Episode 67 : Escape & She Bombarded Me with Burning Questions! (57)


Risya POV

If I am not mistaken, this voice is from my father.

But I'm still sleepy I want to not open my eyes first but of course, the first place in my heart is my father so I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed it.

I looked up at him drastically.

"Welcome back, My Father," I speak modestly to our reunion.

"I'm sorry, daughter, I kept you waiting for so long. Your admired father is weak now, will you still consider me as your father?." He scratched his head and gave me a freaking smile.

We're going back again that you put others before yourself? What a magnificent leader for one of the successful kingdoms but in my opinion, this is an annoying attitude for him.

"Before you apologize to me or you put others before yourself. How are the scars from your chest? Can that still be cured?" I ask him mixed with a bit of irritation.

"These scars are..." he murmured and exposed the truth. "It won't heal."