Before Isa and Leo's wedding they invited us to go to the AMA's AWARDS to sing a few songs. So now I just changed with a perfect outfit for tonight.
When the four of us were ready, we got into my boyfriend's car, my friends called to let us know that they were already there in the front row. When we arrived we were waiting behind the stage to be called to play. Today I was going to tell Logan what his sister told me, I had already told everyone, when we finish I will ask him and he will have to explain.
Our turn came and we got on the stage, I started singing and everyone was already dancing, my friends taking pictures while they danced like late seals.
At the end of everything, I mean taking pictures with Halsey, Bruno Mars, Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun, Jenna Joseph ... and many more, we went to my house, we sat on the sofa and we all stared at Logan.
-Why are you looking at me like that? - Logan
-Don't you have something to tell us, Logi?- Celeste asks seriously.
I see him getting nervous- no- Logan
-Look, we don't like to find out about something from other people- Leo
-Damn Logan, I'll get straight to the point- I take a breath- yesterday when I returned from the wedding, I found Jane crying and she told me that you were leaving forever, what does she mean by that? - I said desperately.
Zack calmed me down by caressing my back. Logan was more nervous than before.
-alright, I'll tell you- Logan
<< Now that I have a girlfriend I am very happy with her, one day she told me that she had to go to Brazil because her parents are sick and she will stay there forever, I love her very much and it is the first time that I fall in love so much, also many years without finding someone, that's why I told her that I would go with her everywhere, I hope they understand me, I'm going to have to leave the band, these days I taught Chris how to play drums, he will be the drummer now, please forgive me for not telling you, I was going to do it very soon >>
Wow, I didn't know what to say because I had a lump in my throat.
-We understand Logan, we cannot prohibit you from leaving, you have all your right- Isa
-When are you going? - Carlos
-morning night- Logan
We all stood up and hugged Logan as we cried.
We decided that tomorrow morning we will go to the beach until the afternoon, to spend the last hours with Logan before he leaves. Now Chris will be part of the band and is learning to play drums.