A Piece Of Ancient History

New Speaker: Some people don't know the real story of the evilest wizard in the world. Over 1000 years ago a boy was born into a world that accepted magic and sorcery from the day he was able to think he wanted one thing to be a spell chaser. When he became the required age of 14 he was learning spells faster than they came up. One day his parents told him "No matter what don't ever lose faith in what you are now." He took it in and he never forgot. When he became an adult his early life was filled with him trying to survive on his own and he also continued his dream of being the greatest spell chaser in the world and he did that very thing at the age of 30. Later in his life, he wanted someone to be with for eternity and he went to find that someone and after times of being rejected he found someone who liked him and he did her, for the next four years he and she used their magic to help others in need. Until one day his lover cast her last spell because of some group called the Casters they were a group of men who despised the idea of unnatural abilities and they killed his equivalent other and told him to stop using magic and if he did it again they said they would kill him and every other spell chaser in existence. A while went by and then he ended up killing his first man and something sparked inside him and it sent him on a rampage for days and he ended up massacring entire kingdoms until he reached his last kill of 10,300 people, the Casters found out and came for him hunted him down for months and this man they were chasing made an even bigger name for himself and was known as the evilest dangerous man on the planet and the casters had no choice but to create magic maps and handed them out. The casters told the people of the land to find him and kill him because he poses a threat to everyone in the world. No matter who tried they could not kill him many people say that he killed over 10,000 and rounded it near but in truth, he killed exactly 100,900 people and 10,000 was not his last kills, later in life when he was at his strongest he was then hunted by other spell chasers all at once under the order of the Casters the evil wizard killed nearly all of them and when they all were with him the casters killed the evil wizard and all the spell casters and burned their corpses. But some of the wizards were not gone his evil essence crawled off him and hid in nature. The wizard had a name that would thrive throughout time MAZZA.