Eleanor and Sir Fellis rode at the lead. Rustan's horse and body followed behind them with Annalisa next to it on her horse. Rose and Fortuna were right behind them. They had caught up just a few hours after the elves and the Vile left their campsite. Valenor and Fauna followed the unicorns. Sir Sendrick and the Vile held up the flank with Dog. They could all see the west gate ahead of them. White smoke billowed from the palace furnace.

"Oh no!" Eleanor gasped. Sir Fellis saw the smoke as well. Eleanor rode her horse faster and left her companions behind. The elves saw their princess and friends approaching and opened the gate. Eleanor rode through without halting and pushed her horse as fast as she dared to. She sped through the city streets all the way to the palace where she dismounted and ran inside.

"Where is my father?" She yelled. "KING SOLARIS!" Several royal guards came running to greet the princess.

"My lady," one of the guards beckoned. Eleanor sobbed and fell to her knees.

"What happened?" She cried.

"Ignore the signals of the priests my lady. Your father lives." The royal guard assured her.

"What is going on then?" She asked in confusion.

"We are under siege my lady," Jorus the captain of her father's guard entered the hall.

"Why? By whom? Eleanor asked. Sir Fellis and the others came running in just then.

"Captain," Sir Fellis said saluting the captain of the royal guard.

"Captain," Jorus returned the honor.

"Go out and wait with the horses," Sir Sendrick instructed the Vile. The Vile nodded and returned to their horses outside to watch over the body of Rustan.

"The priests have turned on us," Jorus said cautiously eying the two paladins.

"Why?" Sir Sendrick asked curiously.

"Something happened to the king while you were away, but he is still our king. So, we must protect him as we swore to from all threats foreign and domestic." Captain Jorus explained.

"I don't understand. What happened to the king?" Eleanor barked.

"Short version—he found a way to restore Queen Elineth." Captain Jorus began.

"My mother is alive?" Eleanor gasped. Captain Jorus sighed before continuing.

"She came back as a vampire and turned the king." Jorus finally finished.

"Then the king must-," Sir Sendrick started to say.

"Do not finish that sentence or we will have to do the same to you as we have so many others and I do grow tired of killing my own people." Captain Jorus interrupted the paladin.

"My mother and father are both vampires now?" Eleanor gasped.

"Yes, my princess. They will be pleased that you are home safe and that Sir Fellis did not fail after all." Captain Jorus said condescendingly. Sir Fellis glared at the captain for his remark.

"Where are they?" Eleanor asked.

"They reside in the sanctuary now," Captain Jorus answered.

"In the basement?" Annalisa gasped.

"Sunlight and everything, you know." Captain Jorus said casually. "Shall I take you to see them?"

"Yes," Eleanor replied without thinking. Sir Fellis looked from one royal guard to the other. Something was not right.

"We are all very tired. I think we will see the king and queen after we have bathed and rested first." Sir Fellis interjected and grabbed the hand of Eleanor to get her attention. She turned to look at him. He tried to get her to understand with a facial gesture.

"I think Eleanor should see her mother and father first," Captain Jorus insisted. The captain confirmed the fears of Sir Fellis just then.

"I just want to see my wife," Sir Fellis said as he pulled Eleanor safely behind him and drew his enchanted bastard sword. Eleanor and their companions were surprised by the actions of Sir Fellis but followed his lead anyhow. The royal guards also drew their weapons.

"Is this how you want things to go Captain Fellis?" Captain Jorus taunted.

"You are loyal to the king and queen, not the kingdom. I am the sworn protector of the princess so it would be treason to allow the princess to go to her imminent death." Sir Fellis growled.

"I don't think that the king or queen plan on killing their own daughter. They feed off chickens." Captain Jorus said.

"If she goes to see them, then I go beside her." Sir Fellis said without blinking an eye.

"As you wish, honorable knight." Captain Jorus still taunted him. Captain Jorus sheathed his sword and turned to lead the way. The rest of the royal guard sheathed their weapons and eyed the princess and her friends dangerously as they passed down the hall with only Captain Jorus. They descended a single spiral staircase that spit them out into a dark hall lit by torches. Captain Jorus walked to the door and knocked. The door unlocked from inside and opened by another royal guard who saluted his captain on sight.

"Come, Princess Eleanor," Captain Jorus said gesturing for them to enter the sanctuary. Sir Fellis went first and glared at Captain Jorus threateningly as he passed by him with Eleanor in tow. The others followed cautiously. The king and queen sat in the dark chamber lit only by wall sconces holding torches.

