Chapter Two

When Wei Wuxian opens his eyes again after hundreds of years of sleeping in a glass coffin, he was brought to a surprising halt when he noticed he was in a place where he never has seen before, which would be odd for a man who has been everywhere.

"Could I be dreaming?" Wei Wuxian wonders before shaking that idea out of his head, "No not possible, God's don't dream." but he still couldn't figure out where he was and how he came to be here. "Perhaps my cousins are playing a joke on me once more. A-Bao has always been one to play with me ever since we were 10,000 years of age."

A large wooden door from the far side of the room opens and shows a large older man that carries himself with importance, but right away Wei Wuxian knew who he was since he raised this man's Great Great Great Great Grandfather, and taught him cultivation to protect his family.

"Forgive me child, but might you tell me your name?" Wei Wuxian asks.

"How odd since I was about to ask you the same thing." Wen Mao's descendant responds.

Wei Wuxian smirks, "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you but I am willing to trade information."

Laughing at this, since no one ever dared to talk to this man this way, but loving the change of pace, "Wen Ruohan, sect leader of Qishan Wen Sect."

"Qishan Wen?" Wei Wuxian looked around before looking out of the closest window he could see from where he was to only see even more structure of the palace they were in. "This is far grander than I remember Qishan Wen being, hundreds of years ago. Wen Mao truly brought that small village to new heights."

Not believing what he was hearing, Wen Rohan raises an eyebrow, "You knew Wen Mao? Impossible, he died before your grandparents were even a thought."

"Not impossible considering you found me, in a coffin, not dead, in an unlivable area." shaking his head at Wen Ruohan's inability to think. "But that isn't important, what is the fact that I am here now and I can literally taste the resentment off of you. You want something from me and it's not with good intentions."

Silent, but deadly Wen Ruohan hasn't figured out that it is he who is at the mercy of this God Wei who looks to only be fifteen. "A war is coming, and I would like to harness your power to win." he didn't even sugar coat it. "I can also taste the resentful energy off of you. You harness so much for such a young person."

Laughing at this man's gullible attitude, Wei Wuxian glares at this man, his eyes turning red which causes Wen Ruohan to take a step back. "I wouldn't think so highly of yourself Sect Leader Wen, for it isn't I who is stuck in here with you." Without raising even a hand Wei Wuxian breaks the barrier around the bed that he knew was there this entire time to keep him trapped.

Both speechless and scared Wen Ruohan falls to the ground lowering himself to the ground in terror of Wei Wuxian, "I am not a forgiving type, as I have dealt with many men like you but I will let you walk away with only one warning. You step over the line, and I can guarantee that it will cost you your life."

Taking his leave, when no one even bothered to try and stop him, Wei Wuxian found himself in the outside world. Taking a large deep breath in Wei Wuxian couldn't pinpoint how long it had been to breathe in clean air and not waking up in a coffin. Casually taking a horse from the stables Wei Wuxian takes off the morning sunrise to find his next adventure or his new muse.

Heading south-east, Wei Wuxian started to head for Yunmeng Jiang, for something he has been craving, Lotus seeds. The ride was only a few days with a small break for his horse. He ended up naming Flower, for this horse eats nothing but flowers, which Wei Wuxian wasn't sure was good for her. So he would sneak some apples to balance out her diet to keep her healthy.

Seeing the far off city of Yunmeng across the large Lotus river bank. Deciding he wasn't just quite ready to go into town yet, Wei Wuxian found a perfect spot to sit under a large tree to rest for a while for himself. Being a God, Wei Wuxian doesn't need to sleep or rest but can choose so, same goes for eating and drinking, though taking a small rest once and awhile help him replenishes his energy, considering he isn't able to return to his home where it restores his energy in an instance.

He misses his home, he misses his mother and father, and all of his Uncles, Aunts, and cousins with whom he would spend all his time. In Gods eyes, Wei Wuxian is still indeed a child, even though he's lived for eons and the creator of the human race, but he never lived as long as the Supreme Goddess of the Eternal Flame that brings life, his grandmother, Baoshan Sanren.

Picking Lotus buds from the river, Wei Wuxian sits under the tree he picked and starts to snack on the lotus seeds. Picking carefully to try to avoid the bitter ones, but it was always a fifty percent chance for a sour one so he never had the best luck.

"Hey, you know that lotus belongs to the Jiang family!" says a boy dressed in purple with a very angry look to him.