Episode 3 : Escape & Welcome Back, Risya! (68)


Chronohades POV

My throat is sore and my saliva of mine dries up because of the speech.

"Ehem, ehem, the skill of this ring is to increase a person's charm and luck, and I said earlier that it really matters to use it on that earrings."

"Master, you're alright? It's like you've got tuberculosis." She closed me and touched my forehead to check my temperature.

"You don't have a fever and why are you coughing?" She's overacting that I'm sick, and how can I get tuberculosis? I'm at my shrine and also I'm a God.

"Hey, you, your stupidity is fearsome and I was overwhelmed, huh?!"

"You want spank from your Mom?" She really annoys me when I finished making her.

"Mom? I'm not your biological mother and I'm not going to be your child because you're a single who always wait for her brother to come back." She asserted.

Nah, I'm now tired. She even beat the most stupid man.