Episode 21 : This Little Girl is Her Master


Risya POV

But they lied to me.

I thought we would all succeed.

I thought we would all dream together and take the opportunity to change our society.

I thought I would see all of you again because I thought you all would survive that tragedy.

I thought my pain felt by the past would never intensify again but you are all such liars.

I thought you would keep the one I promised you. I have only given one of my promises but all you have not fulfilled them?

Where is your pride that you can all be saved? Why did you add another pain of great remorse to my whole being.

I will never forgive you all because you are liars.

I don't hate all of you but I regret why I met you all in my life.

I hope I met you all at another time and place.

One day I can take revenge on you all.

If you can hear me now Alicia, I'm sorry because I might be as terrible as you thought before.