Hello! So, obviously I haven't uploaded in a while, and these are the reasons,
1. I grew to hate my own characters. I barely spent an hour designing them, and that resulted in them all being stereo types that devolved into assholes toward the end.
2. I made Raijin way to powerful. I had made him way to strong, way to early, and it kind of ruined my ability to make things suspenseful. A rookie mistake that I wont make again.
3. I wrote myself into a corner. I had planned out the events that I wanted to happen from start to finish, but now how they would happen. This resulted in me having to improvise all of the time, and that ended with there being a so many plot holes that nothing made sense anymore.
4. Wasted potential. When I first started writing this, I had only finished parts 1 and 2 which resulted in it only having Hamon most of the time, and it could have been so much better if I had used stands or spin from the start instead, and not doing that just kind of pisses me off.
I have finished parts 3, 4, 5, and 7 now, and looking back on this, I feel like an idiot for not using stands from the start. Don't get me wrong, Hamon is still cool, but stands are so much better. And yes, I am a part skipper, but its for a good reason. I had started reading part 6 and got to volume 4, but then the anime was announced, so I decided that I wanted to wait and watch the anime instead whenever it came out. But I also didn't want to wait to read part 7, so I just read it. I already knew what happened at the end of part 6 due to spoilers, so there was no confusion, aside from the confusion Araki intended.
And that's it, those are the reasons I will be dropping this. But do not be discouraged! I am now confident that I can write a "decent" Fanfic. See, when I first started this, I had never written anything outside of the things I half-Assed for school. Now though, I am much more confident in my writing and planning ability, and I'd even go as far as to say that I am now among the ranks of the average fanfic writers here on webnovel, instead of the shit ones.
That is why I decided that I will be rebooting this, kind of. See, instead of just doing this exact fanfic over again but with better writing, I will be splitting it up into two different fanfics. One where Raijin is isekai'd to the JoJo world around the time of Jonathans death (not with a system or cheat, don't worry), and one where I just add the stand meteor to the Dr. Stone world, with Senku being the main character in that one.
I don't write fanfiction for the sake of telling people a story, or because I really want to, obviously those reasons play a part in it, but they are not the main reason. The main reason is because I want to improve my writing abilities, and fanfiction is the easiest way to do that. Negativity can really push an author away from writing, and if there is a lot of it present when they first start out, they might even quit before they accomplish anything. Now, obviously you can easily just ignore the hate, but it will still be there, in the back of your subconscious, and I don't trust that my will power will be able to resist it.
That is why I write fanfiction. You see, the standards for fanfiction are always lower then an actual novel, so the people that read them are normally used to poor quality and don't complain to much. And even when they do, there is always the excuse of, "this is just a fanfiction, that is why my writing is so bad". Its a bullshit excuse, but it works in keeping you motivated.
Now, I will let the remainder of you readers that decided to keep this fanfic in you're library decide which one I write first.
1. The intro to this fanfic plays out normally until we get to genie, where Raijin only gets two wishes, which he spends one on saving his sister, and one on bringing him to the world of JoJo in the 1880's. There he will do stuff like learn Hamon, spin (we will say that it works in all universes), getting a stand, and other things. Obviously I will work more on his character this time around, so he will likely be very different.
2. During the time when everybody is stone, the stand meteor crashes on the planet and splinters into multiple smaller shards, which all conveniently land in major locations, like one near Senku, one near Xeno, one near where Tsukasa sets up his base, and one on that island where they get the first medusa. Senku will wake up, get a stand, then things will play out kind of normal until Taiju wakes up, then the real story will start.
I think both of these will play out better then this OG one ever could, and that is why I am writing them. If any of you guys have any suggestions, leave them now, as I will choose one of these and start planning it out in three days, and I wont be able to add things after that.
Let's just say that Pucci was fucking around and reset the wrong universe, but just like how part 7 and 8 are better then the previous parts, these next two fanfics will be better then this one.
Thank you all for reading, writing this has been fun while it lasted, but also terrible at the same time. I look forward to trying again, and hopefully doing better this time around.