Chapter 58 - Golden Dragon Brothers

There was a mess in front of the temple, and someone dealt with it. Although a certain XianJun's injury was serious, he was born with unmatched resilience, so he recovered less than three hours after arriving in the temple, and the injuries on the surface were also healed. Seven or eight. As for internal injuries and damaged spiritual energy, it can only be cultivated slowly over time.

The biggest problem now is how to meet the two little guys in Dandan. It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, the Shenlong clan was also oviparous. At that time, many people in the clan hatched eggs, but this was all tens of thousands of years ago. These elders living in the clan now have little experience.

Mo Ting put the two eggs in the middle of the bed very preciously, and said to Feng Yang: "Or I hold them every day?"

Feng Yang: "...Don't you think that picture is too beautiful? And you are cold. Are you sure they can come out holding them?"

Mo Ting is not sure. But I don't know if it is possible to let the children grow freely. He couldn't help looking up and down Feng Yang: "How did you get born baby?"

Feng Yang said: "I am a viviparous, human form. Our Shenfeng clan will be born in human form with good aptitude, which is different from yours.

Mo Ting: "Then how were they born?" Mo Ting pointed to the two baby eggs illuminated by the Dragon Flower: "I mean..."

Feng Yang is slightly embarrassed. Of course he knew what Mo Ting was asking.

He recalled the situation at that time, but he was actually not quite sure. At that time, the last lightning strike passed through Mo Ting's body and flew straight towards him. He didn't have time to think at all. It was pure instinct at that time. Knowing that his spiritual power was not enough to resist that wave of attacks, he directly Burned his body to protect the children.

He is a phoenix, he has the ability to control the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, which is no problem where to burn it, and when his body is burned, it can not only burn away the sins of this world, bring peace, but also generate power that cannot be underestimated. It's just that most of these things happen once and not twice, so no one usually tries it.

Mo Ting hugged Feng Yang in his arms and pressed a kiss on his forehead: "Are you afraid that you won't come back again?"

Feng Yang said: "How can I think about this at that time? That's our child."

When Mo Ting heard this, he couldn't help holding the person tighter.

In fact, until today, he still felt that Feng Yang did not love him as much as he did. Feng Yang feels a little cold. It's said that Phoenix's love is as passionate as fire, but he feels like fire. Feng Yang is more like water, or river water, flowing naturally, freezing when it feels cold, and melting away when it's hot, but never It will boil.

For a while, he even thought about whether Feng Yang would be with him if he was not Mo TingXianJun, but just an ordinary person. Now I found that he was really superfluous in thinking about this kind of problem. Not to mention that he is an ordinary person. They would never meet at all. Even if they meet, if it weren't for the snake essence Mo Ting to pester Feng Yang twice, Feng Yang would not give anyone a chance to let each other. Walk into your own heart.

Of course, if you successfully walk in, you will naturally find the person's heart.

"What's the matter?" Feng Yang felt that Mo Ting would not let go of the kiss, but instead he hugged him tighter and tighter, causing pain in his back, and asked.

"It's nothing, just want to hug." Mo Ting smiled in Feng Yang's ear, and asked a little childishly: "If one day I encounter danger, will you protect me like children?"

"Nonsense." Feng Yang stepped back, "Let's see if my brain is broken, why do you ask such a silly question?"

"Don't make trouble." Mo Ting said, "I told you to save me some face in front of the children!"

"Hey, when you say that, I know what story they will tell them after they are born." Feng Yang said with a smile, "Just tell them'My Father is in the Mortal', what do you think?"

Mo Ting pressed Feng Yang into his arms without saying a word, and kissed fiercely!

Feng Yang smiled in his heart and couldn't help but hug the person tighter. At this time the two eggs on the bed moved slightly. Since the voice was too small, the two people who were kissing each other did not hear it. They also didn't even think about looking at the dragon flower when it was shining on it, not only could they see the dragon, but also the people outside could see them through the wall!

Not long after seeing the dragon egg, the old dragon king took a few old brothers to go through the ancient books, thinking to find out if there is any record of hatching the dragon egg, so as to figure out the end of his two little grandchildren. Whether to let the son hatch or let the daughter-in-law hatch, I just found something useful and wanted to talk to the son and daughter-in-law. The two guys hugged each other so sticky!

