
Chapter Fourteen

Making his way to the burial mounds Wei Wuxian looks over the fallen structure that used to be one of his main homes, where he and Nie Shi used to spend most of their days, though Nie Shi had to return to his Sect, for he was their leader, at a young age. It breaks Wei Wuxian's heart knowing how much time passed and how far the world he helps create has fallen.

He still remembers when he first build his home to house the first ten children of the world, and how it grew to be a large and beautiful palace that held the God that created all spirits and souls. This was his home, but he sacrificed it to end the life of the Demon King causing it to be an unlivable wait land filled with resentful energy because it graves the remains of the Demon King.

Going into his throne room that still stands along with the cave that used to be the parlor where he and his family he would raise would spend the days together. The inside could be seen the rough image that it used to look like, and on the far side of the grand hall could be seen the rubble of the throne where he would be seated, but always with one of his children in his lap because he was never seen without one of them.

Wei Wuxian was always a caring, loving father to all of his children that he raised over the years, though it never hurt less to watch them grow old and pass on to be only reborn again in a different life. Still, a few of his children's souls always seemed to find him again in their next life. Wei Wuxian always found it funny, how he was supposedly seen as this scary God by, at the snap of his fingers he could take the life of every single human that walks on this earth, many seen him this way but for most who came to see him found him a big softy being pushed around by the children that overrun his palace.

No matter how much he misses the heavens to Wei Wuxian this was home. This is where he belongs. "I couldn't agree with you more my dear son." a soft voice calls out to him from behind that he hasn't heard for eons.

A smile was brought to him as were tears in his eyes. Turning on his heel Wei Wuxian runs in the arms of his mother. Baring his face in her robes, Wei Wuxian sobs in her arms as he takes in her warmth as he has done as a small child himself. "I've missed you momma." he cries to her.

"And I missed you my sweet A-Ying." She whispers into his hair. "You have endured so much pain already and yet you still stay with your children even when this generation is nothing but a letdown."

"Because they weren't raised with me here with them." Wei Wuxian makes excuses for them. "Not like their great grandparents have been with me."

"Yes, but they've been raised better than this by their parents and yet they choose to ignore the teachings that you passed down to them." his mother pulls back a little bit just to cup his cheek and have him look up at her. "They don't need you here anymore A-Ying you should come home with Momma now."

"Not yet, something is about to happen and I have to stop it before it ends badly." Wei Wuxian refuses.

"But A-Ying you're not the same as you once were my dear son! Without your wings, you're becoming a mortal body, which means you could die from mortal causes all except aging itself."

Wei Wuxian shakes his head, "I already knew that this would happen, when I had them cut off and turned into the Yin Iron, momma, but I am not ready to go yet. I think… I think I found my soulmate like you have momma, and I want to live a human life with him."

Cangse Sanren shakes her head as well but she was smiling, "Father like son, you and A-Chang are romantics at heart.'' She pets her son's hair. "Will I meet my son-in-law in the future?"

"If he chooses to come to the heavens with me after our human's life is up." Wei Wuxian shrugs, "But I will not force him if he chooses to be reborn along with his family."

"I will grant you this my son, but be warned, after you use all the energy that is your immortality you won't be able to cultivate until you return home with us again. There you will be reborn as the god that you were once was."

Wei Wuxian hugs her again, "Thank you, mother."