Episode 33 : Escape & Violet Vs. Transparent (25)


My blood was dripping from my forehead to my face. My back has a fracture of about five bones in the thoracic vertebrae (middle part of our back) and two bones in the lumbar vertebrae (lower part of the spinal cord) I thought this was a weak creature but I underestimated her. I finally understand your point about why are you here and why you are targeting my youngest daughter.

The Black Spirit's appearance grew larger and her Mana Will grew tremendously in front of us. She just laughed insane at us. "Bwahaha! Is that the ruler of one of the powerful Kingdoms in this continent?" She points at Leonidas and even spits at him with insulting words. "Be thankful that the Eight Elemental Grimoire chose you, if not, you're not will survive to my force I executed earlier and your soul would separate your earthly body."