Thumb War

Far east, on two tiny islands connected by rope bridges, a small village stood. It was fairly peaceful with people walking around and living with seemingly no hostility at all. There were only two beings there that had any hostility at all, one was a tall, muscular blonde guy with a strange face that people would naturally have the urge to punch, emitting an aura of anger and arrogance. The other was another tall, muscular blonde guy with a beard, however, this guy more emitted an aura of overprotectiveness as he looked at his daughter next to him, who was a blonde girl with a tired expression.

Just then, the girl started having a coughing fit and fell on the floor, throwing up a small amount of blood. The bearded man rushed to her side as the two guards rushed to help her back into her chair. That's when the bearded man spoke,

"Damn it! Are you alright Ruri? Don't worry, Kohaku should be back in a little while, she will bring you the hot spring water okay." He said gently as he tried to help her calm down.

She was going to respond, but she could tell that if she tried she would start to cough again, and that would only make things worse. She simply nodded and relaxed back.


Just outside of this village, we turn our attention to a small tower in the forest. Sitting on just his hands and knees just at the bottom of said tower was a brown haired teenager with primitive looking blue clothing and a white rope for a headband. He had an expression of defeat as he was just destroyed in a competition of mathematics. He watched as the green haired teenager gained access to his tower of sorcery.

"heh, you've gathered up so much stuff! How many years did this take Chrome?" The green haired one asked the brown haired one as they both went inside.

"Yeah, take a look Senku, baaad isn't it? Sure you may beat me at sorcery and math... only because I wasn't in my top form today, but my collection here cant be beat!" Chrome started bragging to Senku as he looked through his collection of rocks.

As he looked through the various minerals in Chromes collection, Senku noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey Chrome, where did you find this one?" Senku asked as he walked over to a weirdly colored rock on a pedestal in the back of the tower. It was gold almost all over it, however wherever there was a sharp edge it turned silver (I couldn't find a colored picture of it, so this is what I'm going with.)

"Oh, that one? I thought the all knowing Senku would know that, so I am indeed superior to you after all! Hahahahhahaha!" Chrome smugly started laughing proudly.

"Heh, not by a long shot Chrome. Its just that this particular mineral seems to be a mix of three others, it has the coloring of refined gold and silver in various places, however it has the shape and texture of obsidian. Its either a very unique type of gold mixed with silver, or you just happened upon a new mineral." Senku retorted.

"Well Senku, this here is in fact a rock sent to us by the gods! It fell from the heavens a few years ago and landed in the middle of the village, making a huge hole that took us weeks to fill up, thankfully nobody was hurt though. Anyway, the villagers didnt know what to do with it, and were actually kind of scared of it, so they let me take it home." Chrome explained.

"I see, so its a meteorite. That would explain why its unknown, Ill have to study it a little more later, maybe its a- Ouch!" Senku was holding the meteorite in his hand and running his hands over it to try to better understand the texture when he accidental cut himself with it.

"This thing is weirdly sharp for something that wasn't specifically refined." Senku said as he used a little of the cloth from his shirt to bandage his hand.

Meanwhile the other three people present, Kohaku, Ginro, and Kinro, all looked at them in confusion as they tried to understand why those two were so excited over a rock. They got bored after a while and left, Kohaku going to deliver her spring water, and Kinro and Ginro returning to their posts.


Senku and Chrome started to go through the collection for a while before Senku went off and started making something. After a while Kinro and Chrome went over to see what he was doing, only for Senku to take Kinros spear and stick it in to the liquid he made, turning it gold. He was about to explain what he did, however before anything else could happen Senku noticed that his body temperature was changing abnormally fast.

He stood op from his crouched position seriously and looked around, thinking.

"Is something wrong Senku?" Chrome asked curiously.

"No, I just need to check on something, give me a second." Senku said as he walked off to the forest in a hurry, greatly confusing the other two.

Senku hurried into the forest and found a large tree to sit under, where he sat exhausted and thought. 'My body temperature is increasing extremely fast, faster then even when I get a fever!' He hunched over feeling his head start to spin. 'I need to hide somewhere quick, I might have contracted some sort of sickness, if any of those villagers get it as well they will be doomed, especially if its something I had prior that they have no immunity to!'

He was able to just barely find a small hole to hide in in the roots of the tree and cover it with leaves before he passed out.


Just above the tree, an invisible green hand was floating. It looked just like the other hand that had been screwing with events up until then, however this one was green, and seemed a lot more natural then the other bizarre one. The hand noticed what was happening to Senku and went over to take a look, only to find that Senku was on the brink of death.

This hand was a lot more strict on its own rules then the other ones, and only interfered whenever absolutely necessary, however it couldn't find what was happening to Senku, so even with its powers it wouldn't be able to help. It started to panic as it didnt want to die, so it had to save him. It looked around hastily to find a solution and noticed two other hand floating near a mountain.

One of them was the one that started messing with things earlier, the golden one that emitted golden sparks around it like the portals Dr. Strange makes. The other one was a white one that seemed calm, like water, emitting an aura similar to an old mans. These two hands appearance immediately made the green one realize what was going on.

It teleported to the other two instantly and emitted an aura of anger, as it didnt have a mouth to covey the emotion through. The golden hand gestured carelessly, basically saying that it was fine, don't worry.

(for simplicity's sake, lets do it like this.)

Green "What the hell! why are you here?"

