Casters And Release

I woke up and we were back at our camp and I was lying in the carriage and Jax was sitting next to me and when she was me woken up she said.

"He's awake come."

Dixon and Flake come running over and they are relieved Dixon says.

"Oh thank god, I thought we lost you."

Flake says " I knew he would make it he doesn't go down easily I know that from training with him."

I sit up and my body aches and I feel all hazy and I ask.

"Why did I do that?"

"You didn't do that I thought that was you," said Flake

"Well not exactly it was but wasn't I heard a voice and it reminded me of Mazza like it was him controlling me."

"How do you know for sure?" said Flake

"Because that's not all he said, he said You want to kill him let me do it I'll end it quickly and you'll have the weapon to yourself." I followed

"Well that's bad," Jax adds

Dixon says "We'll have to stop chasing for now until we get answers OK?"

So all of us went camping packed up and went back to the spell chaser in Tasarrow to ask more questions.

***Month and a half later***

When we made it back Flake had to go because she had to do something she didn't say what but it was kind of suspicious but when we got to Tasarrow we noticed that the woman we met before was being pushed and shoved around and being yelled at by men who wore white cloaks with fur on the hood and we got out and ran in with our weapons out I used the Sun Blade, then I swung and they vanished and reappear behind her and say.

"Don't interfere this doesn't concern you."

When he said that I noticed his white hair and then I secretly told my friend and we decided to fight but we needed a plan so we all vanished and reappeared on one of the homes and I say.

"We need to use formation V it's the only way we can catch them off guard."

"Deal let's do it."

"Let's get 'em."

We all agreed to do the plan and we came to them again but this time they had weapons that outranked ours and yet we still didn't back down. And I say formation V and we all speed to them so fast it looks like we teleported and when we swung they vanished too and punched all of us and we hit the ground. We get up and I say.

"OK time to get violent."

I say "Formation War."

We get in position and activate my black fire armor and they backed off and one said.

"where did you get that?"

"Answer us." Another said

I remained quiet and said "war" and we jump and I grab my friends and my weapons and spin and came in high speed and one of them grabbed the spell chaser and grabbed her by the throat and lifted her in the way of my attack and I tried to stop my self and it took a lot to stop high velocity but it worked and I backed off. We stood and stared for almost a minute and then I said let's take them one on one, then one says.

"You couldn't take us on your best day Mazza."

I replied, "I'm not Mazza my name is Zero, and these are my friends Dixon, and Jax and what you call Mazza is magic that was attached to me for I don't know how long but is Mazza and he gives me power and strength every day and weakens my mental state so if you tempt me I could blackout and kill everyone here."

"The frontman said, "Well Zero we are Casters and my name is Varioso we want to rid of the dark magic that surrounds you and all other dark magic that walks the lands there are three other types of dark magic that walks the planet and we need to destroy all of them."

I say "Well you're out of luck I'm not dying intentionally so you'll have to want to kill me."

We stare for a while and then I grip the Sun Blade and lift it and stick it in the ground and this technique lets you choose your target so fire began to come ant them and they jump out the way and the spell woman ran away. One of them tails her and Jax goes for them and Dixon Gets to one and fight him And I fight Varioso, and we aren't on equal footing because he is more advanced than me he kept on dodging my attacks and knocking me around until I hear the voice again and it says.

"They want to kill you and your friend, I can prevent that from happening to take my magic and use it."

And I get stronger at the second and faster I then speed all around and land some hits, then he retreats and calls his men and we continue to clash swords and he tries running to get the distance to leave and right when his team got to his side I cut his sword in half and they all vanish.

"Is everyone OK?" I say

"Yes" Jax and Dixon replies

"Wheres the spell caster?"

Jax comes grunting in pain and says "They already took her."

"Well that's hope lost but there is one spell chaser left, In Mere

We left to the Kingdom Of Mere and on the way there we see groups of people walking in the direction of which we came from. We stop and ask what's happening and one group tells us that Kingdom Of Mere is going into war and they had to get out because the new king made smaller ones mad and they turned against him. We then rush to the Castle. After rushing we shortened 2 days into a day and a few hours when we arrived the Kingdom was still in one piece and we came through the gates that had no guards or knights and we went to the throne room and there he sat the new king with his body decapitated and scattered all over and the wizard came in laughing and says.

"What do you want?"

I say "We need your help, I want you to get Mazza out of me he has been more active every day."

"Why would I help you, you could try to kill me for what I did last time," he mentioned

I reply "Because we have money and I can tell you something that might endanger you."

"WHAT.," he said

I then say "There might be a certain group by the name of the casters nearby and I could tell you what they look like."

"That is something you can accept," said Dixon

Jax says "But will you accept it, wizard." "We might also tell them that we know of a wizard."

He gets nervous and begs us to not do it and accepted the price and he tells us there is one way but this one has a higher chance at killing you than last time because of his grip on me and I didn't feel well and I unwillingly accept and he says.

"We can do it here in the throne room."

Then I lay down and he says.

"If he is in you then he can easily take control of you because of the door I open to pull him out."

I reply "OK got it to get it on with."

He starts to chant and says "Approve the remove and stay away, if magic stays here then it will be consumed."

After the chants the glass in the throne room shattered and I begin to feel pain and the ground starts to shake and I hear another voice yelling inside me and it sounded demonic and evil. The light in the sky turns blood red and it shined inside the room and me still in pain looks at my stomach and there is dark magic sitting on top of it and it turns white and shapes into a head and jumps in me again and the ground shook harder and harder the light turned black and then everything went blank.

Mazza: I wake for the first time in a millennium and I feel the fresh air hit my skin and I see another man in front of me and he sits and stares at me and asks did it work immediately use a spell called the spell of the dead and it turns him into a living skeleton and he dies after I use the spell of one thousand suns and turn him to ashes. Then I hear young voices behind me and they ask if I was OK then I realize that I'm in the boy's body and fill with anger that no one care for me they only care for the body I harbor and I float to my feet and I turn to look at them and say.

"No, I'm not don't you see I'm not that boy I'm much greater than him."

They look in disbelief and then I summon my wand and point it in their direction and I try to cast a spell but it won't work and I think it must be the boy fighting me from the inside protecting them and that means that he can see all of this transpiring so I try to kill them with force and the one with the axes can't attack me because I'm in her friend's body and since I can't attack with magic I back off and use my transportation spell and leave to my home of Murder town.