact that this man, this sick obsessive murderer, could read her like an open book fuelled her rage. A voice in her head reminded her that Thomas didn't bother to observe how she felt, yet, the one claiming he loved her, did.

More tears fell from her eyes. Why was everything so hard for her? She just wanted to live an easy life. Was that impossible? Carina's patience had crossed boundaries ever since her mother declared she was going to be wed off to a drunk leech.

She had been accused of brainwashing, eloping, murdering and homewrecking. A 19 year old girl, who had so many dreams, so much hunger for knowledge, was living in such a venomous environment, facing insults, ignorance, hurtful words.

Was this her breaking point?