The Monster Inside You

When the instructor came in the room with one arm missing I was over the top confused things that fled through my mind were mainly based upon accidents that can lead to arm removal. He looked at me with worried eyes and that shocked me because the entire time I knew of him I never thought of him being the worry type. My friends backed away from me and Mr Ridway began by saying.

"Well what i'm about to say is not going to be easy but you have to leave this place."

"Your dangerous around all these people and you might cause harm to many more."

"What why what did I do?" I said in agony

He quickly replies "You killed 206 people when you blacked out and I stopped you and lost my arm in the process."

"And now you have to go."

I was so confused and I was given 1 hour to leave and now that I have to leave I wanted answers my friends told me what happened and Jax described it to me as.

"As soon as the fight came to an end what I saw was your eyes turned to a red fire and you multiplied and did formation W with your multiples and killed your opponent. After that you went on a rampage and your whole body was covered with fire like armor and multiplied again and you killed 206 campers and you cut the instructors arm off."

When I heard this I didn't want to believe it, hearing this made me sick to the stomach and I passed out. I was woken up an hour later an my friends and I were in a carriage and they told me that the instructor gave us a carriage for the travel away and I was still not accepting the truth I didn't want it to be bad but it was.

We came upon a town and we settled there and I say to my friend.

"What is happening to me why did I kill all those people."

"I couldn't tell you." Dixon says to me with a remorseful tone

"We have to find out." said Cast

Then Jax yells us over there and says she found a letter in the carriage and it says

"Dear Zero, Jax, Dixon, and Cast this is a message from Mr Ridway, and this is an explanation about what exactly is happening to Zero when he attacked everyone his eyes showed a fiery red instead of regular colored fire this means his potential was tampered with magic and this is really bad because in ancient times is when magic was rid of and only ones who can do this magic are spell chasers and those are non existent anymore but for his case it seems there is dark magic surrounding him and this magic was only known to be used by an evil sorcerer who was killed 1000 years ago, anyway keep him from any type of emotion that can trigger anger because if you don't then the whole world will pay. And if you see anyone with white hair come to you ignore them as best as you can they belong to an organization that wants what surrounds Zero. P.S if you need more information you must travel to a town named Tasarrow good luck and burn this after reading."

"Well uh we need to get to that town quick... Like NOW." said Cast

"I agree this is bad I have never heard of a spell chaser and I don't plan on dying to one either." Said Dixon

Jax then says " Oh yes uh the locating map is still with us before we arrived I changed locations and it didn't burn up so we can use it to find the town."

We all agree and commend her for it then leave for Tasarrow. This journey will take 5 days to complete and it will be a rough way getting there because on the map it says we have to cross the capital of our lands the kingdom of Mere this was powerful because the kind conquered all other kingdoms and united them under him the royal Hajj or saint Hajj really I don't see him as a king he arrogant and foul.

Its been 2 days and we make it to the kingdom of Mere and the land guards rode up to us telling us to follow them to the entrance and we do so they lead us to the wall and ask us why we came and I told them just passing through and we mean no threat to any inhabitant here and like pesky guards that they are they request to search us and at that moment I begin to notice a weird symbol on my right forearm and it looks like a star, one of the guards notices me messing with my arm and yells.

"HOLD, check this one he acting suspicious GET OUT OF THE CARRIAGE!"

"I don't know what your talking about I'm clean." I exclaim

But he insists on checking me so we all get out and they check me and the guard that caught me says.

"Check his sleeve that's what he was messing with."

3 guards hold my friends away and 2 come to me and pull my sleeve up in this instance I was clueless of what to do so I just fell and pretend to faint. Everyone looks at me and my friends all look at my hand and I was holding up 2 fingers and that was the signal for follow my lead and they remained calm the guards say to take me inside to the doctor's room. On the way there there was a wanted poster and it was worth 10,000 silver and the person on it was to my surprise Mr. Ridway and I think " Oh my this is bad." and i get to the doctor and they lay me down and leave the doctor comes over and says

"Hmm he's not passed out, get up."

I panic and jump up grab my friends and we make a break for it and some of the inner castle guards see us running and followed us we can see them in clear view and we turn the corner and there are guards waiting for us and they say.

"Your going to the King."

That moment was the most my heart was moving and when we arrived to the throne room the and the king stood up and said

" What is the purpose of this guards."

One of them said " This one has caused a ruckus at the doctors post, and him and his friends ran through the lower levels and scared many of your citizens."

The king replied with " Explain yourselves, You the one with the tunic."

I say " Yes my king what is it you wish of me."

He replies " Tell me your life story and you all get to leave with your lives."

" Tell it all." I followed

"Yes all of it every last piece if not you die where you stand like peasants."

"Very well." I exclaimed

I stood on my feet and had my chest in the air and said.

"Well for start the first memory I remember was when I was 3 my life was unordinary, my parents didn't neglect me but they were distant from me and they didn't even name me but it was ordinary to me like i was use to it, 4 through 5 I was on the move and I didn't even know why the only thing they told me was.. was-."

"Was what." said the King

"They were trying to keep me from your father before you, King Hajj the first and I don't even know why we were on the move." I replied

"I know why you were running from him it's because he wanted what was casted upon you the very thing that makes you so strong, your dark magic that runs in you like a circle and drives hate and rage, and you know what?" The king said with a menacing tone

"what?" I immediately reply

"I'm also looking for you too and now that your here I can take you away and strip you of that dark magic GUARDS CAPTURE THIS ONE KILL THE REST."

My only choice was to cause damage to them so I draw the katana and slice the guards down and speed over to the king and say.

"You come for me, or so much as try to follow me I will find you and you will end up just like your father did."

And the king's face was froze, and my friends and I ran to find our carriage, we found it and we left through the front gate and I blew the doors open and we rode around the kingdom and headed straight for Tasarrow.

I said in an easy tone " Guys I think i'm going to keep the name Zero so from now on call me Zero OK?"

They all looked at me and nodded

I say " What?"

Dixon says "Uh you know you kind of lost your cool and you didn't act like you."

"Agree you changed a little you would never threaten anyone." said Cast

I say "I know but he was going to kill you all I had to act it's my job." I replied.

*Jax remains silent*

" I know it seems like I've changed but it's like my body is acting on a whole other level but i'm the same person." I added

We continued the ride the rest of the way and next stop is Tasarrow.