"Eleanor," King Solaris called out when he saw his daughter. HE seemed truly happy to see her.

"Eleanor?" Queen Elineth gasped. She stood to her feet staring at her daughter. "Has it been that long?"

"Mother," Eleanor barely said through her tears. Was this really her mother? Was that still her father? She was not sure. She hoped that the gods would protect her if not.

"King Solaris," Sir Fellis said offering a bow. "Queen Elineth"

"Don't be frightened. I know it's a lot to take in." King Solaris tried to ease everyone in the room. He noted the fact that Sir Fellis had not taken his hand form his hilt, not even to bow.

"I am honoring my duties my king. Nothing more." Sir Fellis said evenly.

"The gods said my daughter was in danger while you were away. I made some rash decisions but they seem to have worked out." King Solaris said.

"You are a vampire--which means someone killed you, to turn you. I am surprised that your royal guard allowed her to live." Sir Fellis dared to say. Queen Elineth glared at the paladin.

"Like it or not, I am your queen. Show me some respect." Queen Elineth demanded.

"I thought I did with my royal greeting your heinous. If my words sting, I apologize but before MY king became this—well, he made me vow to protect the princess. I am in a threatening environment and I am concerned for her well-being so if you are her mother then you should respect me for honoring the king's wishes to ensure her safety." Sir Fellis dared to say. The queen smiled suddenly.

"I am thankful for that. Don't take this wrong sir knight, but if we wanted to kill our daughter, none of you could stop us. So, I assure you that you have nothing to worry about." Queen Elineth said evenly.

"Father, this is so much to take in!" Eleanor gasped.

"I know my dear,��� King Solaris replied.

"Rustan—he's dead. Will you resurrect him? Please!" Eleanor pleaded. King Solaris looked to his wife defeated.

"I would my dear. Since my transformation I cannot use such spells. They would destroy me given they are powered by positive energies." King Solaris said reluctantly.

"We hoped that you would be able to raise him. We laughed when we should have cried. Our hope has been destroyed by this—this defiling of sacred magic." Eleanor shouted before turning and leaving the sanctuary.

"Eleanor," King Solaris called. Sir Fellis followed her. The other elves cautiously backed out of the sanctuary and then ran after Sir Fellis and Eleanor.

"Eleanor, where are you going?" Sir Fellis called as he chased the princess.

"I'm leaving the palace." She answered.

"What of your ranger station plans?" Sir Fellis asked.

"They seem to be dreams of my past now." Eleanor replied. They had ascended the spiral staircase and entered the main hall. Eleanor never slowed her pace and headed for the front doors. Two royal guards blocked her path.

"What is this? Let me pass." Eleanor ordered. Sir Fellis stopped where he was and eyed the two royal guards. He turned around to see Sir Sendrick and the others coming but they were being followed by Captain Jorus and five more royal guards.

"What is this about Jorus?" Sir Fellis barked.

"The queen thinks it best for the princess to remain in the palace during these difficult times." Captain Jorus answered calmly. Sir Fellis sighed. He just wanted to see his wife. He turned to Eleanor.

"My princess, what are your wishes?" He asked. Eleanor understood their dilemma. They were outmatched and out skilled as far as she could tell. The royal guards were all trained as expert swordsmen.

"I need to clear my head. Then I will return." Eleanor said trying to be fair. Sir Fellis turned to Captain Jorus.

"She needs to clear her head." Sir Fellis repeated.

"It doesn't have to go like this, Fellis." Captain Jorus said threateningly.

"I would have to agree with you on that. So, respect the wishes of the princess and let us go." Sir Fellis said with a cold calm that sent chills down Fauna's spine. Sir Sendrick had his hand over his hilt already. Captain Jorus laughed.

"Let's say that you beat all of us and leave. You will be hunted and when you are all caught, you will be beheaded." Captain Jorus warned.

"How about you just let us leave," Sir Fellis retorted.

"You know I can't," Captain Jorus said with a smile.

"You want this to happen, don't you?" Sir Fellis gasped.

"I don't like you. Yes—I had Captain Del deny you supplies and men at your gate in hopes to make you look a fool. Now here you are a fellow captain of the royal guard. Yes—I want this to happen!" Captain Jorus confessed and drew his sword.

"Today's a good day to die," Sir Sendrick said as he drew his sword. Everyone had drawn weapons except Eleanor.

"No one dies," Eleanor said boldly. "I'll stay but on one condition."

