Episode 29 : Ishigami Vs. Hubertus | Chamber and Error 404 ( Part 9 )


I'm still here in Mr. Chamber. Rufus. I'm taking the closest and easiest route to the secret room where his Orb of Life is located.

[ Tip : The opposite here in this chamber is correct answer. For example, in order to see the place, you have to use the candle, that's according to the opinion of others, but that is wrong. So everyone who goes here doesn't live because they don't get that common sense. ]

[ Tip : You turn left and you jump into the deep waters and you catch the breakers at the bottom. ]

I'm not really athletic person but -


I turned left and jumped up and down the breakers and suddenly a room opened where there was his Orb of Life.

I still dive into it until I reach the room.

I was soaking wet, my body was so cold.

Anyways, I'm already here in the Secret Room called in the System.

The atmosphere is dark and the only light is the Orb placed in the middle.

[ Tip : Break the Orb, you can use your barehand. ]

[ Message : If you kill Hubertus Rufus there is a reward. ]

[ Reward : ? ]

I followed what the System said and I broke the Orb. Chamber and Hubertus Rufus disappeared with great force.

" It's that easy. Hmph! "

"I'm excited, What will be my reward?"

That time I didn't know what my life would be like for me to be an idiot played by destiny.

[ Reward : Error 404 ]

" Error 404? "

I looked at my inventory and nothing was added, I looked at everything but I didn't know what Error 404 was.

[ The Happy Town Monsters approaching you! ]