Episode 26 : Escape & Black Spirit (18)


My friends looked at me as they waited for me to say something. In their gaze, I was uncomfortable because I might not be able to complete what I had to say about the concept of magic.

I bow my head and I was forced to remember the missed lesson. I wish I listened to my tutor kindly though he's fricking rigorous.

I might recall a lesson when I remember bonding with my kind tutor? Let's find out.

His name is Dr. Alejandro Pastia. He graduated with a degree in philosophy and medicine. He is absolutely smart, he is a different level from the one I met. He was 67 when he worked hard as a butler in our family and acted as my tutor so I could prepare well for school if when the right time has come. I would not have acquired my great intelligence if I had not been his teacher in my childhood.

This is where our acquaintance began.