I changed and prepared what I need for today. I decided to leave the vet closed for today.
We went with two cars because in one we would not reach all of them. It didn't take us long to get there because it's a few minutes away, plus Zack drives like lightning.
We went downstairs with our things and put several towels on the sand so we could sit down.
-I'll go bathe because Brad wants to too- says Ana taking my nephew to shore.
-I stay with my daughter- Carlos
-Let's take a bath all- Celeste
-Zack do you want to surf?
-That is not asked, come- says Zack standing up.
This time I will only go with bathing clothes, grab my board and walk to the shore. In one of those stunts with the board I fell, Zack pulled me out of the loaded water.
-Don't do that again, I almost died- Zack
-nothing happened
-I will never take you to the beach again- Zack
We all went back to where we were before, Isa was delivering the food.
-we will miss you Logan- Ana
-A lot !!! - Zack says crying as a lie.
-Don't worry my life, our love is stronger than everything- Logan says to Zack.
We all look at them weird and then burst out laughing. Celeste is the one who laughs the most and we all catch her laughter.
-but that you told me yesterday- Leo
-noo he always tells me- Chris
-I married him- Carlos
-what? Logi are you cheating on me?! - Zack
I think my mouth hurts from laughing so much. These are crazy.
-Enough, my love is Eric- Logan
-Sorry????? Now if I kill you- Hugo says jumping on top of Logan.
-Stop my belly hurts- Ana
After spending the afternoon on the beach we went back and Logan was ready to go. We all said goodbye crying.
-my loves, I love you all- Logan
The boys answered the same. Again we laugh.
-Don't forget to call us always- Isa
-and write us
-and tell us everything- Celeste
-and .. - Ana
-I get it ladies- Logan interrupts.
After everyone goes home, we fall asleep.