
Chapter Thirteen


"Where is it Young Mast Wei!?!" Nie Mingjue growls.

"I don't know what you're talking about Sect. Leader Nie." Wei Wuxian plays dumb eating some of his fruit.

Nie Mingjue slams his hand on his table causing Meng Yao and all the servants to jump in fear of their Sect. Leaders anger. "Don't play dumb with me, where is the Yin Iron that you stolled from the Lan clan!?!"

"I didn't steal anything." Wei Wuxian continues to deny it.

Nie Mingjue shakes his head and is about to say something more but another servant comes up from behind him and whispers something to him and Nie Mingjue smiles. "Really? Then what is this?" He held his hand out and the punch he left in his room with Baiguang was placed in his hands. Wei Wuxian shot up from his chair enraged that they entered his room.

Nie Mingjue opens the pouch and the Yin Iron falls into his hand. "Arrest him for treason and questioning." Nie Mingjue orders his guards.

The guards charged towards Wei Wuxian but he closed his eyes and sent a large burst of energy that knocked them all back. With all the guards on the ground that shocked everyone to their cores, Wei Wuxian stepped over them and the broken plates of his unfinished dinner, Wei Wuxin was beyond pissed off.

"I guess I was right that generations of cultivators are nothing but a letdown." he hisses while glaring down at the Sect. Leader who has taken the place of his beloved Nie Shi, who would have NEVER raised a sword to someone without finding the truth first, before jumping to conclusions.

"HOW DARE YOU!?!" Nie Mingjue now standing pulls out his sword named Baxia and points it towards Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian knows that the spirits that possess those Sabers are vengeful ones but it was still ONE. OF. HIS. SPIRITS. Just like Lan Qiren, Baxia attacked NieMingjue for pointing her to her God. This time instead of a shock to the hand Bax was ripped from his hand and she struck him with the flat surface of the blade to the back of his knee causing him to kneel, and Baxia just went back to her stand.

Completely out of words to say to the betrayal of her own blade, Nie Mingjue just continued to kneel. "What have you done you demon!" Mingjue hissed but had no punch to it like before, though it never affected Wei Wuxian, to begin with.

Shaking his head Wei Wuxian raises his hand palm out and whistles calling the Yin Iron back to him but not only one piece but two came floating into his palm. "Another one was here?" he questioned but Nie Mingjue didn't answer and just continued to glare at God.

"Who do you think you are?" Nie Mingjue says, "Barging into the Sects and taking what is ours! Why would a young boy like yourself need the Yin Iron anyway? ARE YOU WORKING WEN RUOHAN?!?!"

Wei Wuxian scoffs, "I already put that idiot in his place warning him if he ever steps out of place again. Must I offer you the same Sect. Leader Nie?"

Anger was just rolling off of Nie Mingjue, and Wei Wuxian felt like he wasn't done with him yet but he didn't want the Nie sect to lose another Leader by Qi devastation, so he turned around and walked away. Making quick work to run to his room to gather his stuff before taking off again, but since he was inside the first thing he came to was the desk to find Baiguang was gone. Panicked Wei Wuxian searched the entire room to come across the fire pit that keeps the room warm and to brew tea over was lit, and in the fire was a broken half gone Guqin burning away at the rest of the instrument, taking the spirit with the flames.

Falling to his knees in front of the pit, knowing she was gone and never to return. The holy spirits are made from Wei Wuxian's golden core fire. It was his fire that brought them to life, and it was the fire he gave to the humans that can take it away. He taught the humans to end the lives of the evil spirits or to the spirits that use their way and start to kill without reason, and now Baiguang has been taken the same way all because she was protecting her God back in Gusu Lan.

In tears, Wei Wuxian fields the compound with both the Yin Iron pieces and the clothes he packed. He was now on the run because without a doubt in the mind word of his "cruelty" has reached the ears of all Cultivation sects and to be hunted down like a mad dog, though none will be able to succeed if they are tired, Wei Wuxian was never one to fight back, even if he was met by thousands of blades. Wei Wuxian wasn't a cruel God.