Potential?, And Fury

"Potential is the ability only chasers have access to so I've heard" Said Dator

"So like potential is like to complete something?" said Dixon

"Not quite it's and ability you have to unlock after the most intense training."

So that's how the other sword chaser did to get his power right?" said Jax

"But how did he move that fast"I followed after

"Well it's not that all complicated once you have unlocked your potential then you are granted an ability or many abilities it depends on how hard you train" mentioned by Dator"

"But your ability is only what your body is used to so if your body is used to being fast then your faster and if your body is strong then your ability is strength."

"How long will it take to get to your abilities point" said Cast in disbelief

That depends on when you want to be finished, it works like this you do the training and after you unlock the the potential then.."

"Then what" I said

"Well you'll need to find another sword chaser to find that part out I've never done it myself but i know this much but that's all I have for you"

"Well thank you er.. uh Dator for telling us this, but if you are going to tell us something next time can you not sneak up on us please?"

"Oh ah my bad I like the element of surprise."

Later that night after he left we discussed how we are going to find another chaser who has unlocked their potential.

"Well how will we find one." said Cast

"We'll have to go from town to town, castle to castle till we find one" Followed by Dixon

"First lets find the fury blade then worry about some abilities OK."

"OK" they all said.

In the morning when we woke up we began our quest to find the fury blade. During the walk we started making ideas on what we should do when we get to the grasslands, such as plans, strategies, and things of that nature but after the very long quest we made it to the grasslands and the grass was so tall I took it for the wall of gold back in the kingdom of gold. We used our swords to to cut it down but to our surprise it grew right back and the grass started attacking us it was grabbing our legs and arms as we cut it loose and it kept coming and coming but we were caught until the entire grass was pulverized by a fire blade and someone cut us loose.

We all stood back up and saw a person standing on a cliff with the sword of flames and they jumped down and said.

"If I was not here then the grass would have thrown you in the volcano."

"My name is Flake we'll my nickname is but you can call me that."

"Thanks Uh Flake we were almost goners right then." I said with relief

We did introductions and it turns out that Flake is also looking for the fury blade too so she decided to join us on our quest. She helped us search for the entrance to the dungeon. We checked high and low for the entrance but no hope then it clicked.

I quickly said "OK what if the dungeon is found in the volcano."

"Uh dude I don't know about you but I think the volcano is the worst choice to go." said Cast

"Wait he may be on to something what if it is that's probably why it is so hard to find because of that."

"Maybe" said Jax

"Lets go see then" said Flake

We started walking up the volcanic mountain and lava hounds stared coming out of the side of the mountain.

" I knew it this is the location other wise the monsters wouldn't be summoning here."

We faught them and killed every last one but after 5 minuets they would come again so we ran to the top of the volcano and looked in it there was magma in it.

"of course." said Dixon

"Wait you see that."

"Uh no said Jax."

"There's some sort if field on it, it might be a fake volcano ."

She jumps in and we all freak out shouting and yelling and when she went in the field kind if jerked in another direction and then we calmed and said that is fake and decided to jump in to after minuets of debating. We made it in and landed on the ground and saw hundreds of thousands of magma monsters and at the end of them was the dungeon master. We locked eyes and smiled at each other.

The dungeon master said " Only two people have made it out of here out of thousands who've tried to claim my swords."

I replied " Well your going to have five more leaving here today" *Grinning

"Good luck" said the dungeon master

The massive army came at us and immediately we began fighting I said "Formation WAR!!"

And we got information and started destroying the beasts. I used my favorite sword the Katana and I was cutting right through them and flake was using a winter sword it was a wise choice by her the sword can shoot ice out the tip if the blade, the upside is fire and ice don't mix but the ice turns into water which can hurt them bad. She speeds to them then I knew she had awakened her potential she in the air is in the middle of them strikes the ground so hard it send ice flying everywhere and like that the magma monsters began to melt to solid magma and the dungeon master was not pleased and said " This ends here." and went for Flake.

I then stop him in his tracks and cut his face and he smacked me with his giant hand and knocked me into some wreckage and I yell in pain and get up and and WAR activate My crew and I charged at him in all direction and got above him and they attached their weapon to me and threw me and I spun a high speeds this formation is also know as high velocity mode or HVM he showed fear in his eyes and could not dodge it and it hit him right in the chest and scarred him from arm to arm and he fell in the distance and we came to him and said

" We win now give us the blades."

He said this is just only the beginning and he summons a giant bull and get in top of it and combines himself with it and he looked more monstrous than he did before he had horns, a tail, and fire emitting from all direction and he said.

" What are you going to do now?"

Cast said " Fight till last breath."

We all nodded and he said

" Very well." and charges at us like he was going to attack and stopped right before and paused then asked what would you do if I were to strike you... You the one who wields the Katana what would you do?"

I look at him with hated eyes and say. " Cut you down with all that is left of me.

"Hmm how would you do that you don't have anything special about you why would you do it only to die?" the dungeon master said.

"Because its my MMM... dream to be a legendary chaser that's why."

The dungeon master look changes back to his original state and he says " It's been a while since I've seen someone like you, for that I give you all the blade of Fury and for the axe you'll get the axe of fury.

"Oh my name is Gandoran and you are?"

I don't have a name my parents never named me anything they would call me boy and that's it." I said with gloom.

Gandoran said "We'll names don't matter it was a pleasure fighting you till next time." *Vanishes*

"Well we got it right guys."

We all looked at Dixon and just stare.

"Well guys thanks for fighting next to me it was uh fun I guess." said Flake

"Oh wait there is something we wanted to ask you, how do we unlock our potential?"

"Oh easy just go to a camp that teaches the training and your good to go i'll give you a map but be careful with this one this map moves it needs blood to work."

'Blood." said Cast

"Yes you drip your blood on the map and it shows where you are until you reach your destination but when you get there the map will burn itself up and be no more so stay alert it burns haha."

Uh ok "Thanks till we meet again Flake." we all said.

Then we began to go to the nearest camp and it was pretty far from where we were so we wanted to get it over with already so we began going there.