Chapter Six: The first body is found

I called the nearest authorities and in no time the murder scene was filled with cops. Yellow tapes that read 'crime scene do not pass' were spread at all corners. I sat by a CSI van as they took whatever would help them in their investigation.

A black car sped in letting out a man putting on dark shades along with a black suit. A golden badge rested on his chest. He was accompanied with a serious looking lady who also had a badge and dark shades. After having a long talk with the CSI team they walked towards me

"Hi, I'm detective Derrick Presley and this is my partner Amalia West, and we have some questions for you" I couldn't fathom what his smiling face was saying all I could do was nod in acknowledgement

"What were you doing at this part of the woods" he took the glasses off and hooked it on his shirt as he rested his hands on his waist

"I... I... I..." I stuttered, not finding the strength to share what had happened to me

"Just take deep breathes" he placed his left hand on my arm as a calming smile worked it's way to his face

"I was about to go for a class" I took in another deep breathe just like how the detective instructed

"I wanted to take the road closer to the woods so I could explore more" a deep breathe "then I noticed I was being followed by someone or something in the woods so I began to run out of fear that was when I tripped over Candice's body" I sobbed, placing my right hand on my mouth

"Are you sure that is what really happened" the female detective called Amalia asked her tone screamed accusation

"What? are you saying that I did this" my damn voice still cracked from crying

"I didn't say that you did. I'm just asking if that is all that really happened" Amalia pressed on but was stopped by Rochelle from progressing further

"What do you think you are doing" Amalia mouth was shut

"You can't interrogate or even accuse her without evidence or her lawyer present. You should know that Rick" Devon stood behind Rochelle

"You have it all wrong Miss Rochelle Magnus we were just simply asking some questions, that's all" Derrick said jokingly trying to cover up what his crazy psycho of a partner did

"So I presume that my student is free to go" my eyes flipped from Derrick back to Rochelle as she asked the question I wanted to know the answer to. I hated being here in another crime scene, surrounded by cops and blood

"Of course" Derrick replied his smile not disturbed

"Get out of here girl" Rochelle said to my ears but no one had to tell me twice. I took my bag and left them all talking in hushed voices and seriousness written on their faces.

I thought of going back to my dorm house but I knew no one would be home and I couldn't stand being alone right now. I headed for my psyche class.

I got in during the lecture, I caught some glances so I quickly slipped into the first seat I found beside a girl with a welcoming smile

"Hi" she let out shyly

"Hi" I responded taking a book out of my bag

"I am Janice" she stuck out her hand for a handshake which I returned. I looked around I saw Damon sitting with Rebecca. Gabe was seated on the first row laser focused at the professor.

"And I'm Veronika" I smiled

"Coming late to my class is enough talking is just not acceptable" the professor spoke to Janice and I thereby dragging the attention of the whole class on me

"Sorry for coming late, today has been a crappy day for me" my voice cracked. I felt all eyes on me. I even heard whispers

"Oh stop making this all about you. It is all about the girl that died remember" he countered back at me

"I'm not trying to make it all about me" I retorted angrily, I was greatly unnerved by what he was insinuating

"Yah yah" he strolled back to the board and wrote the word 'psyche'. "Who knew that the word 'psyche' came from ancient Greek and it means life, soul or mind, while pathos" he wrote on the board "means suffering. When you put the two words together it forms..."

"Suffering mind" Gabe yelled as he twiddled with his pen

"Correct Mr Shipman it means suffering mind which tells us that psychopaths are in pain" he paused and stared at everyone faces like he was searching for something whatever it was

"That's it. Our first class is officially over" he picked up his bag and left the classroom.

I found Riley waiting for me outside the building

"Sorry about what you saw, it must have been horrible. How are you feeling" Riley gave me a hug just what I really needed right now. The hug broke off

"I'm feeling a little crappy" I chuckled trying to seem not too affected

"Never forget you are not alone" she assured me. As we walked Riley informed me that the red angels were having a meeting today I told Riley I won't come mostly because I couldn't stand seeing Alexa or Jessica's face today

"Hey Veronika" I heard Damon call out to me as he ran trying to catch up with us "I heard what happened to you today. And I'm soo sorry"

"It is not your fault" I sharply said

"Yeah, so can you tell me everything that happened" he asked crossing his hands above his chest

"I was being chased by something in the woods then I tripped over Candice body"

"Let's just forget about it and hope the police catches the killer" Riley drew a close to the subject she probably knew I was still affected by the subject

"Yeah" I concurred

The three of us drank coffee at coffee palace where Janice works until Riley left me and Damon to attend the red angels meeting. After making small talk with Damon we walked back to our dorm. I was shocked to see Sophie sitting in our living room talking with Natalie

"Their back" Natalie smiled at me and Damon while Sophie conjured a smile that looked friendly

"Hey Damon" Sophie waved her fingers at him but Damon without saying a word nodded

"Hey Veronika" I faked a smile at her

"What's going on here" Damon asked with a quizzical look on his face

"We just got invited to a dorm party by Sophie" Natalie answered gladly

"Aren't you excited? It is our first party as freshmen's. It is going to be exciting" she continued trying to get us mostly Damon psyched at the idea

"I really hope you will come Damon and you mostly Veronika" Sophie smiled at me giving me a look that sent me a bad feeling.

"I'll be there" I reciprocated her fake smile. I could notice Damon staring at us from the corner of my eyes. I walked straight to my room with Damon trailing behind me. We both stood opening our doors in silence. I turned to him and I caught him smiling knowingly at me he shook his head stepped into his room.

Derrick point of view

What's going on here? Do we have a sick copycat on our hands. I looked at some pictures of the killer's victim and I saw lacerations around her wrist. She was tied. I thought. I crossed my wrist and placed them above my head trying to recreate whatever scenario took place here, probably hung in the air. I looked at the crescent moon mark with three thorns on it that the killer etched on her forehead, I was taken aback to the first time I saw this mark. I replayed the memory of Malcolm dead with the same mark etched on his forehead and how I couldn't save him. A tap was placed on my wooden door jolting me out of my reverie. It was Amalia.

"Come in" Amalia walked in with some files

"The autopsy result is out" she handed it over to me

"She had a fractured skull" I read out the cause of death "haemorrhaging"

"Yes. It seems she was struck to the head and hung up" she pointed to the laceration marks.

"Do you think the killer purposely wanted the first body to be found by her" I didn't get any response from Amalia other than a quizzical look

"If we truly are dealing with a copycat killer. Maybe the killer is trying to recreate some certain events like the daughter of Amanda Evans finding the first body like Amanda did"

"Are you sure that she is indeed Amanda Evans daughter..."

"I couldn't be mistaken. She is the spitting image of Amanda. Those blue eyes are identical to Amanda's" I took some deep breathes "plus I asked Diego to run a check on her and found out she is indeed Amanda's daughter" I pushed back on my chair

"Whatever it is, chief wants us to nab this killer before it kills again" with those words Amalia exited my office. I was pained when I heard that Amanda was dead. I knew if she was alive she would never had allowed her daughter to learn about what happened to her here or even let her school at the place that was her worst nightmare all alone. Either ways it is now my duty to protect her and everyone from the killer.