Chapter Seven: The Game

Veronika POV

"Aren't you done yet" I questioned at the beautifully dressed Riley who stood in front of me for about an hour now working on my face with her makeup kit

"Hush now, would you want to show up to a party hosted by your ex and his girlfriend looking like a sad thing who is broken without him" I played the scenario in my head and I was terrified at the mere thought of looking broken in front of Dave and his silly girlfriend I could feel goosebumps prickle on my skin just thinking about it

"Okay, you are the boss" I surrendered to Riley and her tools with a smile.

"All done" after some frightfully long minutes that felt like hours Riley was finally pleased with her work to call it a stalemate. She turned my chair around letting me look at her handiwork at the mirror behind me. I was stunned by how much I was made pretty by Riley. Damn her work looked like a professional but I wasn't that shocked though Riley has always strived to succeed in everything she does; academics she always remain valedictorian

"Wow" I smiled looking up at a giggling Riley who still held her makeup brush in the air "thanks a bunch Riles"

"I know I'm pretty awesome you can pay me back by telling me all that happens tonight" both Riley and I laughed at her crazy words what did she expect would happen tonight

"What do you plan on wearing" Riley opened my closet swiping clothes that's was when it dawned on me I haven't thought of a dress to wear

"Umm... I haven't thought about that yet" I confessed

"Ugh. What would you ever do without me" she rolled her eyes then gave me a smile before facing back at my closet "yup, this is the one" she dragged out a black sparkly short gown "you have to wear this"

"Are you sure I should wear this" I asked unsure about the dress it looked a little bit skimpy

"Who is the boss" she said before giving a wild laugh. I changed into the dress and it looked good on me although it was light

"You look perfect Nikki" Riley screamed "I bet not as perfect as you" I complimented her

"Let's go they are probably waiting for us"

Damon POV

"Hello stud" Natalie began to rain compliments on me as she walked in on me, Gabe, Rebecca and Charlie conversing on the porch

"Natalie you look great" I was just trying to be courteous I honestly felt she was over dressed for a party. I wore a casual black leather jacket, a white T-shirt and black trouser

"Hey Natalie you look nice" Charlie winked at Natalie making her blush a little

"Hasn't Veronika or Riley come down. We are going to be late because of them" Natalie said as she stood beside Rebecca who wore a purple short gown with heavy purple makeup that made her look very dark

"we are ready guys" Riley announced as she and Veronika stepped out. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she looked gorgeous. Her blue aquarium eyes shimmered peacefully, her auburn hair were curled and draped loosely around her neck

"wow you look perfect Veronika" I blurted out not being able to control myself, at that moment I was completely stunned by how beautiful she looked

"thanks Damon" her face began to redden making me smile

"looking good Veronika. What do you think Gabe?" Charlie patted Gabe on the arm to get his attention from his phone, he looked up Veronika examining her from head to toe

"you look good Veronika" he finally said coldly, returning his eyes back to his device

"yay we are all complete so we can go now" Natalie led the way while I couldn't take my eyes off Veronika gosh she looked so pretty her auburn hair glowed in the night. The seven of us walked to the haunted cabin somewhere in the woods, I thought why it was given such dreadful name but well what do you expect from a college which had gained the name bloodyville.

Veronika POV

We could hear party music playing loudly as we approached the haunted cabin, I still didn't understand why it was called such a dreadful name it probably was to scare weak minded individuals like me, so I thought. Just outside it's red door stood Sophie clutching tightly unto Dave's hand like he was a prized possession which could easily spring forth feet and run away if not kept close. She had her smiling face on then whispered something into Dave's ear whatever it was caused Dave smile to come alive."Welcome, I see you all made it"

"Wouldn't miss this for the world" Charlie said excited, as we all smiled

"Okay then let's go in" Dave smiled revealing some set of white teeth suddenly I felt warm hands locking mine. It was Damon's

"Yes let get in outside is freezing" Damon smiled looking at me. What was he trying to do could he tell I was feeling awkward because of Dave and Sophie presence but either ways I was thankful for the help. I stepped into the haunted cabin hand in hand with Damon who swinged it with a smirk on his handsome face, what is he thinking about I thought staring at his face. He turned to me smiling widely

"Do you want a drink" he asked, I didn't even realise when his warm hands left mine I was to busy staring into his unnaturally green eyes

"Yeah thanks" he walked away towards the fridge, I only wonder why he suddenly became more nicer towards me "hey Veronika" Riley was with a guy that looked very familiar "this is Nathan Dave's dorm mate" that why he looked so familiar, he watched me make a spectacle out of myself

"Plus he is a senior" Riley whispered covering her lips in a pathetic attempt to thwart Nathan from hearing which I'm sure she failed to do

"Hi Nathan, I'm Veronika" I introduced myself even though I am positive he already knew that

"Yeah I know that, I have heard a lot about you"

"All good things I hope" wrong I knew whatever he have heard about me couldn't be nice "they are good things---"

"I'm back" interrupted Damon, he arrived with two cans he gave me one which wasn't alcoholic thankfully I wasn't planning on getting drunk and risk another blackout no way. We all listened to Nathan talking about a science project he was working on till everywhere went dark. Why did everywhere go black?