Gold "Don't worry, this wont effect your canon so you don't need to get so worked up."

Green "Don't worry? Even if it doesn't matter in the end I still cant let him die! Stop interfering and fix him!"

Gold "I cant do that, the process has already begun. Either he is lucky and doesn't die, or you need to boost his armor. This is your choice."

Green "You know we aren't supposed to do that! If we interfere with something major like life or death we would be going against our own rules!"

Gold "We can go against out own rules if we want, and this event in particular isn't against our rules, its against yours. We don't have a problem with helping our people out when they need it, all you need to do is swallow your pride and help him!"

Green "I already told you I cant do that! Now stop interfering with my world and fix him!"

Before Green could rapidly hand gesture any farther, the hand noticed that Senku was just one step away from death.

Gold "Looks like he wont be lucky, to bad. You don't have any time left to decide, swallow your pride and live, or end it before the story has even begun, choose now."

Green "Damn it! Why do you have to do this to us? Our world would have turned out just fine without you interfering!"

Green was extremely panicked at this point, he knew that whatever choice he made now would be the wrong one.

Green "Fine, Ill do it, but you better leave after this is done!"

Green gestured dejectedly to gold as the hand made up its mind to save Senku.

White "No need, I will do it. It may not be one of my people, but I should have enough authority to help."

Green "Wha- Oh, a new born? Why are you here?"

White "Doesn't matter, I don't have much time left to be manifested like this, so Ill make it quick."

White then flew over to Senku before any more questions could be asked and pointed at him. A white light flew out of Whites flinger, covering Senku instantly and changing shape to create a type of transparent white armor around him. Senku immediately lost all symptoms of the sickness and his body went back to normal, however he stayed asleep.

Green flew over as well and looked at the now healthy Senku relieved.

Green "Why did you help me?"

White "Because this is your world with your rules, you shouldn't have to abandon your pride for the sake of fixing another persons mistake."

White started fading away completely, turning into a small spot of white energy and flying off toward the north.


Senku woke up about ten minutes later feeling great. He felt extremely energized, as if he could run a marathon. 'What was that? I was sick for a few minutes, but then I fall asleep and now I'm fine? This is illogical. Ill have to investigate more, however for now, I should go back to the village. I think that what I just experienced was more of a physical anomaly then a sickness, so it shouldn't spread. But, to be safe, Ill keep my distance when investigating it.'

Senku started walking back to the village cautiously, while also analyzing his body's current condition. He was so focused that he didnt notice that he walked right past a bear (I just noticed that I make the characters fight bears a lot, maybe its like Arakis thing with dogs. While killing a dog is a show of cruelty, killing a bear is a show of power ).

The bear growled deeply, startling Senku. Senku turned quickly, seeing the bear he panicked a little, as any creature would, even super geniuses. He backed up slowly, staring at its body, careful to avoid the eyes. 'Okay, this is a Grizzly bear, so I need to back away slowly, and if it decides to charge I need to stand my ground. Whatever I do I need to be careful to not chow weakness and avoid eye contact.'

Senku slowly backed away, with the bear staring at him curiously. The bear looked at the skinny human and scoffed (scoffed as much as a bear is physically capable of scoffing). It wasn't hungry right now and probably wouldn't eat the human if it was, however it was a little irritated today, so it decided to take its frustration out on the human. It put its arm up and swung down, trying to bitch slap Senku.

Senku noticed this and was going to stand his ground instead of backing away, however he suddenly felt weird again, but this time a good weird. The world started to look different as his brain was overwhelmed with information. He noticed that his body started moving on its own as he bent down and to the side, dodging the attack and picking up a rock and throwing precisely at the bears eye. The bear staggered backward in pain as it growled angrily.

Senku was still moving without him telling his body to, he grabbed a nearby branch and another rock in a swift and fluid motion. He pulled his arm back, chucking the rock at the tree behind the bear, causing the bear to look in that direction. Senku then went behind the bear with the stick.

'Why cant I move my body, its doing all of this without my command? What is it even trying to do, and why am I glowing green right now?' He thought to himself, noticing the green aura around him. He then figured out what he was about to do with the stick. With horror on his face he tried to stop his body "Wait No!-" He called out but it was to late.

Senku's body pushed foreword with all of his strength, shoving the stick up the bears ass. The bear screamed in pain as it panicked and ran away, no longer wanting to fight the human.

Senku regained control of his body as he looked around, kind of relieved that the bear had left, but also scared of what his body was doing. He looked at his own body, noticing that the aura was still there, he then noticed something was on his shoulder. He looked at it and saw a green and white mouse sitting on his shoulder.


Stand User: Ishigami Senku

Stand Name: The Brain (should I call it the brain or Za Burain?)

A large mouse with white fur on most of its body with its eyes and a few patches of fur on its body being green, making it look like a green-white panda patterned mouse. It has black eyes normally, however a small speck of green flashes in the middle of the eyes whenever its ability is used.

It cant leave the body and has no range, it must be in contact with the user to work. Its ability is to take control of the users body as a second brain, allowing it to calculate the most efficient action of that moment according to the users intention and carry it out in the most efficient way possible. It is however limited by the users knowledge and cant do anything if the user isn't capable of figuring it out himself.

speed- A precision- A destructive power- D persistence- C range- E development potential- A


This is a reference to both a movie and a cartoon, anyone know both?