"What's that princess?" Captain Jorus asked.

"You let my friends leave." Eleanor said firmly.

"Done," Captain Jorus said happily.

"Princess, no!" Sir Fellis argued.

"Sir Fellis, you did your duty and protected me and my friends to the best of your abilities while we were on the road. I am home now. Go see your wife. Your duties are fulfilled and honored." Eleanor said patting him on his shoulder before walking by him to turn herself over to Captain Jorus.

"A royal guard's duty never ends," Sir Fellis shouted. He swung round his enchanted bastard sword and severed the heads of the two royal guards blocking their exit in one swing. Their bodies slumped to the ground. Sir Sendrick lunged at Captain Jorus who easily parried. Fauna was backed against a wall by a royal guard. Annalisa was also backed on her heels. Swordplay with royal guards was not something you wanted to witness as a foe. Valenor ducked a mighty swing and pummeled the armor of one of the royal guards. He left dents in the chest plate but the armor held. Eleanor was in shock as she watched her friends risking their lives for hers. Sir Fellis grabbed her and pulled her towards the doors.

"Run," Sir Fellis barked. Eleanor heard Dog barking outside the doors frantically. She ran for the sound of her pet. Valenor stunned the royal guard he battled and then caught him with a hard uppercut that sent him falling backward. The doors flung open and light poured into the hall. The Vile and Dog entered the hall to see Eleanor running towards them and the others in battle against royal guards. Sir Sendrick came in hard and backed Captain Jorus up. He still smiled. Sir Sendrick didn't know why when he appeared to have the upper hand. Captain Jorus was toying with him. He had only been parrying thus far. That all changed. He countered and slapped Sir Sendrick's sword out wide to expose him. Then he thrust his blade clean through the breastplate armor of Sir Sendrick.

"You should not have threatened the king," Captain Jorus said into the ears of the dying paladin. He pulled his sword free and then moved towards the next challenger. Valenor saw his brother fall and knew that he was dead. He came in fast with a deadly series of strikes. Captain Jorus laughed as he back-stepped and slapped the strikes away with the flat of his blade. He swung his sword wide and severed the head clean from Valenor's shoulders. Fauna struggled against her foe and was impaled on the end of his blade. Annalisa managed to cut down her opponent only to receive the same blade through her chest as Fauna. The Vile raged as he came running in past Eleanor. Dog followed at his side. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion for Eleanor.

Then time just stopped. It rewound and everything that had transpired un-happened before her eyes. Everything rewound back to the spiral staircase.

"Eleanor, where are you going?" Sir Fellis called as he chased the princess.

"I'm leaving the palace." She answered.

"What of your ranger station plans?" Sir Fellis asked.

"They seem to be dreams of my past now." Eleanor replied. They had ascended the spiral staircase and entered the main hall. Eleanor never slowed her pace and headed for the front doors. Two royal guards blocked her path.

"Let them pass," a whisper of power spoke from an invisible being into the ears of the royal guards. The royal guards allowed Eleanor and her companions to pass. They reached the doors just before Captain Jorus came up behind Sir Sendrick and the others. Sir Fellis stopped at the doors and watched the captain's next move.

"Let them leave," the whispered voice of power spoke into the ears of Captain Jorus.

"Farewell," Captain Jorus said with a wave. Eleanor and her companions left the palace feeling out of sorts. Sir Fellis had a feeling of fogginess as though something important had been erased from his mind. Everyone else felt the same but no one said anything. They just left the palace and headed for the nearest cathedral to have Rustan prepared for burial.

"What happened" Fortuna asked breaking the silence.

"I don't think we should discuss it right now. We need to find a safe-haven right away." Sir Fellis said sternly.

"Why do I have the feeling that I should work on my swordplay more?" Sir Sendrick asked.

"We will discuss that after we find a safe-haven as Sir Fellis said," Eleanor growled. She remembered. For some reason, she could recall the original timeline of events that had transpired and the strange event that rewound time and altered it. She looked up to the sky as if one of the gods were watching over her.

They arrived at the Cathedral of the High Order and tied off the horses. Sir Sendrick untied Rustan's body and draped it over his shoulder.

"We will keep watch over the horses," Rose offered. Eleanor led the way up the stairs to the doors of the cathedral and opened them. Sir Sendrick passed through first and several acolytes came running over to help him with the body. Three priests also came over to meet the companions as they entered the foyer.

"Princess Eleanor, what happened?" One of the priests recognized her as he approached.

