Episode 14 : Rumors ( Part 5 )

Ishigami POV

" Hey, Ishigami-san, Who is Rema Zaylee? " * Quizzical way *


* The protesters joined the group...

" He looked like our King ?!. "

" Zero-sama."

" King Zero, King Zero, King Zero !!! ? "

" What the, These people have saltik on their heads. "

Saltik - crazy; moody; unreasonable. Root: saltik. Frequent. | Filipino Language.


" Hey Readers, Why does Ishigami know a Filipino word .... because if you remember his twin and he was moved by their parents because of their family problems, right? "


There were people we found where we were, they were the people who protested outside the Palace earlier.

" Let's run as fast as we can... "

" Risya!!!! "

" EHHHHH, I will cursed them, f*cking cliffhanger. " * Just forming her thoughts is the Chagrined. *

" Because of them, I did not know who Rema Zaylee was. "

She looked like a mad bull, as if the air coming out of his nose was burning in the heat of his head.

It's nice to watch Risya's behavior. This is his hidden habit. Pfft.

I really know that we just met, I admire her.

Strong, Intelligent, Beautiful, Understandable in serious situations.

Caring person? Hmmm, I also do not know, let's see if she falls for me.

We are running smoothly but, Why are these people so close behind us?

B- Because these people will be strong enough to run...

I got isekai'd into a God damn new world and they made me ran like an Olympic Athlete, Isn't this torture?

At least give me an OP ability!

They are really fast, are they the ancestor of Usain Bolt?

I know they have their own weaknesses.

Let's do a dirty play, shall we?

" Let's mislead them Risya, go to the left side and I to the right. "

" Roger, Ishigami-san. "

" I will count on my finger, look at the sign I am making... "

" 3 "

" 2 "

" 1 "

" Go !!! "

I no longer need to use my system to this play. It's just fun play with useless things... I'm Sanguine in this serious situation.

I looked at my left and saw nobody, who chases Risya other than her silhouette.

I looked my behind my back and saw the group of apes, I mean people.

" Why me?! "

The plan ultimately failed...

" Is this man again? Won't you stop me? "

And behind him was the old man I helped in the hands of Vice Captain of Thunder Skulls but this not a simple old man.



Time Acceleration

Cooldown: ???

Definition: ???

Calling of Altered Time

Cooldown: ???