The first volume of the Dark Athyx series tells the story of the creation…
An ancient being is awakened when a vile god discovers a relic and steals it to empower himself. Armageddon is nothing compared to the destruction and horrors of the ancient being known as the Forgotten One…
He is the lord of madness and harbinger of horror. Gods fear him. The horrors of the Void spawn the birth of Athyx and its pantheon. Myth becomes reality, and reality becomes madness. The madness calls to the Forgotten One. Gods fall and heroes are made. Diversity between good and evil becomes necessary for the survival of the gods and their creations. This newfound diversity creates the topsoil for the Forgotten One to plant his seeds of madness. The Marble of Godly Doom is all that stands in the way of the Forgotten One and stops him from assimilating the last of the known gods and their newly forged seed of life.