Tiresome Start

We see something in the distance and it looks to be tents and people there. As we get closer the sound of people yelling gets louder. We make it to the gates and the gate keeper asks " What do you want?"

I say "we are here for potential training and we are new to this."

"Oh OK names." said the gate keeper.

"Uh that's Dixon, Cast, Jax, and I don't have a name ."

"We'll you'll have to wear a number, you can be number zero."

"Why zero." I asked

"Because your the first no name anyways age?"

"Were all 15"

"OK you may enter now."

The metal gate open and the entire entrance looked at us and stared with intimidation and we minded our business and we were looking for a sign up station and we see a tall sign that says register now so we went towards it. When we got to it a lady says here take a number and go stand with your designated group I had 1090 and the group had the numbers after mine. After standing for almost ten minuets a voice with sonic boom sound shells through the area saying.

" Groups 1-100 ,101-200, 201-300, Go to camp numbers 301-400, and 401-500 go to camp Chetoran, as for the rest of you you stay here with me!"

When I finally saw who was speaking my mind jumped as fast as a heart because the man was a giant bodybuilder and has short thick white hair, and a full body jump suit, with his red eyes he could stare down anyone. At that moment I knew to stay away from him.

Our training began with interrogation the instructor said

"I am your instructor my name is instructor Ridgway and I will be teaching you boys all about unlocking potential."

"To start you off we will be going straight to it I want you all to run 100 miles north and back you have unlimited time and you start now!"

Everyone in my group began to run and so did we as we ran we made no chit chat because we needed to keep our energy up this task our insane instructor has given us to do. We are only 10 miles in and some people are already dropping like flies and we are down to at least 700 people left from when we started and we are switching terrains and its more muddy and rocky.

3 hours later we are at mile 25 and we are not that far from what we had at 10 miles we have people from the 600's left and it is getting pretty intense at this very moment people have been giving up and dropping out like theirs no tomorrow.

Its been 15 hours and mile 49 and I'm so tired I have something left in me that will keep me going but then the terrain was getting worse we had to cross a mountain and that is where we ended up losing half of whats left of us and then every ten would drop and then all I saw was blank and I had fell out.

When I woke up I was at camp and Dixon was already up and told me

" No one made it we all had to be picked up the last mile that was recorded was 67 miles the last mile I did was mile 50 and that was it."

"Jax and Cast are still sleep in their tent but we have more training to do today I don't know on what."

I then said " I need to eat something."'

"Me too i'm hungry."

Dixon and I went to find food and lucky us we had found the cafeteria and we went inside and some people were int here and we got food and drink and sat down and ate. When we finished we tried to leave and a group stood in front of us and the main man said

" We haven't seen you guys before, you must be new."

"We got something to tell you newbies, we own this place so what ever I say you do understood?"

I then activate the blade of fury and everyone in there steps back and are surprised and I only did this to assure dominance or to make them back off so fighting wasn't necessary and the guy says.

"Are you challenging me because we can end this right now." he says while activation the cosmic blade a blade of high energy

" Back off or else i'll have to fight you, and there needs no fighting right now."

Then the instructor came in and separated us and we got away. After that we went to see if Jax and Cast were awake and they were. I told them what happened and now that we are up to date we are ready for the next instruction. The camp bell went off and all students are outside and we get the next instruction we have to go to the tallest mountain and the instructor is going to teach us how to preform physical fighting. To be honest I thought this was as pointless as the last task.

After all that we had to copy the instructor's movements and use them against each other. We have been at this for 5 hours now he mentioned that we will be doing this for 10 plus hours and if we don't remember by then we will be expelled from this camp permanently. In the end there were 105 people left and that includes my friends and I after that uneventful training session. Mr. Ridway said there are 2 more tasks and these will most likely kill some of you so if you cant handle death heavily then get lost maggots. And at least 30 people were left and he said.

"Hmm.. for those of you that are left you have one more task."

someone then said " So that was a test thank god."

"OK without further interruptions the last task is to get as mad as you can so the task is combat and there are no rules so killing is an option."

And if you saw the look on everyone's face they looked cocky and scared and quiet timid. I went to look for my friends and the instructor gave everyone a person to fight and go figure I gotten the douche who tried to fight me earlier and I know I will not hold back on him and my match began when we wanted to.

He comes to me and smirks and nods his head in a direction and I follow with my fury blade in my right hand and he stops and turns around and wields the blade of fate and I was quite relived because if he used the cosmic blade I would be at an dis advantage.

"Your move newbie." he said

"You'll die if I do you know that ."

"Maybe I will maybe I wont."

We began and he switches the blades to a new blade just been found the blade of eruption and this one is quite tricky to defeat you have to be careful because one wrong move then boom your dead. He comes at me so fast that I cant see and he hits my back armor and it blows me in the opposite direction.

"OK now i'm pissed." I said while grunting back on my feet

"Now your talking, but your too weak you cant win."

I come at him this time but now i'm using formation O this one I have to make him come to me

I start throwing insults at him.

" What is that all you got." followed by " Guess so didn't expect much from you."

He looks at me with murder in his eyes and I felt that so I put my guard up. He launches at me and I dodge him and he stops and then I circle him as fast as I can and makes dust rise then I jump at him and land a hit to his front chest plate knocking it to the ground and it begins to melt and he was caught off guard and I say.

" Now I'm going to preform formation solo W this one will kill you so if you don't wish to die a fiery death do you give or not?"

He says " No you'll die."

"Very well." Followed by me

I spin in place and he says " No name. that can be tough huh? but I guess the ones who cant be loved cant have a name."

My mind began to be clouded with hate and rage and surprisingly hope he looked at me and he said

"What are you why are your eyes on fire wha-."

I stop and think " This is my ability and then I get clouded by my hate and rage and lose hope and I attack him with formation W and he had no time to dodge it and swoosh then I fall out. I wake up and my friend say are you ok and I reply

"Uh yes why what happened? Did I win!?"

"Yes you won but you should know something its bad." said Dixon

Our instructor walks in with a missing arm and says " We need to talk."