Chapter 59 - Extraordinary 1 - Buling Control

At night, the evening breeze moved slightly, and the grass and trees destroyed by the thunder absorbed the spirit of the heavens and the earth and gradually returned to life. Strands of fresh air followed the wind into the bedroom.

Feng Yang nestled in Mo Ting's arms, and the two of them lay down on the bed and slept soundly. At this time, there was a sudden sound of "dong dong" that was too soft.

The first to hear this sound was Mo Ting, because his senses are more sensitive than Feng Yang, so he can hear it for the first time with just a little bit of subtle noise that ordinary people can't hear, especially in this kind of surrounding area. In a quiet situation, it is such a short distance.

He looked at the two precious sons for the first time.

The egg is still the same as before, intact, but if you look closely, it seems to move gently every six or seven seconds, as if someone pushed it with the slightest amount of force. Both are true.

Mo Ting couldn't help sitting up, leaning on the back of the bed and watching what the two sons wanted to do. When he moved, Feng Yang half-opened his eyes, and asked in a daze, "What's the matter?"

It looks like it's still dark, why did you sit up suddenly? This "old" gentleman almost always gets up late as long as he sleeps with him.

"The children seem to be coming out." Mo Ting said, "I just saw them moving."

"Ah? Really?" Feng Yang suddenly became energetic, and sat up, staring at the two eggs.

"Really, did you see them moving?" Mo Ting stared closely without blinking his eyes.

When Feng Yang saw that he was so focused, he naturally held his breath. However, he did not see the egg moving after watching for a long time. There are no cracks on the eggshell, it doesn't seem to be coming out, but maybe they touched the eggshell inside?

Mo Ting saw Feng Yang get up and took out the Dragon Hunting Flower directly. The reason why I didn't use the Dragon Flower before was because the light from the Dragon Flower did not affect Feng Yang's sleep.

The jade flower quickly floated into the air, and when it shot down, the two little golden dragons could not hide, clearly showing in front of their parents.

These two are indeed beating the eggshells. They clenched their small fists, not loose and clenched as usual. But I don't know if it's because I'm tired or I'm too weak and I don't have much energy. Every time I hit the eggshell, the eggshell hardly responds.

But this is not the point, the point is that they opened their eyes!

The couple was suddenly excited, and one of them held up an egg in front of them as if they were ready!

The big eyes stared at the small eyes, and the big eyes saw the situation inside, but the guy with the small eyes couldn't see the parents outside, only felt that their parents were getting closer to them, so he was very anxious, and started to "dump" with his small fists. knock.

Mo Ting and Feng Yang didn't know what to do. Mo Ting guessed: "Are they hungry?"

Feng Yang thinks it is possible. Tossing with Mo Ting at night did not "feed" these two little things before going to bed. So he split his hands to get some aura and spot it on the eggshell. Soon, the two little guys changed their postures, holding their backs against the aura. They squinted their eyes, and they should be enjoying their small expressions. When the aura was absorbed, they turned to face Feng Yang and Mo Ting, but this time they did not open their eyes.

It seemed that I was hungry, so I fell asleep when I was full.

Mo Ting and Feng Yang looked at them for a while, seeing that the two little things were obedient, they lay down again. Mo Ting retracted the Dragon Hunting Flower, and at the same time he hugged Feng Yang and kissed it: "It seems that I will feed them again tomorrow night before going to bed."

Feng Yang thought about the size of Xiao Wu when he was born, and then looked at his two children, and decided to feed him at least once in the future. Just feeding Reiki is not a big deal. Don't say it once, he can feed it by catching the time. It is necessary to let the children "eat" to be full.

So from this day, Feng Yang "feeds" the two children every one or two hours. At first he tried to feed it half an hour, but found that the children couldn't absorb it, so he changed it to one hour, and then two hours later. If two hours are used, feed more. As a result, the children grow up fast, and they are more powerful than before.

I don't know why, there will still be a "dong dong" sound at night, until one day...Feng Yang just finished feeding after hearing the "dong dong" sound at night, but was pulled by Mo Ting for another time. This time I just fell asleep. The children started knocking on the eggshells again, and he vaguely understood.

"Let me just say it, this won't work at night." Feng Yang compares with embarrassment. Although the children have not yet been born, they can obviously hear and sense the movement outside.

"From now on, put them farther away after feeding at night." Mr. XianJun, who was almost kicked out of bed, said while looking at his two sons.

"Where can you put it farther? Don't worry?" Feng Yang said, "It's better to set up an enchantment for them so that they can't hear the sound."

"That's not good for their growth."

However, he said that, one day Mr. XianJun went to find someone to get a small crib. I don't know how many gems and beautiful jade are inlaid in the whole bed, it seems to be dazzling at first glance, it is exactly the style of Mr. XianJun. Mr. XianJun thinks he liked this style when he was a child, and his son must also like it.

He put this bed next to his and Feng Yang's big bed. He usually doesn't put the children in it. He only puts the children in it and enchants outside the bed when doing special sports every day. This enchantment can not only protect the two children from outside influences, but also help them gather aura and fortune.

After each exercise, Mo Ting removed the barrier again, and then brought the children back to sleep together.

It's perfect!

The children just grow up day by day. Originally, they could still swim around in the egg, but after more than three months, their bodies can no longer move in the egg, because the space inside the egg is very limited. They no longer look as active as they used to be, but they are more sensitive to outside sounds.

