Episode 58 : Escape & Scars (48)


After the speculations that I formed in my nasty mind. I left the room and went to the clinic to visit my father to check what was his condition. If he's now completely recovered or not. From my older sister's room, I went up to the third floor using these very long stairs, this is the only way to get up to the next floor.

Why does the palace have to be large when you are in the royal bloodline? It will make me even more tired from walking!

I sighed as I was walking up the stairs I met one of our staff. She was a decent and plain girl nothing more special to her. This girl is the girl who explained the incident to me then. Thanks to her I found the real answer about the thoughts in my mind.

"Good afternoon, Princess! Where are you going now? And you look breathless?"

Owhh! She noticed me gasping for breath and dripping with sweat?

My self is awkward because even a short walk or run makes me tired and my joints hurt.