Chapter 3

Darkness consumed the whole city. Raindrops starting to pour and thunders begin to sound. Sometimes lighting can be seen by the naked eye due to the darkness of the whole town. After some time, people began to light up their houses with candles, emergency lights, or flashlights. They also used their furnace to keep their family warm to fight the coldness that was brought by the rain.

We are currently here in the living room waiting for the electricity to be back. While we were waiting, I forgot to get my phone. As I remember, I left it on Marielle's bed. I will use my phone to distract myself and kill time while waiting for the electricity to come back. Before I can utter a word, Aunt Ann spoke.

"Marielle gets some more candles; we will eat while waiting for the lights to come back." Aunt Ann said to her daughter.

"I will accompany her, Aunt Ann." Aunt Ann nodded and grabbed some candles and went to the dining area. Marielle and I went to get some candles. After we got enough, I used the opportunity to get my phone from upstairs.

"Mar I will get my phone. I will just get it and immediately go to the dining, okay?"

"Okay, be careful with the stairs." I carefully go upstairs where Marielle's room is located. With the light of the candle, I found my phone on her bed. I am about to go down when a light suddenly lightens the whole town. I turned around to look at the window. I went near it and I could hear the loud sound of thunder. I looked at the window and I can also see my reflection due to the small light of the candle.

I suddenly felt a familiar presence behind me. I immediately look behind me.


"Milady, we need to come back." With his hands on his side and bowing at me.

" I don't want to go, Sebastian. My life here is getting nice. I am studying my premed soon and I have Marielle here." I walk towards Marielle's bed and sit down on it.

" Your condition is now in the worst stage. You need to come back or else-"

" I know the consequences of my actions. As possible, I want to finish my premed before returning." I looked at the window

" Mother and your parents will not let you. The Council already gave a warning. It will soon take place, Milady.

" Mother gave signs already?"

"Yes we need to go back"

" I can't and I won't. You can't force me, Sebastian. I want to write my own life and to live with it with what I want."

" HE will come soon to get you." The lightning strikes again as I am nervous and a bit happy with what he said.

" I don't want to go"

" I may not convince you Milady but everything will go as planned. You will be back at our home by your own will sooner." he disappeared.

After Sebastian left, I immediately went downstairs specifically to the dining room. Marielle's family is already settled at the dining table and I am the only one they are waiting for.

"Cath dear, sit down, and let's eat our dinner." I sincerely obliged and we started eating. The dinner was smooth and calm. We have our smiles on our faces and it was a warm feeling.

I already announced that I was also accepted to the school where Marielle will be attending. I also add that I am also one of the scholarship guarantees and that Marielle and I will be together attending the school. It was filled with smiles and congratulations for both of us. I can see how proud Marielle's parents are of both of us.

We volunteered to wash the dishes and clean up the table so that Marielle's parents can rest early.

" I am excited that we are attending the same college. What if we share a room?. That will be convenient and also we are together during our college years." Marielle said excitedly while we are making the dishes dry.

"We can definitely do that."We finished cleaning and tidying up here in the kitchen. We went upstairs and cleaned ourselves before taking a rest or doing some things.

Marielle is still in the bathroom and I am sitting at her window. The lights came back after cleaning the dishes. The conversation with Sebastian still bothers me. I touch the necklace that I always wear. I hope that HE understands my feelings and my actions.

Marielle went out of the bathroom and I immediately went inside it and cleaned myself. While I am standing while the shower is still on. I can't help to reminisce about my past. I miss HIM but my obligations scare me. I know I am a coward and I am running away from it. I don't blame Mother and my destiny but I just want to experience different things before judgment day. I love them all but I am wishing that they will give me time to absorb things and to accept things slowly.

I decided to come here so that I can busy myself and try new things. I want to try being normal to refrain myself from doing things that will cause trouble to all realms. It is also a way to control everything I possess. I am nullifying it for 2 years now as every day I know that everything inside me is getting stronger. The sealing was not enough. It is still overbearing.

My heart beats hard and fast again. I am breathing heavily as I am getting support from the tiled-wall of the bathroom. My sweat is colliding with the bathroom water. I can feel the cold. It is still not continuing. At the last beat, I heard something that gives me warmth, chills, excitement, and nervousness.

" I will wake up soon" I felt someone hugging me from behind.

I touched my neck to feel my mark. A sincere yet half-hearted smile formed my lips. I will soon leave this realm sooner than I expected. Sebastian is probably right. I will come back home to my own accord.

"Cath, I have something to tell you but I was interrupted by the blackout," Marielle said while pouting. I was finished showering and currently drying my hair with the hairdryer. I am using her vanity table.

"What is it?"

"We have been best friends for two years and I have been observing you for 2 years." I am a bit nervous about what Marielle will tell me, Does she feel that I'm not normal?

" Hmmm?" I pretended to be calm but I am nervous inside

" I observe that there's a black butterfly everywhere you are. And it was all the same in color, pattern, and size. It feels like the little butterfly is guarding you. There was a butterfly who went inside the bathroom together with you."

I was stunned by that statement. I didn't realize this was happening. He concealed his presence well and didn't let me catch his actions. It made me smile and gave my heart warmth. Even in the state that he is, he is still here always. I touched my necklace again. I looked at Marielle and smiled at her.

" Maybe the butterfly is captivated by me that is always there everywhere I go." I lay beside her.

" Maybe. A butterfly in love with a human. Is that possible?" she asked innocently.

"Who knows," I said and shrugged my shoulders.

" We should register and enroll together. And we will do some apartment hunting. It is far from our town but I know that it will be all worth it. I will do my best to get the Engr. at the beginning of my name.

" I can't wait to get that RMT, MD at the end of my name."

" Did you drink your med?" she asked and I just nod my head.

"Your birthday is near. What plans do you have?" She looked at me curiously

"I might go home to my hometown. I kinda miss my parents. I will celebrate there."

" I wish I could come but it was also the day where we will have Mom's doctor's appointment. I can attend if you will celebrate it here. I'm sorry."

"It's okay and I understand. "

After a while, Marielle is fast asleep and I am staring at the ceiling. I will be at my legal age on my birthday. Thunders began to sound again. I stood up and sat at the window, staring at the murky night. It was filled with dark clouds. No stars can be seen. Thunders sounded again. I opened her window and the cold breeze welcomed me. A black butterfly flies towards me and settles at my shoulders close to my neck. I can feel its little legs on the marks on my neck. It kinda feels ticklish. As I stare at the dark clouds of the night sky, I close my eyes and immediately open them. As my golden eyes see through the dark clouds, I see the dark mages going towards the moon.

"You will totally wake up soon, my Farfalla"