Episode 11 : Rumors ( Part 2 )

Ishigami POV

We go to the weeds to hide from the people who are emotional when the name Zero comes.

Because Zero does not have an aura, which will be auctioned off to those who implement Aura Management.

So I hide as if I had done something wrong to them.

I did not know what to do, I did something wrong rather than I expected.


Because of the flames in my mental problems, I did not realize that I had to tell Risya everything that had happened.

She patted me on the shoulder, Her eyes were glowing as if begging me to tell her.

How do I get started?


" Risya, Do you know the Thunder Skulls Clan? "

" Why-. "

" Why did you do something that was not pleasant? "

"So there are protesters in front of the Palace?"


" That's it, tee-hee "

*Hyperventilating and then blowing into a paper bag*

"I know, I have a hunch why people are like that before and because of you."

" Why did you do that? "

" And why did you ask the Thunder Skulls ?! "

" And why do you know that Clan? "

" You are not from here ..."

" Did you do something bad to one of their colleagues? "


Her intuition is so sharp.

If I lie or do something bad that she does not know, she will know it immediately.

It's nonsense to make a white lie.

To me, I was a rat to her and she was the cat that would eat me when she found out I had done something misdeed.

I explained why there was a commotion outside of the Palace and I also told her that Chronohades had instructed or given me a mission to change the society of Kingdom of Xenorvia.

" What do you do next? "

" You will be mistaken and you will be told, you are the traitor of the government or criticize those who are superiors. "

" Hmm "

" Why did you also fight a knight-

" And you also fought a Vice Captain. "

" The Royalties and Nobles will notice you. "

" I am not your enemy, I am on your side Ishigami-san but how can we win that? "

" Wait, I haven't been asked why we still need to revolutionize? "

" What are you talking about? "

" You didn't realize Risya? "

" They did not suffer from poverty."

" You're a sh*tty pretender."

" Chronohades' first word to me was that this Kingdom was had a unfair treatment to those weak people."

" It immediately crossed my mind that this world was defined by the word "unequal."

" Because you are in the higher status, you do not understand them. "

" If that is how you think.- "

" You're the Antagonist of my first mission, Second Princess of Xenorvia, Risya Nebula. "

I hate all the fake and hypocritical people who approach me.

Now, I bite my lips too hard that the blood down to my cheek, because the annoying things Risya said...



Time Acceleration

Cooldown: ???

Definition: ???

Calling of Altered Time

Cooldown: ???