"Let's go back first." The old dragon king set up a barrier and said to several old brothers.

"How do you do that?" Xihai Dragon King said, "It's all here, tell them that this egg will continue to absorb the spirit of the mother."

"Why not?" Old Dragon King glared, "Let's go in now, maybe my next grandson will be gone! Where is more or less? This is related to the reproduction of our Shenlong clan, you have to settle the accounts."

West, South, and North Dragon Kings: "..." So you are the boss, aren't we? You are too detailed!

Mo Ting hugged Feng Yang onto the bed, vaguely feeling that someone was looking at him, but he didn't think about someone outside, because he was far away and set a barrier, so he wouldn't be able to sense it if he didn't sense it carefully. So he looked at his two sons. When he saw the light, although the two little guys had their eyes closed, but they happened to face them, he turned the egg one hundred and eighty degrees so that their backs were facing their couple.

Feng Yang: "..." The two brothers closed their eyes. Why are you guilty!

That's right, now the child is old enough to see the little dick, it must be two boys. Now each of them must have a length of about 20 centimeters, which is simply the original shape of the reduced board.

Feng Yang can see the two little guys in the egg through the eggshell. They are quite happy, swimming here in a while, swimming there in a while, with little paws scratching from time to time, not sure if they are looking for each other.

It's also a strange thing. When they were in his stomach, the little brothers seemed to live in the same room, but two eggs came out.

Mo Ting pulled Feng Yang's face dissatisfied: "Don't look at them. At this time, you only need to look at me."

Feng Yang said: "But they turned around again."

Mo Ting took a look, no! So he turned the egg over one hundred and eighty degrees. As a result, the little brothers seemed to know where they were, and they swam around in a blink of an eye. Although his eyes are always closed, he can always face them in the right direction.

Facing these two immature little faces, Mo Ting really couldn't play hooligans to Feng Yang, so he didn't play any more, so he turned around and hugged Feng Yang to watch the two children together.

Maybe it was tired from spinning around. At this moment, when the two little guys breathed, their little chests bulged, and the ups and downs were a little bigger than before.

Feng Yang got a bit of aura on his fingertips and clicked on one of the eggs. In fact, he just wanted to see if the child would absorb this spiritual energy. He didn't expect that the little guy inside would soon have a sense. He arched his waist and used his back to hold the position of Feng Yang's fingers, and then he blinked his eyes. The aura was sucked away. After sucking the little face that wasn't enough, he smacked his mouth.

Before they were born, they had a great demand for aura. At that time Feng Yang ate a lot of spirit fruit spirit beasts every day, and stayed in a place with sufficient spirit energy, the children would absorb these spirit energy away. But now they can't do this anymore, so they will suck it away as soon as they have a little bit of aura.

Mo Ting thought, it turned out that he still had to breathe in aura. As a father, of course he couldn't be "hungry" to the children, so he also learned Feng Yang to gather the aura to the fingertips for the children to absorb. Strangely, the children didn't react when he did this. And when Feng Yang did this again, the children would all swim over, and it was not the spiritual energy that Feng Yang gave them that they kept sucking, but they stopped sucking after being "full".

"It seems to be another form of incubation." Mo Ting said.

"Well, I'll watch it later." The two little guys stopped swimming after eating and seemed to be sleeping again. Feng Yang gently moved them into the bed, and then gave them a small nest with a small quilt.

They probably really fell asleep, this time facing the wall and didn't turn around.

Upon seeing this, Mo Ting took the opportunity to hug Feng Yang in his arms.

Feng Yang: "What are you doing?!"

Mo Ting did something that was not serious, and said solemnly: "Of course it is to add aura to you!"

Feng Yang believes that he has a ghost. However, the dragon is by nature lustful, and it is inevitable to be with such an old harlot at night.

Feng Yang simply stretched his body to enjoy the sweetness of each night. But not long after, his two precious sons turned around again.

The two cubs really don't understand, they were swayed every day when they weren't born, that's all, why are they still like this when they come out? !

No way! I have to find a way to get out quickly.

The two brothers opened their eyes as if they had made an appointment, hooked their small front paws, twisted their small bodies, and swam towards the thinnest piece of the eggshell!

The author has something to say: Brothers: We grew up in waves! Wow! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~