"Can't find him? What the fuck do you mean by that? I want him back here or you face the consequences" her voice boomed in the huge mansion as the blond lady who was in her late 30's yelled through the phone. Her blue eyes were staring right ahead at nothing although her expressions clearly proved the anger that was gushing through her veins.

The man at the other end of the line assured her with trembling voice that the person she demanded to see will be found very soon. Without sparing him another word she hung up. Turning around, she glared at the four pair of workers who were hanging their heads low in front of their mistress. An uneasy silence filled the huge room, the only sound heard was the clicking of her heals against the marble floor.

She walked over to the table and stopped at the edge. Her back facing them as her fingers started fiddling with the flowers that sprung out of the glass vase placed at the corner.

"Which part of 'don't let him out' did you not understand?" she spoke in an unexpectedly calm voice which sent shivers to each and every person present in the room. The terror-stricken workers glanced at each other, their faces pale and eyes wide.

She looked over her shoulder "I don't repeat myself". The warning was evident in her voice as it echoed in their ears. No one spoke anything, for they did not have an answer to the question she threw at theirs faces. They wouldn't dare defy her because her anger was as bad as the person she was demanding to see.

In a sudden motion, she swung the glass vase at the ground, breaking it into countless pieces and the once beautiful flowers lay scattered all around.

"Answer me God damnit". She barked at them to which they only flinched. Her eyes were throwing daggers at them as none of them could look into her blazzing blue ones.

A hand on her shoulder forced her to turn around and look at the black eyes that stared down at her.

"Calm down Charlotte. It is not their fault that he cannot handle his temper and you know it as well that they would not be able to stop them even if they tried to" The man said, his voice soft but stern at the same time.

Charlotte looked up at her husband in disbelief and shook her head. He was defending them? For what? She stormed over to the huge couch and sat at a corner with her face in her palm. Her anger was fading into nothing and fear starting to rise in her chest. The tall man waved dismissal to the servants as they bowed their heads before quickly disappearing from the room.

"I am scared Ric. My son. Oh my God , what if something happened to him?" Tearing up at her own thoughts she let the tears out as the man brought her into his arms .

"We didn't even realize what he was going through." She  continued crying, letting out all the piled emotions.

There were a few minutes of silence before the man spoke.

"We will find him. Trust me, we will." He assured Charlotte, who just sniffled without uttering a word, secretly praying for his words to come true.

While the couple were trying to find the last ray of hope to hang onto, Anna was standing dumbfounded beside the man, who's identity she still wasn't aware of.

"Don't leave me please" He mumbled again.

Anna furrowed her brows while looking at the man muttering things in his unconscious state.

She carefully observed his features. Jet black hair that was sticking to his forehead, dense eyelashes that rested on his cheek bone, pointed nose and thin pink lips that were slightly parted as he draw in shallow breaths. Chiseled jaws with light stubble here and there. Those little scratches and bruises did nothing to diminish his features. But he did look familiar.

Have I met him before?

"What is he saying?" Her string of thoughts  was broken by her grandmother's voice.

"Um, he- he said 'don't leave me'?" It was a question because she was still unsure whether she heard it right.

Nodding slowly the old lady walked over to the unconscious man as she leans forward to look at him, copying her granddaughter's actions.

Observing his face, her eyes scanned him thoroughly from under the glasses. What a young man. Poor thing he had to face such disaster, she thought. She squinted her eyes to look at him better but before she could Anna stood up saying she is going to take a shower. The lady walked back to the chair and sat down. Leaning over to the near drawer she pulled out the Bible as she rested back into the chair, opening the book she engaged her mind into rosary and Jesus, making a little prayer for the unknown man.

Anna dragged herself into the room with slumped shoulder and threw herself onto her double bed and recalled everything that happened in the past few hours. She was staring up at the ceiling ,eyes wide open, lost in her own thoughts.

'How did all of this happen? How did I end up bringing some unknown injured man home? What if he is a criminal? What if he dies?'

Closing her eyes shut, she sighed trying to erase all those negative thoughts from her mind. Everything will be fine if she could just drag her tired self to the bathroom. She sat up on the bed once her limbs were less tensed and removed her shoes which were splashed in dirt and mud. She stood up and made her way to the bathroom and started taking off her clothes and threw them in the laundry basket which was almost overflowing.

She sighed again 'I have some laundry to do tomorrow'.

Turning on the hot shower , she stepped into it and relaxed instantly when the warm water hit her body. She closed her eyes enjoying the water cascading down her pale, sweaty skin as it soothed her aching muscles. She stood under the running water until it was no more warm and then started cleaning herself.

She spent almost an hour in the shower and now she was way more sleepy than relaxed. After wrapping a towel around her small body she stepped out of the bathroom and made her way to the closet to find something comfortable to wear. She threw a loose grey t-shirt over and a pair of short pajamas and started drying her hair with a towel as she didn't like air drying. She had short black hair which reached till her collarbone so it dried quite fast.

She sat down on the bed before throwing herself back. All she wanted right now was a good night's sleep. She closed her eyes and was almost drifting off when she heard a knock on the door. She scrunched her face like a baby and lazily stood up as the knocks were getting harder. She walked over to the door and opened it revealing her grandmother, an unexplainable ,tensed expression all over her face.

"What is it Granu? I was just about to sleep." she rubbed her eyes with her tiny fingers.

"Anna, that man, he-he.."

Anna's eyes opened quite big.

"What- What happened to him?"

"He rolled down off the couch"

"What?" Anna rushed to the living room to find the man who was previously resting on the couch ,now on the floor. She held his arms and tried to make him sit up and luckily her grandmother decided to help her. They both sat him down on the couch and rested his head back as Anna kept her left hand under his head to prevent him from falling sideways.

"I don't think he will be able to stay in the couch all night" the old lady spoke breathing hard after handling the heavy structure. Anna nodded blankly staring at the man.

"Let's take him to your bed"

Anna nodded again before realizing what she heard.

"Wait what?"