"Okay guys bad news the power is down" Sophie answered my thoughts lighting up candles "but that doesn't mean the party is over we could play a game" she added trying to save the party

"Let's play truth or dare" Scott suggestion didn't sit well with me I didn't know this people enough to feel comfortable in telling them secrets about myself. Secrets I didn't even want to know. I hoped someone would kick against the idea but no one did at a matter of fact they all supported the idea well at least Gabe didn't look as thrilled as the rest.

"What are the rules" Rebecca asked in a dull tone

"Oh my gosh haven't you played this game before" Kara retorted clearly annoyed by the question

"Chill Kara not everyone knows the rules alright" Scott

gave Kara a look then turned to Rebecca flashing a smile "the rule is when the tip of the bottle points at you the one who spins it asks you to pick from either truth or dare if you aren't able to tell the truth or do the dare you will have to take three shots of mixed alcohol understood" he looked around at everyone waiting for anymore questions

Everyone gathered around as Scott placed a beer bottle at the middle giving it a hard spin.


We played the game for almost an hour and luckily the tip of the bottle hasn't landed on me thankfully. The bottle was spun by Gabe and it tip faced me, I guess I spoke too soon.

"So Nikki truth or dare" Gabe asked not being able to contain the joy flooding him. It is just a game I tell myself

I couldn't choose truth and risk Gabe asking me something critical about my past "Dare" I chose terrified but totally aware I was better off with a wild dare than a bitter truth

"Okay then hmm, what could it be" he tapped his index finger on his lips, he was clearly enjoying this. I still wonder why he disliked me, though he claims I bullied him in highschool I still couldn't remember

"I dare you" everywhere fell silent as everyone awaited the dare "to make out with Dave" he finally said with all the joy he had in him. He smirked taking a sip from his canned drink. Scott and Charlie scoffed looking at each other as they went for fist bump. Sophie eyes darted around the room till it found mine, she wasn't smiling now. I looked at Dave who had a cool smile. I turned to look at Damon whose gaze were fixed on me then I said

"Where are the shots" I smiled weakly taking the shots from Scott.

"Boring" Jason groaned out loud

"Agreed" Damon concurred his face looked pissed

"Why don't we play something scary" Jason said with a sly smile etched on his face

"Ooh, like what" Natalie adjusted herself an the bean bag she sat on

"A Ouija board" everywhere went silent at the mere mention of the game, I could feel the room grow disturbingly cold now I wished I at least wore a jacket

"We could ask the other side things, things that we wish to know even things that haven't occurred yet" Jason pressed on his smile frozen in place

"Nice idea bruh, but where would we get a Ouija board from" Charlie stared at Jason for an answer

"I found a dusty old board around" Jason brought out a wooden board that stood close to a wall "I guess someone left it here"

My eyes was fixated at the board it looked so old, so ancient but yet so enchanting. My gaze was sent towards Kara "Well that isn't creepy" she joked around getting a few laughs but still something deep in my guts told me this game wasn't going to end pleasantly

"Okay, let's do this" Sophie chugged down the last remains of her canned drink and came closer to the board that Jason now placed before us

"Before we begin I want to tell a little story, have anyone heard the legend of the red ghoul. Once upon a time in Caston college there was a face behind a red ghoul mask that terrorized the people of Caston. She killed anyone and everyone, people say she enjoyed it. And one night during a halloween party held right here she committed a mass slaughter, few survived to tell the horrible tale they witnessed, that's how this place got the name haunted cabin or bloody cabin. Soon after she came for everyone who survived and killed them, marking their forehead with the mark of the crescent moon" Jason told the horrific tale steady and confident I am sure this wasn't his first time of telling this tale. An odd feeling fell across the room, from the corner of my eyes I could see the candles burning brighter and higher

"Wow why are you telling us all this" it was Kara who broke the cold silence around the room

"Don't you see this place was once a bloodbath so we can try to talk to the dead souls still trapped here"

"Guys I don't think that's a good idea" Nathan spoke the fear evident in his voice

"Let's try Nathan it would be fun" Riley placed her hands on a frantic Nathan then giggled

Jason carefully placed the heart shaped planchette on the board "Everyone place your index finger on the planchette" he commanded as everyone did, I slowly placed my finger on the planchette next to Damon's, his skin is cold against mine I try not to flinch as we sat on our knees

"Only good spirits are allowed" Jason said calmly "is any good spirit there?" suddenly I felt my finger moving towards the three letter YES.

I quivered. I couldn't believe it the planchette was moving I saw a smile pasted on Jason's face

"Its working. Who are you?" he questioned. I felt our fingers move slowly to the letter M-A-D then I-S-O-N.

I already got that it was spelling Madison

"OK. How did you die?"

The planchette moves to C, then goes down to U, then magnifies T

"So you were cut to death who killed---"

"We agreed to know more about ourselves not her" Kara snarled at Jason

"Now is not the time to be a bitch Kara, I think we should continue asking her questions maybe we might find out something nobody knows" Caitlin retorted back at Kara angrily, the air was getting a bit toxic

"Enough guys. You aren't being cool" Dave stepped in to put an end to their baseless dispute but failed

"You want questions right okay. Madison can you tell us who is going to kill Caitlin" she smiled. Everyone jaw dropped when the planchette began to move once again. Was it really going to tell us who would kill Caitlin? The planchette moved on to magnify the letter V.

The piece glides over to E-R-O. I became eerily alarmed by where it was going. The planchette moved swiftly N-I-K-. My mouth gapes wide open in shock, fear and terror as it finally rested on A. I'm a little bit tipsy but I can surely recognized when my name is being spelt out.