Episode 43 : Escape & Wake-Up Now, Risya (34)


Her spirit form vanishes gradually. "You will die Leonidas at the hands of your daughter Risya Nebula. The reincarnation of Eros."

"I'm not going to let know your dear family that you killed your own father? I always wonder why you murdered him? Are you greedy for power?" She let out my unexpected words on her lips.

"Listen, This world will collapse because of the rivalry of the two rulers that includes your beloved daughter. You cannot change the future because you believed in the false prophet who came from another God who pulled the strings to the destruction of Ozeathra."

Leonidas overcame the fears and anxieties of the people in the room as he defeated the Black Spirit. They rejoiced and jumped for joy that they had escaped the ruin of the mystery creature of nowhere.

"Yes, long live King Leonidas!" shouted one of their staff in the palace.