Chapter 1

Sitting from the back row of our classroom, I am waiting for the arrival of our teacher for our next subject. It is my last year and soon I will graduate. I am in the last year of Senior High School in our town's university. While waiting, I am quite nervous about the result of the different entrance exams from different colleges that I took.

"Cath, any news?" Marielle asked. Marielle is one of the genuine classmates that I have and the only friend I have. It might not be obvious, but people don't like me here.

"None so far." Marielle took many entrance exams and scholarship exams from different schools. But she really has a particular school she wanted to study at. I hope that she will be accepted to that college.

"Let's just be patient, okay? "She said while gesturing the fighting stance which is popular to the K dramas she always watches. Marielle went back to her seat as our teacher finally arrived.

Our teacher instructs us to get our subject book and turn it into some specific pages. She began to do her lecture. Maam Ravie Cruz is a good teacher. She is really passionate about teaching. She is one of my favorite teachers. The way she teaches is really remarkable. I can understand it very well. Most of all students who once became her students have the same feedback as her. As a result, she became one of the recognized teachers and even rewarded Teacher of the year.

An hour passed and the class ended, Ms. Ravie said that we will have a quiz next meeting. I really don't mind because I learned a lot from her today. Science is her teaching subject and my favorite subject is science. Her teachings are my foundation for my chosen course for college. I am putting all my things into my black backpack with roses designed when Marielle hugged me from behind. I faced her to talk to her.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly, but she just looked at me with a big smile.

"I passed. I can enroll now in my dream school. I am also one of the scholarship guarantees of my dream school. I am so happy." She is jumping from joy while saying those happy words to me.

"I am so happy for you, Marielle" I sincerely told her. She hugged me and said her thanks. She hurriedly went home to share the good news with her parents. Marielle is an only child and her parents are really supportive of her. Her parents are nice. They allowed us to have a sleepover and study session at their house many times.

I am walking to go home. My apartment is near the school and it is just a 15-minute walk and it is a pretty good exercise for me as well as to save money. After some minutes, I am now near my apartment and I noticed something off from the part of the intersection road. I immediately alerted myself and slowly went towards the intersection road.

The intersection road has been one of the problems of the townspeople of this area. They already told the officials about this matter to put some streetlights because parents are very worried that their children will be in danger because of the dark road. Even though they already said this problem to the officials, the officials are really deaf and neglected the problem. As a result, they must make sure that their children will come home early or they will fetch their children from their school to secure their safety. I kudos to all the parents here in our area because of their concern and love for their children.

Today, the intersection road has a dark aura. I have never experienced this situation every time I go home for the past two years. I walked near it to observe. I was relieved as I saw a black cat with golden eyes. I immediately grab it and let it sit on my shoulders while walking to my apartment. As we arrived, I let it sit or do anything on the couch. I put my things to the dining table and went to my room to change. I wore my plain black shirt and a short. I wore my red slippers and went back to the living room.

I am standing now in front of the black cat and rolled my eyes at it. "Transform". It immediately changes form, from being a cat into a flat hologram. This black cat with gold eyes is a hologram message from our place.

"You need to go back here, Milady" The sound was from the Hologram. It is a live message from home. This Mister that I am talking to is Sebastion, our trusted and loyal butler.

"Why? I am not going back home. I am enjoying my life here, Sebastian"

"It's time to fulfill your duties, Milady." Sebastion always respects my decision and my feelings but he also has duties to take care of and this is one of them, making me go home. Even though I am a bit irritated every time he will say this stuff, I will never be mad at him. He was one of the people who took care of me when I was still young together with my parents.

"I don't want to do those duties. You know why."

"I know your feelings, Milady. I respect that, but we don't have much time." He worriedly said.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." I heard him sigh and I just divert my sight away from him.

"Consequences of your actions are inevitable, Milady. Go back home before it's too late."

"I'm going to change it." I wave my hands to end the call. The black cat also disappeared.

My mood always changes when something or someone from where I am will talk to me or remind me of home. I am in a bad mood after that call. I decided to cook my dinner to divert my mind from home. After some minutes, I finished cooking. I prepared the utensils and began to eat. I watched some tv shows in the living room when my phone beeped.

From: Marielle

'Cath, there will be dinner here after class tomorrow. Please come with me. Let's have a sleepover too. I will take no for an answer. Love lots: *'

To: Marielle


After I replied, I turned off the television and then went to my bedroom to prepare some clothes and things for tomorrow. I used my small backpack to put on my clothes and things for the sleepover. I also put some snacks. I will not go there directly after class. I will need to wash up and leave my school stuff here. I will bake some cookies too as a thank you gift for Marielle's parents for inviting me for dinner. Our class will end at 3:00 pm tomorrow and I will probably go to Marielle's residence at 5:00 pm. I will have to buy some ingredients on the way back here tomorrow.

After preparing, I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Its background is blue, and I painted it with the different zodiacs and constellations. I am fond of stars and the universe. As I stared at the ceiling and thought about the call earlier, I felt home-sick. Mom and Dad were really against it, but they let me go because they said that even though I am trying to escape, my fate will be the one who will make me go back to them.

I refrain from doing "not normal" here, but sometimes I miss home until I call my pet Cookie. We can play here in my room and sometimes cuddle. Thinking of him, I called him and cuddled again here in my bed. I browsed my phone for updates, and a smile immediately formed on my lips. I can be with Marielle then. I was also one of the scholarship guarantees. We just have different courses to take. For all I know, she will take a Civil Engineering course while I will take a Medical Technology course. I will tell her the news tomorrow night.

I browse my messenger to know some updates too about school. After checking multiple group chats, I put my phone on my nightstand. There was no important thing there. It was full of craziness from my classmates. I wash first and brush my teeth before finally tucking into my bed and ready to sleep. I pull Cookie towards me to hug him.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt my hard beat loudly. I sat up and massaged my chest. Cookie went near me like comforting me. I am already sweating as I continue massaging my chest. After some minutes, the hard beating of my heart slowly beat back to normal. I am panting and allowing myself to breathe some air. Feeling weak and exhausted, I tried my best to go to the kitchen to drink some water. After drinking the cold water, I lean towards the counter table trying to relax. After some minutes, I am now relaxed and slowly walking towards my bedroom while getting some support from the wall. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

"Mother, why me?" I am consumed by the darkness as soon as I let those words out of my mouth.