"A friend fell in combat. He needs a proper burial." Eleanor answered. Sir Sendrick passed the body to the acolytes who took the body away to be prepared for burial.

"Did you meet with your father yet?" The priest dared to ask.

"I did," Eleanor replied.

"They killed the high priest of the order," the priest said bluntly.

"What?" Sir Sendrick and Sir Fellis gasped at the same time.

"He recognized the cause of the king's death and demanded that the body be destroyed before it rose as a vampire. The magister and the royal guard would not allow it. When the high priest tried to sever the head from your father's dead body he was impaled by multiple blades of the royal guard." The priest said sadly.

"We need a safe place to stay while we discuss our situation," Sir Fellis said to the priest.

"We have a guest wing here. I will show you to a room." The priest offered.

"We have horses and two unicorns out front." Annalisa interjected.

"There is a stable. Unicorns did you say? They can come inside with you if you like." The priest replied.

"I'll tend to the horses and send Rose and Fortuna inside." Annalisa said before taking her leave.

"We will come and help," Sir Sendrick offered as he coached his brother along. The Vile and Fauna also went to help with the horses leaving Sir Fellis and Eleanor alone with the priest.

"I'm so sorry my princess!" The priest said with the utmost sincerity.

"There is no time to be sorry right now. We have much to discuss in private." Eleanor responded.

"Yes, my princess. I will show you where your room is and then come and get your friends." The priest offered.

"Thank you," Eleanor replied. Sir Fellis looked around cautiously. He could not explain what was causing his paranoia. He was on his guard more than ever now. Eleanor and Sir Fellis followed the priest who took them through an archway and up several flights of stairs. The hall was poorly lit, Sir Fellis noticed as they made their way to a door. The priest opened the door to reveal a large room with several bunks inside.

"It's not the greatest room but you are welcome to use it as long as you need." The priest said. Sir Fellis entered first and began inspecting it. He checked for any secret access points. He noted the two large windows and how they overlooked the streets below.

"It will do fine. Thank you." Sir Fellis said after completing his inspection. Eleanor entered the room.

"I will go and retrieve your companions," the priest said with a bow. Eleanor closed the door as he left.

"What happened back there at the palace?" Sir Fellis asked suddenly.

"Do you remember?" Eleanor asked with hopes that she was not the only one who recalled the events that transpired.

"No. I just know something happened and my head is hazy from it." Sir Fellis replied.

"Should we wait for the others?" Eleanor asked.

"I don't know. I don't know what happened." Sir Fellis answered.

"The royal guards would not allow me to leave. You and my friends defended me. My friends all fell. The Vile was on his way in with Dog to aid us." Eleanor shared what she remembered.

"Then what?" Sir Fellis asked.

"You had killed the two guards that blocked my way and were moving to engage Captain Jorus who had killed Sir Sendrick. It was a blood bath! Everything was happening so slow down and eventually time seemed to stop and then reverse back to what I am guessing the rest of you remember." Eleanor said.

"The gods protect you." Sir Fellis said boldly.

"It would seem that way, but why?" Eleanor asked.

"Captain Jorus is evil. It was he that was behind your issues at the gate that day. He confessed in the alternate reality that played out." Eleanor recalled.

"I will deal with Captain Jorus. First we need to figure out what to do about your mother and father." Sir Fellis said.

"I know. It's a lot to take in." Eleanor admitted.

"I know princess, but you have to. In my eyes, you are the acting queen right now." Sir Fellis said. Eleanor realized what that meant. She would be stuck in the palace and forced into a leadership role that would take away from her dreams.

"I don't want to be queen," Eleanor admitted. Sir Fellis smiled.

"I know my dear. But without you we will be forced to live under the rule of vampires and I'm not too sure how that will play out given recent events." Sir Fellis replied.

"My father is a very powerful priest. He is more powerful than the former high priest. How could we hope to defeat him before let alone now as a vampire?" Eleanor asked in defeat.

"We must find a way," Sir Fellis said in a comforting tone.

"My mother! She-," Eleanor began crying.

"She is not your mother princess. She is just her vessel full of memories but no soul." Sir Fellis tried to be compassionate in his words.

"Jorus and the royal guards will flay us before we got close to my parents," Eleanor said. Sir Fellis thought about the captain and the royal guards. They were truly going to be difficult to best in combat.

"He has twenty royal guards under his command." Sir Fellis began thinking of details. They were outnumbered and out skilled. Even with the aid of the priests of the order they would be no match.