Mo Ting gave them a nickname, the lighter egg is called "Xiao ZhiLiao", and the darker one is called "Da BaoShi", simple and crude, both parents' treasures. They will call this name when they talk to the children, and they will tap the eggshell every time they call.

Although the two little dragon cubs haven't come out yet, they reacted when they called their nicknames, which was too interesting.

This night Feng Yang finished "feeding" them, and Mo Ting sat cross-legged across from them: "Xiao ZhiLiao?"

Xiao ZhiLiao shook, and the egg moved.

Mo Ting also called: "Da BaoShi?"

Da BaoShi also shook along.

Every time Feng Yang listens to "Da BaoShi", he feels that this name is too vulgar. Xiao ZhiLiao is still cute, what the hell is Da BaoShi? ! Poke the old man: "I call you'Da BaoShi', would you like to listen?"

Mo Ting said without thinking, "No problem."

Feng Yang was speechless. I always feel that his son will not like this name. However, the facts quickly proved that Jin Long's son, even if he had Phoenix blood in his body, was a Jin Long.

The day the children were actually born, God did not succumb to God, and this day is no different in peace. After Feng Yang "feeding" the two children, they repaired with Mo Ting and slept. It seems that nothing has changed. And in the middle of the night that couldn't be more ordinary, the two golden eggs began to undergo strange changes in the silence.

The eggshell began to soften and gradually became a very fine, golden powder. These powders did not float away, but all fell on the dragon's scales after turning into powder. The dragon scales, which were originally soft and tender, became harder after being covered by the golden powder. The two spirited little guys were completely free from the eggshell. In other words, now the eggshell has become another form of armor for them.

Mo Ting and Feng Yang didn't hear any sound, so when they felt something fell on their bodies, they thought it was someone who did not have eyesight coming in. Unexpectedly, when I opened my eyes, a little golden dragon fell in front of one person! One of them was fifty or sixty centimeters long and looked almost exactly the same. They were all looking at them with big round eyes blinking.

Mo Ting: "..."

Feng Yang: "..."

Xiao ZhiLiao: "Woo~"

Da BaoShi is the same as his name. He is relatively simple and rude. When he comes up he slaps his two paws on Mo Ting's face: "Woo?"

Mo Ting and Feng Yang awakened like a dream, and the whole person was agitated, and hugged them one by one. Mo Ting also threw the Dragon Hunting Flower upward, wanting to see it more clearly. But after the two little guys came out, it seemed that they could not adapt to the strong light of Dragon Flower. As soon as Dragon Flower rose up, they hugged their parents tightly, and both squinted their eyes and buried their heads in their necks. .

The light of Xunlonghua is too dazzling for them.

Feng Yang stroked Xiaolong's head: "Get the flowers quickly."

Mo Ting naturally has no objection. He collected the flowers and called out, "Da BaoShi?"

Da BaoShi let out a cry in his arms.

Feng Yang laughed: "Xiao ZhiLiao?"

Xiao ZhiLiao said "Woo~" in Feng Yang's arms.

Although I don't know who came out first, Mo Ting and Feng Yang decided that Da BaoShi would be the boss, because Da BaoShi looks a bit bigger than Xiao ZhiLiao and the color is darker. And the dragon horns are a bit bigger than Xiao ZhiLiao's.

The couple suddenly met with the child and couldn't sleep anymore. Although it was still dark, they sat on the bed and played with the two cubs for a long time. Then when the day came, they took the two little guys. Seeing the day and night, I also look forward to their grandparents.

The old Longwang couple go to see their grandchildren every day, but they don't know when they will come out.

On the way, Feng Yang said, "I will meet my grandparents and let them give a reliable name."

Mo Ting laughed: "It seems that you are really dissatisfied with the nickname I gave to the children. But I'm sure they must all like Brinbling things."

Feng Yang said: "That's not necessarily."

Maybe like he likes gorgeous, but what about things that are not so shiny?

The two little guys lay obediently on Feng Yang's shoulders, looking east and west. After a while, the Ziling Hall arrived, and Mo Ting and Feng Yang yelled "Father Queen, Queen Mother."

The old couple just got dressed and ready to go for a walk, and quickly came out after hearing the sound: "Why so early..."

The words of the old queen suddenly got stuck in her throat, and a burst of ecstasy flashed in her eyes: "It's my two precious grandchildren!"

The old dragon king said: "Yes, that's right! It's out!"

"Ooo~/Ooo~" Da BaoShi and Xiao ZhiLiao seemed to be very excited when they saw their grandparents. They didn't wait for Mo Ting and Feng Yang to say anything, so they took the initiative to swim towards them.

The old dragon king and dragon queen are so happy! Just say that the dear is different! No, I need to hug them as soon as I meet!

The old couple opened their arms and greeted them. Who knows that these two little things didn't plunge into their arms, but one on the left and right fell on their crown and phoenix crown, and then "Qua!/Qua!" twice. , I broke off the jewels on the crown and phoenix crown!

Feng Yang: "..."

Mo Ting: "..."

The author has something to say:    Because there is not much to write in the text, it seems that there is not much to write in Fanwai. There are probably three extras in total. . . Then I opened "General Love Collection Little Red Flower"~~~