Chapter 2

I was awoken by the light coming from the window. I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the ceiling. I stare at it for a while before getting up. Cookie is still asleep in the bed as I started doing my morning routine. After finishing all my preparations, I cooked my breakfast, which was eggs and pancakes. I checked the time before eating. It's still 7:00 and I still have an hour before class starts. I ate my food and after I finished; I washed it and put it in the cabinet where the kitchenware is located.

"Cookie, you handsome being. Go back to Mother for now." I shouted as I walked out of my apartment. I locked my door and began walking.

As I am walking, some people in my neighborhood greeted me and I politely greeted them back. After 15 minutes of walking, I finally arrived at my school. Luckily, before the school bell rings, I am already inside our room. I sit in my chair and observe my environment. Marielle is still not here, which is not new to me. She is mostly late every morning. Her tardiness worries me sometimes. I always told her to wake up early, but she is very stubborn.

As I was looking at my phone for some updates, I heard someone entering. Gladly, it is Marielle. After a minute, the first subject teacher arrived. The teacher started to lecture, but I am not in the mood to listen. I opened my phone and used the voice recording app to record the lecture. I am really not in the mood now. I just want to relax.

Because I am beside the window, I just looked at the scenery. I am looking around at the view and I looked at a particular tree. As I am focusing, it suddenly glitches into black and white. It began to beat. My heart began to beat hard again. I grabbed my table so hard. Trying not to do any sound or a commotion. I feel like I am running out of breath and sweating so hard.

"Mother, help me," I said using my mind.

"Child, go home" I heard through my mind as I lost my consciousness.


I slowly opened my eyes and I saw the white ceiling. I looked at the place and saw myself on the bed of the clinic. I touched my chest and sighed heavily. I can still endure this.

The curtain was put aside and the school nurse looked at me. She smiled at me and looked worried.

"Dear, are you okay?" she asked. Our school nurse is really beautiful. She has a gentle aura which is very relaxing making the patient secure and calm.

"Yes, Miss" I answered politely.

"Before passing out, what did you feel?"

"My heart is aching. It's' pounding hard and fast'' I answered.

"Do you have any heart problems?"

"Yes," she asked me many questions first. I answered what I memorized when things like this happen. I already knew that sooner or later this would happen to me. The nurse prescribed me some medicine and permitted me to rest at home after she passed the permit to the school. I need to rest and wait for confirmation first so that I will be excused from my class.

As I am again staring at the ceiling, someone opens the door.

"Cath, are you okay? I was so worried when you collapsed on your seat." She hurriedly ran towards my bed and hugged me.

"Sorry for making you worry" I caress her head.

"What happened?" I explained to her something I memorized, which is related to what I told our school nurse.

"You need to stay at our house until the weekend, okay? No buts." She said to me seriously. I just sighed and nodded my head as a form of surrender. Marielle left after some minutes because we still have class. The school nurse already permitted me to go home early.

I am slowly walking towards the grocery store to buy some ingredients. I was also informed that I was asleep for 3 hours so it's already 10:00 am. All my things were already at the clinic. Marielle was the one who put my things inside my bag and she gave it to me before I went out of school. Luckily, the grocery store is open at 9:00 am. I grabbed the shopping basket and went to different areas to buy ingredients. I also bought some necessities and toiletries, or things that needed to be bought for my apartment. After getting everything I need, I walk towards the cashier areas to pay. Because there was a line, I waited for my turn. After paying I walked to my apartment.

As I arrived, I put my grocery items on the counter table, walk towards my bedroom, and get on the bed without changing my clothes. I stared at the ceiling again and looked at the different constellations. They surround a tree. I looked at the tree for a long time.

"Mother it's so hard."

I took my phone out of my pocket and used the alarm clock. Maybe I still need rest. I set it to 1:00 pm and sleep.


The sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I grab my phone and turn off the alarm. I sat on my bed and sleepily looked at my bedroom light-headedly. I stand up and change my clothes into comfortable ones. I grabbed my medium-sized backpack and grabbed some good clothes for three days. I also get the things that I put in my small backpack that I am supposed to bring and use. I put them in the other bag and added more necessary things for three days.

After packing, I went to the kitchen and prepared the ingredients and equipment that I will use. I started doing my thing, and after some minutes, I put the dough inside the oven and set the temperature and time. While waiting for my cookies to bake, I clean the area that I used and all the kitchenware that I used. Luckily, after cleaning, the cookies are now baked. I grabbed a good container to put the cookies in. I set aside the cookies first to let them cool. After some minutes, I put the cookies in a container and put them in a bag. I wash and prepare to go to Marielle's house. I checked the time and it's already 3:00 pm. I decided to go with my backpack and cookies.

I walked towards the bus stop. I still need to commute to go to Marielle's house. I sit to wait for the bus to arrive. After a while, the bus arrived. I decided to sit on the right side of the second seat. The first seats are for the elderly, persons with disabilities, and pregnant women. After all the passengers took their seats, we were approximately five waiting at the bus stop earlier, the bus began to move. It's approximately 25 minutes before arriving at Marielle's subdivision. While traveling, I just enjoy the scenery of the town. I love this town because it is not industrialized and I can enjoy nature.

The city officials give big importance to the environment that if someone wants to build infrastructure, they need a permit and the city office needs to evaluate the land if the building or construction process gives a minimum or maximum destruction to the integrity of the land and its surroundings.

While looking at the scenery while the bus is moving, I also see children playing in different parks or places intended for the gathering of people. Neighbors are having conversations and children are playing games or enjoying conversing with other children. This town gives me a gentle and relaxing vibe.

I didn't give focus on time and I didn't notice that I already arrived at my destination. I pay first before getting out. I still need to walk for about five minutes before I will arrive at Marielle's place. I started to walk excitedly and after five minutes, I was already at their gate and pressed their bell to notify them that I was here. After a few seconds, someone opened the big gate and I am not surprised to see Marielle's face.

"You're here. Come inside quickly." She grabbed my bag which contained the cookies and grabbed my hands. We entered their house.

"Mom, Dad, Cath is here. We will be in my room for now." She shouted.

"Wait, let's put the cookies first," I told her.

"Okay, wait here" She walked hurriedly towards the kitchen. Suddenly she came back.

"Let's go"

We arrived in her bedroom. I put down my things at the side and sat at her bed.

"What's the hurry?" I asked her. She immediately went beside me

"I have to tell you something" Before she could utter a word, lightning struck near her window and caused a blackout to the whole town.