Viscus appeared at Oblivion's Gate with Death. He dove into the vortex with the seeker-titan. Death screamed in agony as he was ripped into nothingness. Only Viscus could survive the negative power of the plane of Oblivion. He had bonded with it. He controlled it where others failed.

The Crimson Lady appeared at Oblivion's Gate moments later with the severed parts of Assimilator. The negative energies attacked the seven-headed dragon instantly as she hurled the parts into the vortex of Oblivion. Viscus felt the presence of the Crimson Lady and before she was robbed of life by the negative energies of the plane, he nullified the effects of the plane against her. The dragon floated limply towards the vortex. Viscus flew to her and halted her decent into Oblivion.

"You dared to come here? You dared to aid us with your life? Interesting! I shall make you the guardian of Oblivion's Gate. Your godly realm will be a demi-plane on my own. You will be charged with guarding my gates for all eternity." Viscus said as he empowered the great seven-headed dragon with the ability to survive on his plane outside of the vortex.


Bolnarg turned and struck the Justicar square in the face for dishonoring him. Then he struck Armco. Both gods were floored from the power of the orc god's punches.

"You fools! To die in battle is an honor. To win a battle is an honor. But to retreat from a battle is cowardly and dishonorable!" Bolnarg roared with tremendous anger before walking away from his comrades. Bolnarg wanted to end the war quickly. Now they looked beaten. As long as the laws of the relic were not violated Insanium could do whatever he wanted. Each god could establish First Contact with mortals in order to establish a clergy of followers. They all knew that Insanium had to be stopped before he could begin his clergy. They were all wounded. Most of them had retreated back to their own godly realms to recover. Bolnarg was furious and could not stand the idea of failing and living to be tormented by that failure. The Justicar and Armco rubbed their chins and stared at the angry orc god as he walked away. He was not their enemy. They were not angry that the orc god had struck them. They were upset that the orc god was too proud to accept retreat in order to live to fight another day.

"He would have died if you did not teleport us away," the Justicar said to Armco to break the silence. Armco looked to the god of law and balance.

"So would you," Armco added plainly.

"No. I am not as proud. I would have retreated on my own accord had you not done it for us." The Justicar admitted. They shared a laugh.