Episode 27 : Benefits


Risya POV

I quickly ran as far as I could. I put the remaining strength into running. I could no longer hear their outrage towards me.

They also ran towards me and they cast magic on me. The ice spike magic that came from my older brother hit my stomach.

I vomited blood and I no longer felt pain because my senses were numb so I ran for hoping the miracle happened, and it came true.

I stumbled and forced myself to stand. I ran again for thinking I was going to die when suddenly a portal came out in front of me and I entered there without hesitation.

Where am I?

My eyes close as I try to observe my surroundings.

Why did the noise of the heavy rain disappear?

The ground is hard which is similar to normal dirt but not soft like mud that my feet felt earlier. I moved my hand as I grabbed the dry leaves.

Where am I?