Episode 49 : Escape & My Apprehension Was Gone (39)


How can I wake up to the truth?

Hmmm, as far as I remember, the story my personal maid read back then is about dreams. The tale has a man who achieved the eternal journey using sleep and dreams. There is each chapter of his journey depending on what he thinks in his broad mind, when he wants to take care of a lion in his dream, he thinks of it and it will truly happen. It's just that easy. When he doesn't expect to be haunted by the ghost or anything creepy and disturbing things created by his mind, he will sleep there again in his dream, and then he will wake up from that nightmare with his earthly body and he will sleep again then another adventure will occur.

What a lazy man. Exactly to the title of the tale. "The Lazy Dreamer". I think there's a reason behind that tale, it's like he wants to escape the truth or what's going on around him because for him it's better to travel in a dream than to experience misery in the world, maybe?