Episode 4 : Ozeathra

The narrator today is Rojin-sama.

"Because Itsuki Suzuki is not here today because of his/her school works so I will first explain what the world of


"Before I explain, let me introduce myself to all of you."

"I am Rojin-sama an Elder in a clan who died in the Melancholy Forest because of my stupid companions. I used to live here as a soul or ghost."

"The world of Ozeathra is your dream fantasy world full of mysteries, and frightening world."

"The world of Ozeathra

is divided into 5 Nations."

"Some places are marked "X" on the map because there is not much information yet."

The Northern nation is a very cold place A Ranks can only go up there so if you want to go but you are weak, commit suicide. Only a few have been discovered in those areas.

Realm of The Ice Elves is the largest area covered by the Northern Nation. Their magic comes from the environment, they are kind if you are kind, but when they find out you are bad you go straight to the grave.

The second place in the Northern Nation is the Negative Zero Ruins, it is called Negative Zero Ruins because of the freezing cold in that area, other people go there because of the beautiful raw materials.

Third is the Frost-Borne Nation people live here but their rules are different they do not use magic from their aura, their power also comes from the environment like the Ice Elves.

The latter is The Icebound Plains it connects to the Central Nation it is also the supposed and single entrance to the Northern Nation.

East Nation - Extremely hot opposite Northern Nation. Only A Rank can go to this place. Just ahead you will immediately pass the Ethereal Dessert.

Ethereal Dessert - The link between the Central Nation and its adventurers is dying from hunger, heat, and disease. If you go around it it is full of skeletons of dead animals, monsters, plants as well as humans.

Scorching Ruins - second place covered by the Eastern Nation, some people believe that this Village was once the ancient people but over time, it became ruins.

The Temple of Unknown- next to the Scorching Ruins there are statues of people here. This place is said to be the place where people worship at the Scorching Ruins. But it is empty and there is no one. Are many asking this question? , Who made this Temple ?. It will soon be marked "X".

Sandy Grasslands - This is the last area covered by the Eastern Nation this is a beautiful place, it can be seen at the end of the Eastern Nation, the desert and lands mix with it. There are very few people living here. They are good at making Artifacts made of sand, they have no powers.

West Nation- It's easy to go here even D Rank adventures can go here, you have no problem here when you go, no monsters or environmental problems. But when you go you will be a slave, this place is ruled by the Brixis Empire.

Brixis Empire - The ruling place in the world of Ozeathra. Led by Ten Smart Families. This is where Natalia and her family from the Ten Smart Families come from. That they counter the magic that comes from the aura. They have no powers but their weapons are poisonous. Its inhabitants are the revolutionary people of the Central Nation.

The Diamond Mine - Here people in Brixis Empire get materials. They employ Dwarves.

Dwarfus Mountain - This is the center of the dwarfs. They are slaves of the Brixis Empire. They are the makers of Brixis war equipment. They combine their intellect and blacksmithing to do cruel deeds.

The Deep Sea Forest - This is where the simple Elves, Fairy, Mermaids also lived and saw the Dwarfs but they left here because of bias. The difference between the Icy Elves and the Forest Elves is that they are of different types, as the first time the Elves' beliefs were divided on where to live, one chose the Northern and the other the Western Nation.

South Nation is very mysterious because it is hard to get to. Only S Rank Adventurers can do this but other S Ranks are dying instantly in the Melancholy Forest.

Melancholy Forest - The entrance to the Undying Realms, where our Narrator Rojin-sama also died. It is surrounded by the Central Nation.

Infinity Dungeon- After you find the real maze in the Melancholy Forest. It will be divided into three what you want to go. Undying Realms, Infinity Dungeon and the Shadow Fortress. You will get great items here if you level up here.

Undying Realms - The most popular place in the South Nation. Necromancers live here. They are all bad of course.

Shadow Fortress - Led by a Shadow Minister, they are paid by rich people to kill. They are all "Killer Machines".

Triangular Sea - to another mystery Realm. If you want to take extra power here you go. But the guard will ask you what you want to offer to go to the Mystery Realms.

The Darkest Wilderness- New human discovery. No information yet. There is a mark on the map "X".

Central Nation- Where here is the most main of human instinct.

There is no requirement for what Rank you are.

Man lives on the magic that comes from their aura. There are Clans, Leaderboards, Disgusting Nobles and more.

Kingdom of Xenorvia - Main of the Central Nation. Follow the Aura Management law, what your aura should be according to your social status. Implemented by the evil Noble and Royal Families. Strengthened by 10 Aura Clans, fighting the Brixis Empire.

Cave of Resonances- You can fight the monsters that are weak here can be here for beginners.

Lake of Purity - Here come the cursed people and the holy people. This is also where the kind royal and noble families lived.

Azure Country - End of Central Nation, marked with an "X" map because it disappears after you see it. No one knows when and who can enter this place.

"That is not all the information of the world of Ozeathra so keep track of it in the next episodes."

"I'm grateful to you Itsuki Suzuki for granting my wish. I will be at peace too."

"Bye ! "