Chapter One

The Burial grounds, no one knows what it used to house or what it was even used to be once upon a time. Now nothing was left but catacombs of lost civilians years and years ago. Though those who inertia the idea of ever entering are warned not to do so, for now, it's the home of resentful energy and a lost demon king's remains, that were being trapped by an old soul of a God who is the creator and protector of the human race. The son of the Goddess of light and the God of Darkness, Wei Wuxian, the God of spirits, both evil and good.

Even though he is older than time itself, made before the world was created he's lived a fulfilling life. Raising the first ten children of this world, help build the fist of cities, and taught the first of rising sects cultivation to help protect themselves from those creatures that wish to do them harm. He taught the humans how to hunt, and grow food, taught them how to love and cherish every moment they are given, taught them how to be a family by being the father to the first ten humans which were passed down to generations to come, even though now his practices have been changed or even lost, he watched his children grow and repopulate the world.

Though after a horrible war of a demon that the humans created by greed and all the horrible things of humanity who challenged God Wei for the world and the souls of the human, Wei Wuxian lost his wings never being able to return home to his parents but succeeded in trapping the demon in the Burial grounds locking himself in along with the resentful energy that only Wei Wuxian could ever master at harnessing the power.

The humans were grateful for God Wei's hard work and praised him with temples and altars all around the world while using his practices of spiritual Cultivation to protect themselves, even now there are tools to help them and using the spirits that were once Wei Wuxian's caregivers, to power their swords and other instruments to fight off the evil, taking Wei Wuxian's warning to never use resentful energy for the price is too great for them, to heart.

Centuries passed and never did anyone ever dare to enter the burial grounds until the Wen Clan thought they were far more worthy and strong enough to enter and cost them dearly as when they reached the middle where the mountain rested the lost more than half of the troops that were sent on this quest. When they reached where a grand castle once stood, they came across a coffin that rested over a sea of golden flowers that no one could have guessed let alone figure out how they could live in a condition as the one that these grounds house.

Wen Xu, the eldest son of Wen Ruohan, the Qishan Wen Clan sects leader, walked to the coffin to see what was inside, to see it was a very young and handsome man, that wore gold, red and black robes who was inside. His long hair was in a braided weave in with a red ribbon that looked far grander than anything that all sects together couldn't buy, in fact, everything that was in the coffin, to the clothes to the black Jade flute in his hands were far too grand to be real or even from this world.

Shocked, Wen Xu didn't expect to find this, just being told to bring whatever he could find in the Burial grounds back to Qishan Wen, but he never thought it would be a far beautiful man in a coffin, but not wanting to disappoint his father, he ordered the last of his men to carry the coffin back with them.