Episode 36 : Escape & Fight for Nothing? (27)


Leonidas grinned at her enemy.

"Hmmph?! Are you going to arise? It's nice, alright for me to finish the mission here and go back to my master."

Spirits that come from their God have no will to live in the world, no will to live as they please, no emotion to fellow human beings. They're only following the words of their master. Their master only controls them for the rest of their lives. They seem to represent the presence of their God. Their actions depend on the deliberation of a God whom they serve. Of course, when a God has a bad view, of course, their summon spirit will do the same.

I hate all Gods here in this world except for one finest God. All Gods did not aid assistance those who suffer, they do not punish those who sin. They are worthless creatures created by the Creator. They live in their own assigned Realm.

What I admire most of all is the first Self Proclaimed God in Human Bloodline or they called the 'Destroyer' of Genesis.